wait4party crashes when it triggers a 'sit'

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wait4party crashes when it triggers a 'sit'

#1 Post by tatankasa »

Hey, I use wait4party and if I configure it to sit to wait, it crashes my client. I can get the error message, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and/or if they know of a place to get updated plugin code that doesn't have this issue?

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Re: wait4party crashes when it triggers a 'sit'

#2 Post by SkylorD »

Post some screenshot ?!
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Re: wait4party crashes when it triggers a 'sit'

#3 Post by tatankasa »

Darn it, I forgot to check back here for replies!!!

I don't even remember what the error was....but I fixed it myself by modifying the code....I don't even remember for sure what changes I made...I think it was in the sub emulateCmdSit....and then after fixing it, I decided not to use it :) I think it was disrupting my planwalk routes (each time the master sat, it would skip to the next point on the planwalk, without reaching the previous one first) which happens anyways anytime the master looks for a lost party member....*sigh*...so I tried to fix that, but it seems there's no good way to wait/search for party members without dropping your current route......and now I don't even use planwalk anymore. I was all pumped to learn the coding but I didn't really make any progress beyond fixing my own 'sit' problem, in case I decide to use it :)

Code: Select all

# Wait4Party v1.5 rev a -- Stick Together Team!
# ©2008 by Contrad
# This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
# License, version 3.
# Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and/or distribute
# this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
# also distribute the source code.
# See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for the full license.
# How to use :
# <config.txt>
# wait4party (<boolean flag>)        
#   Wait4Party On or Off
# wait4party_sameMapOnly (<boolean flag>)      
#   Only activate if the party member are in the same map
# wait4party_waitBySitting (<boolean flag>)  
#   Don't search, just sit and wait
# wait4party_attackOnSearch (0|1|2)
#   0 = No; 1 = Retaliate; 2 = Yes
#   Attacking monster when searching member
# wait4party_followSit (<boolean flag>)      
#   Sitting when party is sitting. ATTENTION! Turn OFF 'followSitAuto' on slave or they'll sit forever!
# Jan 5, 2010 ~ Blackmail
# use AI_pre hooks ^^
# Add Features:
# wait4party_ignore [<player names>]
#   ignore (comma-separated list of) player names if you lost them.
# wait4party_timeout [<seconds>]
#   If timeout is exceeded and party doesn't appear on screen, master will search for the missing party.
# wait4party_cast [<skills>]
#   Wait if party cast (comma-separated list of) skills.
# Sep 11, 2010 : add sub emulateCmdSit, fix wait4party_followSit
# Oct 22, 2010 : change %field into $field
package wait4party;
use strict;
# use warnings;
# use Data::Dumper;
use Plugins;
use Globals qw(%config @partyUsersID $playersList $accountID $char $field %ai_v @ai_seq @ai_seq_args %timeout $taskManager);
use Utils qw(distance timeOut);
use Utils::DataStructures qw(existsInList);
use Log qw(message warning error debug);
use Translation qw/T TF/;
use constant {  NAME => 'wait4party' };
my %findParty;
my %partySit;
my @notAI = qw(storageAuto storageGet sellAuto buyAuto attack skill_use);
Plugins::register( NAME, 'Wait for party', \&unload, \&unload);
my $hooks = Plugins::addHooks(
        ['AI_pre', \&waitForOthers, undef],
        ['is_casting', \&waitCast, undef]);
sub unload {
        undef %findParty;
        undef %partySit;
        undef @notAI;
sub waitForOthers {
        return unless ($config{'wait4party'} && @partyUsersID);
        my $actor;
        foreach (@partyUsersID) {
                next if (!$_ || $_ eq $accountID
                  || ($config{'wait4party_ignore'} && existsInList("$config{'wait4party_ignore'}", "$char->{'party'}{'users'}{$_}{'name'}"))
                  || ($findParty{ID} && $findParty{ID} ne $_)); # first lost first served
                $actor = $playersList->getByID($_);
                # PARTY MISSING!!
                if(!$actor && $char->{'party'}{'users'}{$_}{'online'}) {
                        # party Check
                        my %party;
                        $party{x} = $char->{party}{users}{$_}{pos}{x};
                        $party{y} = $char->{party}{users}{$_}{pos}{y};
                        ($party{map}) = $char->{party}{users}{$_}{map} =~ /([\s\S]*)\.gat/;
                        if ($party{map} ne $field->baseName() || !$party{'x'} || !$party{'y'}
                          || ($party{'x'} == 0) || ($party{'y'} == 0)) {
                                next if $config{'wait4party_sameMapOnly'};
                                return unless timeOut($timeout{ai}{time},5);
                                delete $party{x};
                                delete $party{y};
                        next unless ($party{map} ne $field->baseName || exists $party{x});
                        # set %findParty when party dissappear from screen
                        if (!$findParty{ID}) {
                                $findParty{ID} = $_;
                                $findParty{time} = time if !$findParty{time};
                                $findParty{timeout} = $config{'wait4party_timeout'} if ($config{'wait4party_timeout'});
                                if ($config{'wait4party_waitBySitting'}) {
