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How to prioritize slave's Heal when master is attacking

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 21:50
by skyscraper11
Is there a way to make my slave to focus on healing when master is attacking monsters and slave must not be doing any buffs only when master is attacking, because when my slave is casting Magni or Assump, its master is dying :lol:
or is there a macro for that?
btw, OnAction and notOnAction is not working,
help? :D

Re: How to prioritize slave's Heal when master is attacking

Posted: 22 Aug 2013, 08:24
by crashdmj
I am also curious if this is possible.

On a related note: how would one specify priority for spell (skill) casting? Do they trigger in the order listed in the config file?

*Edit: from the wiki: "When Kore is ready to use a certain type of block configuration, Kore checks each defined block from top to bottom and stops when it finds a block whose defined attributes or conditions are met. Therefore, place the more important block options on top and the lower priority ones, below."

Re: How to prioritize slave's Heal when master is attacking

Posted: 11 Sep 2013, 13:13
by Dubaimeister
skyscraper11 wrote:Is there a way to make my slave to focus on healing when master is attacking monsters and slave must not be doing any buffs only when master is attacking, because when my slave is casting Magni or Assump, its master is dying :lol:
or is there a macro for that?
btw, OnAction and notOnAction is not working,
help? :D
So far the most related topic for you question is this

Re: How to prioritize slave's Heal when master is attacking

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 16:00
by gluglok
Really solid healing priest (so far healed 300 levels my two knights and himself while leveling ;])
I went 40 dex right away, then maxed int at 99, now putting points in vit - worked fine!
90 levels no gear so far lol [;
Heal plan:
You will heal yourself first. Under 80% hp you will not buff. Long spells cast on follow, not in fights. Don't cast in towns. Keep tank standing with extra Kyries - on top of heals for everyone in party.
sequence in fights:
- always prioritize self if heavily damaged; if hp < 50% then nothing of this sequence will happen until you heal.
- kyrie self on hydra-like occasions; aggressives >= 2
- heal up above 90% - because you want to be really selfish
- heal other party members with hp < 50%
- kyrie party member if needed; target_aggressives > 4
- heal party above 75% hp
- cure, slow poison, status recovery
- heal up party to above 95% (if you are still above 80% yourself)
- main tank kyrie eleison
- ressurection
- all buffs but Magnificat, Gloria and Angelus (i prefer having open cooldown for healing in fights)
only while following:
- Magnificat, Gloria, Angelus

In master's/config/overallAuth.txt:

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Your_priests_name 1
so that the master will react to your priest's wait requests. This is ESSENTIAL.

priest skills in config.txt:

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useSelf_skill Heal {
	lvl 5
	sp > 40
	notInTown 1
	hp < 55%
	timeout 3
	maxCastTime 3
	onAction Attack
useSelf_skill Kyrie Eleison {
	lvl 10
	sp > 60
	notInTown 1
	hp < 94%
	aggressives >= 2
	whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison
	target_timeout 30
	maxCastTime 3
	stopWhenHit 1
	#onAction Attack
useSelf_skill Heal {
	lvl 10
	sp > 40
	notInTown 1
	hp < 90%
	timeout 3
	maxCastTime 3
partySkillDistance 0..8
#priority heal
partySkill Heal {
	lvl 10
	target_hp < 50%
	onAction Attack
#save kyrie
partySkill Kyrie Eleison {
	lvl 10
	sp > 15%
	target_hp > 30%
	notInTown 1
	target_aggressives > 4
	monstersCount >= 1
	target_whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison
	target_timeout 30
	timeout 30
	maxCastTime 3
	disabled 0
#healing up to above 3/4 unless just got hit to under 50% yourself
partySkill Heal {
	lvl 10
	sp > 40
	hp > 50%
	target_hp < 77%
	notInTown 1
	maxCastTime 3

partySkill Cure {
	lvl 1
	target_whenStatusActive Blinded
	target_isJob Knight
	sp > 10%
	target_timeout 5
	notInTown 1
	maxCastTime 3
#slow poison, status recovery, cure above 50% only (healing priority)
partySkill Status Slow Poison {
	lvl 1
	hp > 50%
	sp > 25
	target_hp > 39%
	target_timeout 2
	target_whenStatusActive Poisoned
	notInTown 1
	maxCastTime 3
partySkill Status Recovery {
	lvl 1
	hp > 50%
	sp > 15%
	target_hp > 49%
	target_timeout 5
	target_whenStatusActive Frozen, Stone Curse, Stun
	notInTown 1
	maxCastTime 5

partySkill Cure {
	lvl 1
	hp > 50%
	target_whenStatusActive Cursed, Chaos, Silenced
	sp > 15%
	target_hp > 49%
	target_timeout 5
	notInTown 1
	maxCastTime 3
#chill heal to 100% after statuses clear
partySkill Heal {
	lvl 10
	sp > 50%
	hp > 80%
	target_hp < 95%
	notInTown 1
	maxCastTime 3

