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Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 27 May 2009, 11:29
by Jayk
None of the download links are working. I tried to edit my own receive file with the above edits, but that did not work. Could someone please upload another that works with this plugin please?

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 31 May 2009, 08:28
by litaking
Please fix the DL links, thank you!

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 00:55
by Minos
Every link's off =/

Could someone please upload another and wait4party plugin please? Sorry i don't speak english


Você é brasileiro? sabe falar português? Sou membro do Openkore Brasil e estou dando uma olhada aqui no internacioanal

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 23:39
by smopuiM
can anybody upload again this plugin? =/

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 07:23
by cheataahh
all links are dead.

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 01:51
by cheapshot111
update link pls.
thx :mrgreen:

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 08:33
by madshark
I don't think that this plugin works well with new version of openkore anymore (2.0.7) because the file was different in 2.0.6..correct me if i' wrong..hope someone can rewrite the code to make it run well on 2.0.7 for this plugin works great.

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 07 Sep 2009, 08:38
by madshark
It looks like i'm wrong..this plugin also works perfect with the new openkore version.

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 00:21
by hahajung
can someone upload the files please???
all the links are dead and i would appreciate a lot if someone went through the trouble of uploading them

Re: waitForParty -- Don't get separeted! by Chontrad

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 01:11
by gamenikko
this is the file ^_^ enjoy
credits belongs to the authors! ... rParty.rar

---i guess and the plugin doesnt work for 2.0.7 =0

use this for 2.0.7, just use ur normal [no choice, cuz ders no translations yet! =p]
hope it will work,
paste this to notepad and rename it as,
be sure to rename the file extension ... hange.html

put this inside your config.txt

follow_wait 1
follow_wait_inLockOnly 1
follow_wait_timeOut 5
follow_wait_noPartyMember NameOfThePartyMemberYouDontWanT2Wait

Code: Select all

# Name of Plugin:
# Version: 1.0 (9/05/2008)
# Version of Openkore Required: OpenKore

#follow_wait 1
#follow_wait_inLockOnly 1
#follow_wait_timeOut 5
#follow_wait_noPartyMember NNNNNNName

package waitParty;

use Plugins;
use Globals;
use Log qw(message error warning debug);

our $findParty;
our $temp;
my %Timecount;

Plugins::register('waitParty', 'Wait and come back for party', \&unload, \&unload);
my $hooks = Plugins::addHooks(   ['actor_player_add', \&waitForOthers, undef],
            ['actor_player_remove', \&waitForOthers, undef],
            ['party_share', \&waitForOthers, undef],
            ['party_move', \&waitForOthers, undef],
            ['AI_pre', \&waitForOthers, undef],
            ['actor_action_sit', \&waitForOthers, undef],
            ['actor_action_stand', \&waitForOthers, undef]);

sub unload {

sub waitForOthers {
   return unless $config{'follow_wait'};
   return unless defined @partyUsersID;

   #return if bot isn't at lockmap
   return if (($config{'follow_wait_inLockOnly'} > 0) && ($field{name} ne $config{lockMap}));

   my $actor;
   foreach (@partyUsersID) {
      next if $_ eq $accountID;
      next if $_ eq "";
      $actor = $playersList->getByID($_);
      next if ($char->{'party'}{'users'}{$_}{'name'} eq $config{'follow_wait_noPartyMember'});
      if(!$actor && $char->{'party'}{'users'}{$_}{'online'}) {
         my %party;

         $party{x} = $char->{party}{users}{$_}{pos}{x};
         $party{y} = $char->{party}{users}{$_}{pos}{y};
         ($party{map}) = $char->{party}{users}{$_}{map} =~ /([\s\S]*)\.gat/;

         if ($party{map} ne $field{name} || $party{x} == 0 || $party{y} == 0) {
            delete $party{x};
            delete $party{y};

         return unless ($party{map} ne $field{name} || exists $party{x});

         if ($Timecount{start} eq ''){
            $Timecount{start} = time;
         $Timecount{current} = time;

         $Timecount{toreset} = $config{'follow_wait_timeOut'};
         if ($Timecount{toreset} eq '') {
            $Timecount{toreset} = 30;
         $Timecount{after} = $Timecount{start} + $Timecount{toreset};
         if ($Timecount{current} >= $Timecount{after}){
            $Timecount{start} = time;

         if (($Timecount{current} >= $Timecount{after})
            && ((exists $ai_v{party} && AI::distance(\%party, $ai_v{party}) > 15)
            || $party{map} != $ai_v{party}{map}
            || (AI::timeOut($ai_v{party}{time}, 15) && AI::distance(\%party, $char->{pos_to}) > $config{followDistanceMax}))) {
               $ai_v{party}{x} = $party{x};
               $ai_v{party}{y} = $party{y};
               $ai_v{party}{map} = $party{map};
               $ai_v{party}{time} = time;

               warning "Party is far way.\n", "waitParty";

               if ($ai_v{party}{map} ne $field{name}) {
               message "Searching party: $ai_v{party}{map}\n", , "follow";
               } elsif (AI::distance(\%party, $char->{pos_to}) > $config{followDistanceMax} ) {
               message "Searching party: $ai_v{party}{map} ($ai_v{party}{x},$ai_v{party}{y})\n", "follow";
               } else {
               AI::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
               AI::ai_route($ai_v{party}{map}, $ai_v{party}{x}, $ai_v{party}{y}, distFromGoal => $config{followDistanceMin});
               my $followIndex = AI::findAction("follow");
               if (defined $followIndex) {
               $ai_seq_args[$followIndex]{ai_follow_lost_end}{timeout} = $timeout{ai_follow_lost_end}{timeout};
           $findParty = 1;
       } elsif ($findParty && ($actor = $playersList->getByID($_))) {
           warning "Party Found.\n", "waitParty";
           $findParty = 0;
   AI::clear("move", "route");

       } elsif ($findParty) {
           warning "Party is offline.\n", "waitParty";
           $findParty = 0;
You can also try my Party Search Macro =p
it is simple and working well.