responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#71 Post by just4pogs »

help me with my bypass please i think my only problem is in the config part my bot doesn't reply or do anything at all which pisses me off!


in my config

reactOnNPC talkImage num {
type number
msg_0 [Police]
msg_1 Input this number:

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#72 Post by musshh »


Code: Select all

[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.22] You are now: look: GM Perfect Hide
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.22] You are now: look: Ruwach
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.22] You are now: state: Frozen
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.22] Show NPC image: mets_alpha.bmp
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.22] [responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "mets_alpha.bmp"
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.23] solace_die.wav 0  ͒ 
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.23] Unknown #110011550: [Police]
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.23] Unknown #110011550: Input this number:
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.23] Unknown #110011550:  
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.24] Unknown #110011550: one of fïve
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.24] Unknown #110011550:  ninêtÿ  seconds to respond
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.24] NPC image: bkd2.bmp (0)
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.24] [responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "bkd2.bmp"
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.24] Unknown #110011550: Auto-continuing talking
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.70] Unknown #110011550: [Police]
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.71] Unknown #110011550: Input this number:
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.71] Unknown #110011550:  
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.71] Unknown #110011550: one of fïve
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.71] Unknown #110011550:  eightÿ nïne seconds to respond
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.72] NPC image: bkd0.bmp (1)
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.72] [responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "bkd0.bmp"
[Feb 23 06:13:48 2011.72] Unknown #110011550: Auto-continuing talking
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.24] guitar.wav 0  ͒ 
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.26] Unknown #110011550: [Police]
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.26] Unknown #110011550: Input this number:
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.27] Unknown #110011550:  
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.27] Unknown #110011550: one of fïve
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.27] Unknown #110011550:  eightÿ eïght seconds to respond
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.27] Show NPC image: bkd8.bmp
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.27] [responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "bkd8.bmp"
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.28] Unknown #110011550: Auto-continuing talking
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.50] You move - timeout
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.52] You sending move from (160,325) to (155,327) - distance 5.00
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.57] NPC Exists: Unknown #110011550 (160, 325) (ID 110011550) - (0)
[Feb 23 06:13:49 2011.57] Unknown #110011550: Type 'talk num <number #>' to input a number.
[Feb 23 06:13:50 2011.50] You move - timeout[Feb 23 06:25:23 2011.61] Loading control\mon_control.txt...

Code: Select all

bkd1.bmp 1
bkd2.bmp 2
bkd3.bmp 3
bkd4.bmp 4
bkd5.bmp 5
bkd6.bmp 6
bkd7.bmp 7
bkd8.bmp 8
bkd9.bmp 9
bkd0.bmp 0

Code: Select all

reactOnNPC talkImage num {
type number
msg_0 Police
msg_1 /.*/
msg_2 /.*/
msg_3 /.*/
msg_4 /.*/
This is how it looks like:


Same problem from previous posts here. Bot is responding from fist 3 images but not responding with the last image wherein he needs to put all three numbers with the last part. Just my opinion, maybe the guide is incomplete or there are other changes we need to fix at the plugins. Can someone help me figure this out, if by chance the problem is on the plugins, I need to study how to make a plugins then :cry:

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#73 Post by jolashane »

we got all the same problem guys hope someone will help us out here :shock:

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#74 Post by iambilly »

can anyone update the links at the first page please? :)

*oh found it. no need to update the links.

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#75 Post by Avior »

I've the same problem here... i wonder wich one is wrong, the plugins need to edit or the imagetable.txt or else.. maybe some of you already find the answer would you please help us about this..
[Mar 4 14:48:12 2011.83] You are now: look: GM Perfect Hide
You are now: look: Ruwach
You are now: state: Frozen
[responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "mets_alpha.bmp"
You play: se_scream_w01.wav
[GM] Police: I really sorry but i need to know if you are Playing or Boting.
[responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "bkd8.bmp"
You play: solace_die.wav
[GM] Police: I really sorry but i need to know if you are Playing or Boting.
[responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "bkd5.bmp"
You play: jupe_warning.wav
[GM] Police: I really sorry but i need to know if you are Playing or Boting.
[responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> "bkd7.bmp"
NPC Exists: Unknown #110011927 (80, 164) (ID 110011927) - (0)
Unknown #110011927: Type 'talk num <number #>' to input a number.
[reactOnNPC] Reacting to NPC. Executing command "talkImage num".
[responseOnNPCImage] Executing command "talk num bkd7.bmp".
Error in function 'talk num' (Respond to NPC)
You must specify a number.
Sir iambilly, i cant reply your pm. bcoz im not available to attach the file, then i'll put here my respImageTable.txt and my and how about the would you give link for for me. thx for your kind help :)

imageNameEqual num

bkd0.bmp 0
bkd1.bmp 1
bkd2.bmp 2
bkd3.bmp 3
bkd4.bmp 4
bkd5.bmp 5
bkd6.bmp 6
bkd7.bmp 7
bkd8.bmp 8
bkd9.bmp 9
# This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
# License, version 2.
# Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
# this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
# also distribute the source code.
# See for the full license.

