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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 09:57
by PepsiCoke
Im gonna try this later.. its look coool /rice

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 07:50
by vincepogz
Hey uh, i got it working when I chat with my bot, but the problem is its not learning other people chat when I leave the bot in a town.

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 16:30
by RageGoria
:), RageGoria here, thanks for your hardwork on this plugin, it really gives a good impression about openkore
regarding the facts that the bots are talking and learning and getting smarter every seconds, minutes, and hours.
did you ever think about managing their actions, not only their chats?
it'll be funny if the bot just says "let's sit for a while" but the bot didn't sit
or "i'll heal you" but the bot doesn't heal

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 15:20
by guytwo
Sorry for semi-raising the dead, but can someone post the files for this chat plugin? The links in OP no longer work. Thanks!

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 18:11
by Dark Airnel
Try downloading it here

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 17 May 2013, 12:58
by Mucilon

I was passing by and saw you asking for the files, so I'm posting them as code, now you won't have any problems with download servers.
Those are the original files, I haven't seen the whole subject, so I don't know if anyone have changed them.

Good Luck!

Code: Select all

package kadiliman;

# This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL
# Copyright 2005 by kaliwanagan, now know as Kali
# Ported by Thrice aka Noface
# Adds by Mucilon
# Version 1.3 - 03/04/2008
# --------------------------------------------------
# How to install this thing..:
# in control\config.txt add:
#chatBot Kadiliman {
#	inLockOnly 1		# (0|1) Just answer to public chat at lockmap, pm will be answered normally
#       scriptfile lines.txt	# Name of the file where all sentences are storage, it will be create at openkore root directory
#       replyRate 80		# (0..100) Rate to answer, 80 means: answer 80% of chats and don't answer 20%
#       onPublicChat 1		# (0|1) Enable to answer any plublic chat
#       onPrivateMessage 1	# (0|1) Enable to answer any private message
#       onSystemChat 1		# (0|1) Enable to answer any system message
#       onGuildChat 1		# (0|1) Enable to answer any guild chat
#       onPartyChat 1		# (0|1) Enable to answer any party chat
#       wpm 65			# Don't need to change - words per minute, simulate typing speed
#       smileys ^_^,xD,^^,:),XD	# Smileys that may end your sentences on chat (separeted by commas)
#       smileyRate 20		# Rate to add smiley to the sentences, means: add smileys to 20% of messages
#       learn 1			# This plugin can "learn" every sentence read by the bot, this sentences are storage at the scriptfile
#	noPlayers , ,		# Name of the players (supported by regexp) you don't want to answer any thing, like party members (separeted by commas)
#	noWords  , , , 		# Words (supported by regexp) at the chats you don't want to answer, like "bot", "heal", "buffs" or something like this (separeted by commas)
#	timesToBlockPM 10	# Number of times of pms received by each player to ignore him, work just to pm
#	timeToResetCount 300	# Number of seconds to reset the count to ignore any player

#This new add will ignore any player that send 10 or more pms to you in 300 seconds. But if he send 9 pms to you and the 
# count is reseted, he will need to send more 10 pms inside the 300 seconds to the plugin ignore him.
#You can change this 2 last values as you like.

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Globals;
use Log qw(message warning error);
use Misc;
use Network;
use Network::Send;
use Network::Receive;
use Chatbot::Kadiliman;
use I18N qw(bytesToString);
#use Utils;

