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Can someone help me to fix macro please.

Posted: 16 Nov 2018, 14:03
by gutiman
Hello. I am making macro for training ground completion. For now it looks like this and i have got some problem already.

Code: Select all

automacro Novice1a {
	exclusive 1
	run-once 1
	base == 1
	class Novice
	eval $::config{BeginNovice} eq ""
	call NoviceBegin1
macro NoviceBegin1 {
	do conf skillsAddAuto_list Basic skills 9
	do conf attackAuto 0
	do conf autoTalkCont 0
	do conf lockMap none
	do conf saveMap none
	do conf route_randomWalk 0
	pause 15
	do move 53 113
	pause 5
	do talknpc 53 114 c c c c c c c n
	pause 6
	do move 146 112
	pause 5
	do conf QuestPart Novice1
automacro Novice1b {
	exclusive 1
	eval $::config{QuestPart} eq "Novice1"
	run-once 1
	call NoviceBegin2
macro NoviceBegin2 {
	do move 99 29
	pause 5
	do talknpc 100 29 c c c c r0 c n
	pause 7
	do conf QuestPart Novice2
automacro Novice1c {
	exclusive 1
	eval $::config{QuestPart} eq "Novice2"
	run-once 1
	call NoviceBegin3
macro NoviceBegin3 {
	do move 100 104
	do talknpc 100 105 c c c c c c c c c c c c n
	pause 15
	do eq Tattered Novice Ninja Suit
	pause 5
	do eq Novice Slippers
	pause 5
	do eq Novice Main-Gauche
	pause 5
	do eq Novice False Eggshell
	pause 5
	do talknpc 100 105 c c c c c c c c c c c n
	pause 15
	do conf QuestPart Novice3
So the problem is he is trying to complete all commands at once. For example he doesn't talk to first npc at 53 114, move to the next location straight away while trying to equip novice items.

Re: Can someone help me to fix macro please.

Posted: 16 Nov 2018, 14:29
by fadreus
Just remove those brackets [ ].

Tips for writing macros:
-Start with basics
-Revert changes if new edit won't work.

Follow the SOP ;)

Re: Can someone help me to fix macro please.

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 03:10
by gutiman
Thank you for help. Almost got macro from novice to thief except the one problem with training ground quest.

Code: Select all

automacro PoringQuest {
    eval $::config{QuestPart} eq "Poring"
    timeout 30
    macro_delay 3
    call {
    if (&questCompleteCount(7122) == 1) call StartNext
macro StartNext {
    do mconf 1002 0
    do mconf 1014 2
    do conf QuestPart Novice7
So he is not starting next part of macro(StartNext) when one poring dies and keep killing them till the end.

Re: Can someone help me to fix macro please.

Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 04:13
by fadreus
gutiman wrote:

Code: Select all

    if (&questCompleteCount(7122) == 1) call StartNext
This is for eventMacro, not old macro.
They aren't the same yet very similar.
You just missed a few stuff, not that much.
Read again at the wiki.
Hope this give you some insight where you are going wrong & how to fix it.