# responseOnNPCImage v1.0.1
# (C)2007 abt123
# For OpenKore 1.9.x
# NOTE: This plugin meant to be use with hakore's reactOnNPC

package responseOnNPCImage;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Globals qw(%talk);
use Commands; #qw(run register unregister)
use Settings; # qw(addConfigFile delConfigFile);
use FileParsers qw(parseDataFile);
use Log qw(message error);
use I18N qw(bytesToString);

my %imageTable;
my $imageName;
my @NPCresponses;

Plugins::register('responseOnNPCImage', 'respose base on NPC Image', \&onUnload);
my $cmd = Commands::register(['talkImage', 'talk response by image', \&cmdTalkImage]);
my $hooks = Plugins::addHooks(
['packet/npc_image', \&onNPCImage],
['packet_pre/npc_talk_number', \&onNPCTalkInput],
['packet_pre/npc_talk_text', \&onNPCTalkInput],
['packet/npc_talk_responses', \&onNPCResponses]
my $imgf = Settings::addControlFile('respImageTable.txt', loader => [\&parseDataFile, \%imageTable]);

sub onUnload {
undef %imageTable;
undef $imageName;
undef @NPCresponses;

sub onNPCImage {
my (undef, $args) = @_;
$imageName = bytesToString($args->{npc_image});
return unless $imageName;
message "[responseOnNPCImage] Image name >> \"$imageName\"\n", "info";

sub onNPCTalkInput {
my (undef, $args) = @_;
$talk{ID} = $args->{ID};

sub onNPCResponses {
my (undef, $args) = @_;
my $msg = I18N::bytesToString(unpack("Z*", substr($args->{RAW_MSG}, 8)));
@NPCresponses = ();
my @preTalkResponses = split /:/, $msg;
foreach my $response (@preTalkResponses) {
$response =~ s/\^[a-fA-F0-9]{6}//g;
push @NPCresponses, $response if ($response ne '');

sub cmdTalkImage {
my (undef, $args) = @_;
my $cmd = '';

if ($args !~ /resp|num|text/) {
error "Syntax Error in function 'talkImage' (Talk to NPC base on NPC image)\n" .
"Usage: talkImage <resp | num | text>\n";
if ($imageName eq '') {
error "[responseOnNPCImage] Doesn't seen any image yet!\n";
if (defined $imageTable{$imageName} && $imageTable{$imageName} ne '') {
if ($args eq 'num') {
$cmd = "talk num $imageTable{$imageName}";
} elsif ($args eq 'text') {
$cmd = "talk text $imageTable{$imageName}";
} elsif ($args eq 'resp') {
message "[responseOnNPCImage] Match \"$imageTable{$imageName}\" to response list.\n", "info";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@NPCresponses) {
last if ($_ =~ /$imageTable{$imageName}/i);
if ($i < (scalar @NPCresponses)) {
$cmd = "talk resp $i";
} else {
error "[responseOnNPCImage] Can not match \"$imageTable{$imageName}\" to response list.\n";
message "[responseOnNPCImage] You must response by yourself now!\n", "info";
} else {
if ($args eq 'num') {
if ($imageTable{'imageNameEqual'} eq 'num') {
$cmd = "talk num $imageName";
} else {
error "[responseOnNPCImage] Image name not equal to number.\n";
message "[responseOnNPCImage] You must response by yourself now!\n", "info";
} elsif ($args eq 'text') {
if ($imageTable{'imageNameEqual'} eq 'text') {
$cmd = "talk text $imageName";
} else {
error "[responseOnNPCImage] Image name not equal to text.\n";
message "[responseOnNPCImage] You must response by yourself now!\n", "info";
} elsif ($args eq 'resp') {
if ($imageTable{'imageNameEqual'} eq 'resp') {
message "[responseOnNPCImage] Match \"$imageName\" to response list.\n", "info";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@NPCresponses) {
next unless $_;
last if ($_ =~ /$imageName/i);
if ($i < (scalar @NPCresponses)) {
$cmd = "talk resp $i";
} else {
error "[responseOnNPCImage] Can not match \"$imageName\" to response list.\n";
message "[responseOnNPCImage] You must response by yourself now!\n", "info";
} else {
error "[responseOnNPCImage] Image name not equal to response choice.\n";
message "[responseOnNPCImage] You must response by yourself now!\n", "info";

if ($cmd ne '') {
message "[responseOnNPCImage] Executing command \"$cmd\".\n", "success";
$imageName = '';

return 1;

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#76 Post by Avior »

Mucilon wrote:Felhs, ZorDen & Roloe
Sorry about the time way... I had some health issues! But now I'm back!
Felhs sent me a pm with the problems you had with this plugin... the thing is that this version can't answer correctly the server's antibot of yours!
Well, because of that I made a changed on it and now you need to test it... It will work to all servers including the ones who asks just one number!
You don't need to change anything on the config, but it will answer all the numbers asked. At least I think :D
Hi Sir Mucilon.. can i get the copy of this plugins? coz the link is broken and i still have this problem. would you mind to give a new link for us to download please? thanks a lot :P

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#77 Post by Avior »

why my post does not show up? where is the moderator? i need help..!

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#78 Post by pagalas »

Need help regarding this... I still can't figure out on how to configure it to get the images. and then Input all the numbers >.<

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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#79 Post by kalansay »

any update on this?.. i'm also having a problem :(
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Re: responseOnNPCImage "response base on NPC Image" by abt123

#80 Post by simonsong90 »

Come on guys. Wasn't that hard isn't it? I'm giving out hints here.

If 1st image = 3,
2nd image = 6,
3rd image = 8.

Then! Make it like this.
1st image = 300
2nd image = 60
3rd image = 8

eval 3 of the above = 368. TADA!! Not that hard isn't it? =)

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