#main tank kyrie
partySkill Kyrie Eleison {
	lvl 10
	sp > 80%
	hp > 80%
	target_hp > 40%
	notInTown 1
	monstersCount >= 3
	target_aggresives > 1
	target_whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison
	#timeout 30
	target_timeout 30
	maxCastTime 3
	onAction Attack
#priority ressurection
partySkill Resurrection {
	lvl 4
	target_dead 1
	ininventory Blue Gem
	target_timeout 15
#buffs during follow, while safe and healed
useSelf_skill Magnificat {
	lvl 5
	sp > 40
	hp > 90%
	stopWhenHit 1
	notInTown 1
	timeout 20
	whenStatusInactive Magnificat
	maxCastTime 4
	onAction Follow
	aggresives < 2
partySkill Increase Agility {
	lvl 10
	sp > 20%
	hp > 80%
	stopWhenHit 1
	notInTown 1
	target_whenStatusInactive Increase Agility
	target_timeout 60
	timeout 15
	maxCastTime 3
partySkill Blessing {
	lvl 10
	target_whenStatusInactive Blessing
	sp > 40%
	hp > 80%
	target_hp > 80%
	target_timeout 60
	notInTown 1
	stopWhenHit 1
	timeout 15
	maxCastTime 3
partySkill Impositio Manus {
	lvl 5
	sp > 70%
	hp > 80%
	target_hp > 80%
	whenStatusInactive Impositio Manus
	stopWhenHit 1
	notInTown 1
	monstersCount >= 1
	target_isJob Knight
	target_timeout 60
	timeout 5
	maxCastTime 3
partySkill Gloria {
	lvl 10
	sp > 60%
	hp > 80%
	isSelfSkill 1
	whenStatusInactive Gloria
	notInTown 1
	timeout 30
	onAction Follow
	maxCastTime 3
partySkill Angelus {
	lvl 10
	sp > 60%
	hp > 80%
	isSelfSkill 1
	whenStatusInactive Angelus
	notInTown 1
	timeout 30
	onAction Follow
	maxCastTime 3
partySkill Aspersio {
	lvl 1
	sp > 25
	hp > 70%
	target_whenStatusInactive Aspersio
	target_isJob Knight
	inInventory Holy Water
	#monsters Ghostring, Marionette, Giant Whisper, Whisper
	target_monsters Ghostring, Marionette, Giant Whisper
	monsters Ghostring, Marionette, Giant Whisper
	disabled 0
	target_timeout 30
	maxCastTime 4
	notInTown 1

useSelf_skill Aqua Benedicta {
	lvl 1
	sp > 50%
	hp > 90%
	inLockOnly 0
	whenFollowing 1
	inInventory Empty Bottle > 0
	disabled 1
	monstersCount < 1
	timeout 10
	maxCastTime 2
partySkill Sanctuary {
	lvl 10
	sp > 80%
	hp < 95%
	notInTown 1
	monstersCount >= 3
	aggressives > 0
	whenNotGround Sanctuary
	timeout 60
	maxCastTime 4
	onAction Attack
	maxUses 4
	disabled 1
	ininventory Blue Gem
Note: uses target_isJob Knight. And my specific tank name, so review the config a bit.
You don't need to touch anything else to be a successful healslavemonkey, however
these are other settings that work for me:

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route_step 15
#use 1 if not leveling
runFromTarget 0
runFromTarget_dist 4
route_randomWalk 1
route_escape_reachedNoPortal 1
route_avoidWalls 1
route_teleport 0
route_escape_randomWalk 1
route_randomWalk_inTown 0
route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime 75
follow 1
followCheckLOS 1
followSitAuto 0
followDistanceMax 4
followDistanceMin 1
followLostStep 5
followBot 1
followRandom 1
followRandomDistance 1
itemsMaxWeight 45
attackAuto 1
attackAuto_party 2
attackAuto_followTarget 1
attackMaxRouteDistance 100
attackMaxRouteTime 6
Note: very tight follow is tight and obvious.

in master's config.txt:

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attackAuto 2
attackAuto_party 2
attackDistance 1
attackDistanceAuto 1
attackMaxDistance 1
attackMaxRouteDistance 150
attackMaxRouteTime 4
attackMinPlayerDistance 1
attackMinPortalDistance 2
route_avoidWalls 1
route_randomWalk 1
route_randomWalk_inTown 0
route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime 150
route_teleport 0
route_step 6
note: 6 is very tight, and tight is obvious.

If u got a 3rd dps char do:

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attackAuto 1
attackAuto_party 2
and she will protect your priest, kinda :>

Happy farming d;-]