Plugins::register('kadiliman', 'autoresponse bot', \&Unload, \&Reload);
my $hooks = Plugins::addHooks(
        ['packet/public_chat', \&onMessage, undef],
        ['packet/private_message', \&onMessage, undef],
        ['packet/system_chat', \&onMessage, undef],
        ['packet/guild_chat', \&onMessage, undef],
        ['packet/party_chat', \&onMessage, undef],
        ['start3', \&start3, undef],
        ['AI_post', \&AI_post, undef]

my $prefix = "chatBot_";
my %bot;
my %chatcountPrivate;
my %chatcountPublic;
my %Timecount;

message "Initializing chatBot\n", "plugins";
for (my $i = 0; (exists $config{$prefix.$i}); $i++) {
        $bot{$i} = new Chatbot::Kadiliman {

sub Unload {

sub Reload {
        for (my $i = 0; (exists $config{$prefix.$i}); $i++) {
                message "Plugin Kadiliman: checking for duplicate lines in ". $config{$prefix.$i."_scriptfile"} ."...", "plugins";
                message "[Kadiliman] done.\n", "plugins";
                $bot{$i} = new Chatbot::Kadiliman {
                        name        => $config{$prefix.$i},
                        scriptfile      => $config{$prefix.$i."_scriptfile"},
                        learn      => $config{$prefix.$i."_learn"},
                        reply      => 1,

sub onMessage {
        my ($packet, $args) = @_;
        my $prefix = "chatBot_";

        for (my $i = 0; (exists $config{$prefix.$i}); $i++) {
		#Don't answer, case it is the own message
		my $msg = $args->{message};
                my ($chatMsgUser, $chatMsg);
		if ($msg =~/:/) {
                        ($chatMsgUser, $chatMsg) = $msg =~ /(.*?).:.(.*)/;
                } else {
                        $chatMsg = $msg;
                return if ($chatMsgUser eq $char->{name});
		#Don't answer the player, if he is at _noPlayers from config file
		my @noplayers = split /\s*\,+\s*/, $config{$prefix.$i."_noPlayers"};
		foreach my $player (@noplayers) {
				if ((match($player,$chatMsgUser)) || (match($player,$args->{privMsgUser}))){
					message "[Kadiliman] Don't answering player $player\n", "plugins";
					return 1;
		#Message Count			
		if ($packet eq 'packet/public_chat') {
				message "[Kadiliman] Player $chatMsgUser has spoken on public chat $chatcountPublic{$i}{$chatMsgUser} time(s)\n", "plugins";
                } elsif ($packet eq 'packet/private_message') {
				my $pmuser = $args->{privMsgUser};
				message "[Kadiliman] Player $pmuser has spoken on PM $chatcountPrivate{$i}{$pmuser} time(s)\n", "plugins";
				if (($chatcountPrivate{$i}{$pmuser} >= $config{$prefix.$i."_timesToBlockPM"}) && ($config{$prefix.$i."_timesToBlockPM"} > 0)) {
						Commands::cmdIgnore "ignore","1 $pmuser";
		#Don't answer the player, if some word of the message is at _noWords from config file
		my @nowords = split /\s*\,+\s*/, $config{$prefix.$i."_noWords"};
		foreach my $word (@nowords) {
				if (match($word,$chatMsg)){
					message "[Kadiliman] Don't answering message with word: $word\n", "plugins";
					return 1;
                $bot{$i}->{reply} = ($config{$prefix.$i."_replyRate"}) ? 1 : 0;
                $config{$prefix.$i."_replyRate"} = 80 if (!exists $config{$prefix.$i."_replyRate"});
                $config{$prefix.$i."_replyRate"} = 100 if ($config{$prefix.$i."_replyRate"} > 100);

                my $type;
                my $reply;

                if ($packet eq 'packet/public_chat' && $config{$prefix.$i."_onPublicChat"}) {
			#return if bot isn't at lockmap
			return if (($config{$prefix.$i."_inLockOnly"} > 0) && ($field{name} ne $config{lockMap}));
			$reply = $bot{$i}->transform($chatMsg);
                        $type = "c";
                } elsif ($packet eq 'packet/system_chat' && $config{$prefix.$i."_onSystemChat"}) {
			$reply = $bot{$i}->transform();
                        $type = "c";
                } elsif ($packet eq 'packet/guild_chat' && $config{$prefix.$i."_onGuildChat"}) {
                        $reply = $bot{$i}->transform($chatMsg);
                        $type = "g";
                } elsif ($packet eq 'packet/party_chat' && $config{$prefix.$i."_onPartyChat"}) {
                        $reply = $bot{$i}->transform($chatMsg);
                        $type = "p";
                } elsif ($packet eq 'packet/private_message' && $config{$prefix.$i."_onPrivateMessage"}) {
                        $reply = $bot{$i}->transform($args->{privMsg});
                        $type = "pm";

