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waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 09:52
by Mucilon
This plugin was made and posted at old forum by Chontrad, at this address:
Originaly it was made upon modifications to openkore base code, so to get this work to the original openkore, I made some changes to this plugin.

What it does:
This great plugin was made to be used at the party's masterbot, checking if the follow bot is around, if not, the masterbot will search for it, walking to followbot's last known position. When they found each other, the masterbot will clear the AI and return to its AI normal sequence...
This plugin can replace the followBot option at config.txt, where the followbot sends pms to masterbot, telling him where to go (the place where the followbot is).
This plugin is better then followBot option at config.txt, cause at this option the masterbot normally pass thru the followbot, walking to the position where the followbot was a few seconds ago and both walk back some steps before the masterbot return to its normal AI sequence. At this plugin as soon as the followbot is insight of the masterbot (based on followDistanceMax of the masterbot) the masterbot returns to its normal AI sequence.
TIP: If you have a buffer and a melee in a party, just use the follow 1 at the buffer bot and the follow_wait 1 at the melee bot. You don't need to use the follow_wait 1 to both. In this case, masterbot = melee bot and followbot = buffer bot.

- Inserted the AI_pre hook, so the plugin could work, since I don't know where were placed the new hooks made by Chontrad at the mod openkore base code.
- Take off the sit and stand commands, with the new hook (AI_pre), the bot was playing of sit and stand...
- I didn't take off the other hooks, but I think that most of them don't exist!
- Translated the messages.
- Added follow_wait_inLockOnly option, thanks to fco2783. (16/05/2008)

- Added follow_wait_noPartyMember option (03/10/2008)
- Added follow_wait_timeOut option (03/10/2008)

How to Install:
1) Download the file
2) Place it at plugins folder.

How to Use:
Just use this at config.txt.

Code: Select all

follow_wait 1       #(0|1) Use 1 to enable the plugin to run.
follow_wait_inLockOnly        #(0|1) Use 1 to enable the bot to wait for party only at lock map
follow_wait_timeOut 20       #Number of seconds between each check of distance to the followbot
follow_wait_noPartyMember <partyname>       #Name of a player at the party to do not wait for him (only one name)

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Author's Version (Chontrad) DON'T USE THIS VERSION, IT'S OUTDATED.
How to install :
The author uses self defined hooks instead of 'AI_pre' to reduce PC usage.
So you must copy the modified <Src\Network\> file.
The author use 'Bahasa' instead of 'English' to promote INDONESIA. :D
But it is already translated.

How to use :
wait4party (0|1) Wait4Party On or Off
wait4party_sameMapOnly (0|1) Only activate if the party member are in the same map
wait4party_waitBySitting (0|1) Don't search, just sit and wait
wait4party_followSit (0|1) Sitting when party is sitting
ATTENTION! Turn off 'followSitAuto' or they'll sit forever!

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[The extension pm has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

I hope you enjoy it! ;)

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 03:17
by Krai
nice, added to my new slave/master combo.

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 09 Apr 2008, 06:10
by Taiko
What I'm basically looking for is a masterbot that does NOT walk back to slave. I'm finding solution where the masterbot will stay right where it missed the slave while the slave returns?

Does this help out for the specification I'm looking for ?

"checking if the follow bot is around, if not, the master bot will search for it."
This means the master bot will reverse back searching for follow/slave bot?

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 09 Apr 2008, 06:38
by Mucilon
The masterbot will walk to the slavebot, but when they found each other, the master bot clears the AI and start to move, searching for monsters.

I edited the first post to explain better how it works!

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 11 Apr 2008, 05:18
by Taiko
Possible problem is that before the MasterBot returns to last known FollowBots location, the FollowBot already reached previous spot where the MasterBot stood before backing off. Then the FollowBot returns back for MasterBot back, but then MasterBot goes opposite side again. Hard to explain clearly but happens to me on a semi-lagged server. Will the bot stop going to last known location of FollowBot if it sees the FollowBot on the way to MasterBot (haven't reach the coord yet)?

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 11 Apr 2008, 06:56
by Mucilon
This kind of thing happens just with the followBot 1 option, with this plugin the masterbot will return to his AI sequences (like: random move, attack, take items, ...) as soon as it sees the followbot! This see means the followbot is inside the followDistanceMax of masterbot's option.
That is because this plugin is called at every AI program execution, so the masterbot will test every time where the followbot is! The followBot option just generate a move command to the masterbot, so it will execute this command independent from where the followbot is!
I aggree with you, this kind of thing is hard to explain... imagine to me, cause english isn't my native language!
I hope you understand the text.

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 11 Apr 2008, 09:24
by Taiko
You'll only understand this topic only if you've monitored & experienced the followbot problem. I understand your contribution here, your piece of work is what I was finding : ) Anyway, since the bot will always checking whether the FollowBot is always on screen to choose right command, it means the CPU usage will slightly more higher isn't it, but more efficient I guess. I think no matter how good the plugin and configuration is, RO connection speed is important for proper followbot as well.

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 11 Apr 2008, 13:44
by Mucilon
I used the followBot option before use this plugin, I know what you mean!
About the CPU usage it is true, but it works better...

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 12 Apr 2008, 12:02
by Buy n Sell
##Support Slave##
automacro master{
console "I lost my master"
run-once 1
timeout 0
call lost

macro lost{
do pm "<master name>" move $.pos
release master
dude this macro works just like that

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted!

Posted: 12 Apr 2008, 16:46
by Mucilon
Buy n Sell
No, this macro will work just like the followBot option at config.txt, based on openkore base code... you don't need this macro, you can just use this followBot option!
This plugin is more "onthefly", I mean, as soon as the follower bot is inside of n blocks away from master bot, the master bot will stop the move command (to find the follower bot) and start to search for monsters or other things!

at master bot config.txt:
followDistanceMax 10
Positions stats:
follower bot pos: 100 100
master bot pos: 130 130
Distance ~= 42

with followBot option:
The follower bot will send the pm with his position to the master bot: pm MasterBot move 100 100
After that, the master bot will stop what it is doing to move to this position, but at the same time the follower bot is moving, lets assume that they will take 10 seconds find each other at the middle of the path with the positions: Master bot 113 113 and follower bot 117 117, at this moment the follower bot will release the message Master found, but the master bot has the command to move to 100 100 position and even passing at the follower bot actual position, it will move to the position 100 100 with the follower bot at his back and just after it reach this position, it will return to search for monsters or anything else.

with this plugin:
The master bot is far away from the follower bot (followDistanceMax or LOS), so it will stop what it is doing to move to the last follower bot position, at all time checking if the follower bot is followDistanceMax away or inside LOS (Line of Sight) and as soon as the follower bot is found, the master bot stop the moving command and return to search for monsters or anything else.

I hope that now every one can understand the difference.