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Timeout on the map server

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 10:40
by ricardoj1

Hoje, baixei o openkore pelo Tortoise SVN, como eu utilizo o Win7, precisei utilizar a VMware Workstation com WinXP, fiz tudo corretamente porem o openkore loga no servidor de mapas da "Tempo Esgotado no Servidor de Mapas", por favor alguem informa uma solução plausivel.

[En] - (Google Translater)

today, I downloaded the OpenKore by Tortoise SVN, as I use Win7, I had to use VMware Workstation with WinXP, I did everything correctly put the OpenKore log onto the server maps the "Timeout on Map Server", please someone reports a plausible solution.

Re: Timeout on the map server

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 16:33
by daggerblade

Re: Timeout on the map server

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 17:21
by ricardoj1
What is this?