                # exit if the config option is not enabled
                return if (!$type);

                # exit if we don't have any reply
                return if (!$reply);

                # add a smiley at the end of the reply
                my @smileys = split /\,+/, $config{$prefix.$i."_smileys"};
                $reply .= $smileys[rand(@smileys)] if ((rand(100) < ($config{$prefix.$i."_smileyRate"})));

                ## COPIED FROM processChatResponse,
                # Calculate a small delay (to simulate typing)
                # The average typing speed is 65 words per minute.
                # The average length of a word used by RO players is 4.25 characters (yes I measured it).
                # So the average user types 65 * 4.25 = 276.25 charcters per minute, or
                # 276.25 / 60 = 4.6042 characters per second
                # We also add a random delay of 0.5-1.5 seconds.
                $args->{wpm} = $config{$prefix.$i."_wpm"} || 65;
                my @words = split /\s+/, $reply;
                my $average;
                foreach my $word (@words) {
                        $average += length($word);
                $average /= (scalar @words);
                my $typeSpeed = $args->{wpm} * $average / 60;

                $args->{timeout} = (0.5 + rand(1)) + (length($reply) / $typeSpeed);
                $args->{time} = time;
                $args->{stage} = "start";
                $args->{reply} = $reply;
                $args->{prefix} = $prefix.$i;
                $args->{type} = $type;
                my $rand = rand(100);
                debug "[Kadiliman] $rand: " . $config{$prefix.$i."_replyRate"} . "\n";
                AI::queue("chatBot", $args)
                        if ((AI::action ne 'chatBot')
                                && ($rand < ($config{$prefix.$i."_replyRate"}))
                                && ($bot{$i}->{reply})
                                && (main::checkSelfCondition($prefix))

sub start3 {
        for (my $i = 0; (exists $config{$prefix.$i}); $i++) {
                #message "Plugin Kadiliman: checking for duplicate lines in ". $config{$prefix.$i."_scriptfile"} ."...", "plugins";
                message "[Kadiliman] done.\n", "plugins";
                $bot{$i} = new Chatbot::Kadiliman {
                        name        => $config{$prefix.$i},
                        scriptfile      => $config{$prefix.$i."_scriptfile"},
                        learn      => $config{$prefix.$i."_learn"},
                        reply      => 1,

sub AI_post {
        if (AI::action eq 'chatBot') {
                my $args = AI::args;
                if ($args->{stage} eq 'end') {
                } elsif ($args->{stage} eq 'start') {
                        $args->{stage} = 'message' if (main::timeOut($args->{time}, $args->{timeout}));
                } elsif ($args->{stage} eq 'message') {
                        sendMessage($messageSender, $args->{type}, $args->{reply}, $args->{privMsgUser});
                        debug "[Kadiliman] chatBot: $args->{reply}\n", "plugins";
                        $args->{stage} = 'end';
		#Time to reset the message count (loopless code)
		for (my $i = 0; (exists $config{$prefix.$i}); $i++) {
				if ($Timecount{$i}{start} eq ''){
						$Timecount{$i}{start} = time;
						debug "[Kadiliman] start: $Timecount{$i}{start}\n", "plugins";
				$Timecount{$i}{current} = time;

