Other additional auto/macro syntaxes and other functions included in Macro 2.0.3-SVN:-
- whenGround - triggers when you are in the effect of ground status.
- areaSpell - triggers when you're in the range of distance(from centre of location spell) when someone uses a location spell ex: Warp Portal.
- playerguild - triggers when new player actor or charnameupdate received match the conditions of guild list with distance.
- monster - an upgrade version from the original automacro syntax
- localtime - triggers when cpu clock match the conditions of the time set.
- spell - an upgrade version from the original automacro syntax
- Variable usage in automacro syntax - new features
- Range Numbers - new features
- Perl Look-A-Like If Statement - enable some of the perl if-statement functionality. Still under developement stage(developers are welcome)
- Perl sub routine in macro scripting - still under developement stage(developers are welcome)
- npc special keyword - @npc(123 123) , @npc(/<regexp>) and @npc("npc name") now available
- nick special keyword - read the link to understand
- arg special keyword - enable variable usage in @arg