                                        warning ("Party (".$char->{party}{users}{$_}{name}.") lost, wait by sitting.\n", "wait4party");
                                } else {
                                        warning ("Party (".$char->{party}{users}{$_}{name}.") lost.\n", "wait4party");
                        # notAI
                        return if AI::inQueue(@notAI);
                        if ($config{'wait4party_waitBySitting'}) {
                                emulateCmdSit() if (!$char->{sitting});
                                return if (!$findParty{timeout});   # wait by sit forever..
                        return if ($findParty{timeout} && !timeOut(\%findParty));
                        # Search for Party
                        if ((exists $ai_v{party} && distance(\%party, $ai_v{party}) > $config{followDistanceMax})
                          || ($party{map} ne $ai_v{party}{map})
                          || ($ai_v{party}{time} && timeOut($ai_v{party}{time}, 15) && distance(\%party, $char->{pos_to}) > $config{followDistanceMax})) {
                                $ai_v{party}{x} = $party{x};
                                $ai_v{party}{y} = $party{y};
                                $ai_v{party}{map} = $party{map};
                                $ai_v{party}{time} = time;
                                if ($ai_v{party}{map} ne $field->baseName) {
                                        message TF("Calculating route to find %s: %s\n", $char->{party}{users}{$_}{name}, $ai_v{party}{map}), NAME;
                                } elsif (distance(\%party, $char->{pos_to}) > $config{followDistanceMax} ) {
                                        message TF("Calculating route to find %s: %s (%d %d)\n", $char->{party}{users}{$_}{name}, $ai_v{party}{map}, $ai_v{party}{x}, $ai_v{party}{y}), NAME;
                                } else {
                                AI::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
                                AI::ai_route($ai_v{party}{map}, $ai_v{party}{x}, $ai_v{party}{y}, distFromGoal => $config{followDistanceMin}, attackOnRoute => $config{'wait4party_attackOnSearch'});
                # party found
                } elsif ($findParty{ID} eq $_) {
                        %findParty = (); ## undef findParty!!
                        if (!$char->{'party'}{'users'}{$_}{'online'}) {
                                warning TF("Party member %s is offline\n", $char->{party}{users}{$_}{name}), NAME;
                        Commands::cmdStand() if ($char->{sitting} && !$partySit{ID});
                        message TF("Party member %s found!\n", $char->{party}{users}{$_}{name}), NAME;
                ## party sit?
                } elsif ($actor && $config{'wait4party_followSit'} && !(AI::inQueue(@notAI)) && AI::action ne "sitAuto") {
                        # Salah trigger??
                        if ($actor->{sitting} && !$partySit{ID}) {
                                emulateCmdSit() if (!$char->{sitting});
                                warning TF ("Party member %s sit\n", $actor->{name}), NAME;
                                %partySit = ( 'ID' => $actor->{ID}, 'time' => time, 'timeout' => 10 );
                        } elsif ($partySit{ID} && $actor->{ID} eq $partySit{ID} && timeOut(\%partySit)) {
                                if ($actor->{sitting}) {
                                        emulateCmdSit() if (!$char->{sitting});
                                        $partySit{'time'} = time;
                                        $partySit{'timeout'} = 5;
                                } elsif (!$actor->{sitting}) {
                                        message TF("Party member %s stand\n", $actor->{name}), NAME;
                                        %partySit = ();
                                if (!$char->{'party'}{'users'}{$_}{'online'}) {
                                        warning TF("Party member %s is offline\n", $actor->{name}), NAME;
                                        %partySit = ();
sub waitCast {
        return unless ($config{'wait4party'}
         && $config{'wait4party_cast'}
         && @partyUsersID
         && AI::action eq "route" && !AI::inQueue("attack"));
        my (undef,$actor) = @_;
        return unless existsInList($config{'wait4party_cast'}, $actor->{skill}->getName());
        foreach (@partyUsersID) {  
                next if (!$_ || $_ ne $actor->{sourceID} || $_ eq $accountID
                  || ($config{'wait4party_ignore'} && existsInList("$config{'wait4party_ignore'}", "$char->{'party'}{'users'}{$_}{'name'}")));
                my $wait = int($actor->{castTime} * 0.001 + 1) + 1;
                warning TF("Party member %s is casting %s, wait %d seconds\n",
                  $char->{party}{users}{$_}{name}, $actor->{skill}->getName(), $wait), NAME;
                # can't find better idea to suspend AI other than this
                AI::ai_clientSuspend(0, $wait);
# Note:
# Copied from Commands::cmdSit
# change AI::ai_getAggresives() to AI::ai_getAggressives(1,1) -> react for party aggressive monster?
sub emulateCmdSit {
        $ai_v{sitAuto_forcedBySitCommand} = 1;
        AI::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
        AI::clear("attack") unless AI::ai_getAggressives(1,1);
        require Task::SitStand;
        my $task = new Task::ErrorReport(
                task => new Task::SitStand(
        		actor => $char,
                        mode => 'sit',
                        priority => Task::USER_PRIORITY
        $ai_v{sitAuto_forceStop} = 0;

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