				$Timecount{$i}{toreset} = $config{$prefix.$i."_timeToResetCount"};
				if (($Timecount{$i}{toreset} ne '') || ($Timecount{$i}{toreset} > 0)) {
						$Timecount{$i}{after} = $Timecount{$i}{start} + $Timecount{$i}{toreset};
						if ($Timecount{$i}{current} >= $Timecount{$i}{after}){
								#message "[Kadiliman] Reseted, start: $Timecount{$i}{start}, time now: $Timecount{$i}{current}, next: $Timecount{$i}{after}, time to count: $Timecount{$i}{toreset}\n", "plugins";
								message "[Kadiliman] Chat count reseted, next in $Timecount{$i}{toreset} secs\n", "plugins";
								$Timecount{$i}{start} = time;
								delete $chatcountPublic{$i};
								delete $chatcountPrivate{$i};

sub match
        my ($pattern,$subject) = @_;
        if (my ($re, $ci) = $pattern =~ /^\/(.+?)\/(i?)$/)
                if (($ci && $subject =~ /$re/i) || (!$ci && $subject =~ /$re/))
                        return 1;
        elsif ($subject eq $pattern)
                return 1;
        return 0;

sub checkForDupes {
        my $scriptfile = shift;
        my %self;

        $scriptfile = "lines.txt" if ($scriptfile eq 1);

        # read scriptfile in (the whole thing, all at once).
        my @scriptlines;
        if (open (SCRIPTFILE, "<$scriptfile")) {
                @scriptlines = <SCRIPTFILE>; # read in script data
                close (SCRIPTFILE);

        # check for duplicate lines
        for (my $i = 0; $i < (scalar @scriptlines); $i++) {
                for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < (scalar @scriptlines); $j++) {
                        $scriptlines[$i] = '' if ($scriptlines[$i] eq $scriptlines[$j]);

        # save cleaned-up file
        open (SCRIPTFILE, ">$scriptfile");
        foreach my $line (@scriptlines) {
                print SCRIPTFILE ("$line");
        close (SCRIPTFILE);

return 1;

Code: Select all

# Inspired by perlBorg, pyBorg, and seeBorg
# Licensed under the GPL
# Copyright by kaliwanagan
# Ported by Thrice aka Noface

package Chatbot::Kadiliman;

use strict;
use Log qw(message warning error);
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $AUTOLOAD) ;

$VERSION = '0.06';
sub Version { $VERSION; }

my $fields;

$fields = {
		name            => 'Kadiliman',
		scriptfile            => '',
		depth         => 3,
		learn         => 1,
		reply         => 1,
		debug         => 1,
		debug_text            => '',
		quit            => undef

sub new {
		my ($that, $name, $scriptfile) = @_;
		my $class = ref($that) || $that;
		my $self = {
				_permitted => \$fields,

		bless $self, $class;
		$self->_initialize($name, $scriptfile);
		return $self;

sub _initialize {
		my ($self, $name, $scriptfile) = @_;

		if (defined $name and ref $name eq "HASH") {

				# Allow the calling program to pass in intial parameters
				# as an anonymous hash
				map { $self->{$_} = $name->{$_}; } keys %$name;

				$self->parseScriptData( $self->{scriptfile} );

		} else {
				$self->{name} = $name if $name;

sub parseScriptData {
		my ($self, $scriptfile) = @_;

		$self->debug("Parsing $scriptfile... ");
		my @scriptlines;
		if ($scriptfile) {
				# If we have an external script file, open it
				# and read it in (the whole thing, all at once).
				if (open (SCRIPTFILE, "<$scriptfile")) {
						@scriptlines = <SCRIPTFILE>; # read in script data
						$self->{scriptfile} = $scriptfile;
						close (SCRIPTFILE);
				} else {
						print "Could not read from file $scriptfile : $!\n";
						print "Creating default lines.txt ...\n";
						$self->{scriptfile} = "lines.txt";
		$self->debug("Parse Learning $scriptfile... ");
		foreach my $line (@scriptlines) {
				my @sentences = split /\.+/, $line;
				foreach my $sentence (@sentences) {
	  $self->debug("I know ". scalar @{$self->{lines}} . " lines.\n") if (exists $self->{lines});
		message "[Kadiliman] I know ". scalar @{$self->{lines}} . " lines.\n", "plugins" if (exists $self->{lines});
	  $self->{parsed} = 1;

sub saveScriptData {
		my ($self) = @_;

		$self->debug("Saving script data... ");
	  my $scriptfile = $self->{scriptfile};
		open (SCRIPTFILE, ">$scriptfile");
		foreach my $line (@{$self->{lines}}) {
				print SCRIPTFILE ("$line\n");
		close (SCRIPTFILE);

sub learn {
		my ($self, $string) = @_;
		my $numLines = (exists $self->{lines}) ? @{$self->{lines}} : '0';

		$string = $self->preProcess($string);
		my $tmp = $string;
		$tmp = lc $tmp; # convert to lowercase
		$tmp =~ s/[^A-Za-z_0-9 \']/ /g; # remove non alpha-numeric characters
		my @words = split /\s+/, $tmp;
		for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @words; $i++) {
				$self->{after}{$words[$i]}{$words[$i+1]}++ if ($words[$i+1]);
				push @{$self->{linenum}{$words[$i]}}, $numLines;
		push @{$self->{lines}}, $string if ($string);
		if ($self->{parsed}) {
				$self->debug("Learn Learning: $string\n");
			message "[Kadiliman] Learning: $string\n", "plugins";

sub preProcess {
		my ($self, $string) = @_;
		$string =~ s/\n//g; # remove newlines
		$string =~ s/\r//g; # remove cariage returns;
		$string =~ s/^_*//; #remove leading underscores
		$string =~ s/_*$//; #remove trailing underscores
		$string =~ s/^\s*//; #remove leading spaces
		$string =~ s/\s*$//; #remove trailing spaces

		return $string;

sub postProcess {
		my ($self, $string) = @_;

sub transform {
		my ($self, $inputString) = @_;
		my $reply;
		my $input = $self->preProcess($inputString);
		# Filter out all the words we haven't learned yet
		my @leftWords;
		$input = lc $input; # convert to lowercase
		$input =~ s/[^A-Za-z_0-9 \']/ /g; # remove non alpha-numeric characters
		my @words = split /\s+/, $input;
		foreach my $word (@words) {
				$self->debug("$word: $self->{count}{$word}\n");
				next if (!exists ($self->{count}{$word}));
				push @leftWords, $word;
		undef @words;

		# Choose a word from the list of known words
		my $leftWord = $leftWords[int rand(@leftWords)];
		$self->debug("Chosen left word: $leftWord\n");
		undef @leftWords;

		if (!$leftWord) { # if all words are unknown
				$reply = $self->{lines}[int rand(@{$self->{lines}})];
		} else {

				my @rightWords = keys %{$self->{after}{$leftWord}};
				my $rightWord = $rightWords[int rand(@rightWords)];
				$self->debug("Chosen right word: $rightWord\n");
				undef @rightWords;

				my @leftLines;
				my @rightLines;
				my $string;

				# Cull from script data all lines containing the left word
				foreach my $linenum (@{$self->{linenum}{$leftWord}}) {
						push @leftLines, $self->{lines}[$linenum];

				$self->debug("leftLines: " . scalar @leftLines . "\n");

				# Cull from script data all lines containing the right word
				foreach my $linenum (@{$self->{linenum}{$rightWord}}) {
						push @rightLines, $self->{lines}[$linenum];

				$self->debug("rightLines: " . scalar @rightLines . "\n");
				my $rand;

				# Get a random line from those that contain the left word
				$rand = int rand(@leftLines);
				$string = $leftLines[$rand];

				# Build the left side
				my $leftSide;

				my @words = split /\s+/, $string;
				foreach my $word (@words) {
						$leftSide = $leftSide . $word . ' ';
						last if $word =~ /\b$leftWord\b/;
				undef @words;
				$self->debug("Leftside: $leftSide line: $rand\n");
				# Get a random line from those that contain the right word
				$rand = int rand(@rightLines);
				$string = $rightLines[$rand];

				# Build the right side
				my $rightSide;

				my @words = split /\s+/, $string;
				foreach my $word (@words) {
						last if $word =~ /\b$rightWord\b/;
						$word = '';
				foreach my $word (@words) {
						$rightSide .= $word ? $word . ' ' : '';
				undef @words;
				$self->debug("Rightside: $rightSide line: $rand\n");
				# Build the reply
				$reply = $leftSide . $rightSide;
		$self->learn($inputString) if ($self->{learn});
		$self->saveScriptData if ($self->{learn});
		return $reply;

sub _testquit {
		my ($self, $string) = @_;
		return 1 if ($string =~ /\bquit\b/i);

sub command_interface {
		my $self = shift;
		my $userInput;
		while (1) {
				chomp($userInput = <STDIN>);
				if($self->_testquit($userInput)) {
				print "Reply: ".$self->transform($userInput)."\n";

sub debug {
		my ($self,$string) = @_;
		message "[Kadiliman] $string\n", "plugins" if ($self->{debug});

return 1;

=head1 CHANGES

=over 4

= item * Version 0.06 (21 July 2005)

fix for regexp dying on unescaped characters (thanks Joseph)

= item * Version 0.05 (18 July 2005)

changed from a simple word selection into word + wordafter selection

= item * Version 0.04 (17 July 2005)

First release

= item * Version 0.03 (17 July 2005)

complete learn and transform functions
changed from rare word to random word selection

= item * Version 0.02 (15 July 2005)

preProcess function
learn function (partial)
transform function (partial)

= item * Version 0.01 (8 July 2005)

Created skeleton code



Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 30 Dec 2013, 17:07
by waknet21
need some update about this...

i think i wont work with the latest openkore T_T

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 08:07
by cursedxxx
soooo even though this has been quiet for a while, ehm i found this plugin in the SVN folder and it looks pretty amazing, after about a day of changing stuff i finally got it to "learn" yay~

buuut here's the problem i run into, it does wipe my lines.txt each time it restarts too.....

i changed the part in the code already like Mucilon said but it didnt change anything, i'm however using mutliple openkores but from multiple folders so i dont think it should affect that...

and im using both versions from the SVN anyone got a clue or will i just have to every time keep on pasting my (still small but growing) lines.txt in there? =/

i'd appreciate any help and i hope more people might get this plugin,

also just a small note, i used the config block from page one,

please remove the , , from the noPlayers/noWords for the example since it took quite alot of reading to figure out that was one of my issues haha and i think the commented out text explains very well what you should do, anyway thanks alot for the amazing plugin and everyone who helped make this plugin have a nice day guys

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 05 Feb 2015, 12:58
by virulent
cursedxxx wrote:soooo even though this has been quiet for a while, ehm i found this plugin in the SVN folder and it looks pretty amazing, after about a day of changing stuff i finally got it to "learn" yay~

buuut here's the problem i run into, it does wipe my lines.txt each time it restarts too.....

i changed the part in the code already like Mucilon said but it didnt change anything, i'm however using mutliple openkores but from multiple folders so i dont think it should affect that...

and im using both versions from the SVN anyone got a clue or will i just have to every time keep on pasting my (still small but growing) lines.txt in there? =/

i'd appreciate any help and i hope more people might get this plugin,

also just a small note, i used the config block from page one,

please remove the , , from the noPlayers/noWords for the example since it took quite alot of reading to figure out that was one of my issues haha and i think the commented out text explains very well what you should do, anyway thanks alot for the amazing plugin and everyone who helped make this plugin have a nice day guys
can you post the code

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 09:24
by cursedxxx
of the pm or pl? file or both?