How do i install this plugin?

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How do i install this plugin?

#1 Post by drsuckit »

# alertsound plugin by joseph
# Fixed to 1.9.x version by h4rry84
# ... php?t=2032
# This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
# License, version 2.

package alertsound;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Globals;
use Utils;
use Log qw(message);
use Network::Send;
use Utils::Win32;

Plugins::register('alertsound', 'plays sounds on certain events', \&Unload);
my $packetHook = Plugins::addHook('parseMsg/pre', \&CheckPacket);

sub Unload {
Plugins::delHook('parseMsg/pre', $packetHook);

sub CheckPacket {
return if (!$config{'alertSound'});

my $hookName = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $switch = $args->{switch};
my $msg = $args->{msg};

if ($switch eq "008D") {
# Public chat message.
my $ID = substr($msg, 4, 4);
my $msg_size = length($msg);
my $chat = substr($msg, 8, $msg_size - 8);
$chat =~ s/\000//g;
my ($chatMsgUser, $chatMsg) = $chat =~ /([\s\S]*?) : ([\s\S]*)/;
$chatMsgUser =~ s/ $//;

if ($chatMsgUser =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\]?/i) {
alertSound("public GM chat");
} else {
alertSound("public chat");
} elsif ($switch eq "0097") {
# Private chat message.
my $msg_size = length($msg);
my $newmsg;
Network::Receive->decrypt(\$newmsg, substr($msg, 28, length($msg)-28));
$msg = substr($msg, 0, 28).$newmsg;
my ($privMsgUser) = substr($msg, 4, 24) =~ /([\s\S]*?)\000/;
my $privMsg = substr($msg, 28, $msg_size - 29);

if ($privMsgUser =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\]?/i) {
alertSound("private GM chat");
} else {
alertSound("private chat");
} elsif ($switch eq "009A") {
# System message/GM message (is this always global?)
alertSound("system message");
} elsif ($switch eq "00C0") {
# Emoticon
my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);

if ($players{$ID} && $ID ne $accountID) {
} elsif ($switch eq "0091") {
# Map change
alertSound("map change");
} elsif ($switch eq "0092") {
# Map change - switching map servers
alertSound("map change");
} elsif ($switch eq "0095") {
# Identify GM Names
my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);

if ($players{$ID} && %{$players{$ID}}) {
my ($name) = substr($msg, 6, 24) =~ /([\s\S]*?)\000/;
if ($name =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\]?/i) {
alertSound("GM near");
} elsif ($switch eq "0195") {
#Identify GM Names
my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);

if ($players{$ID}) {
my ($name) = substr($msg, 6, 24) =~ /([\s\S]*?)\000/;
if ($name =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\]?/i) {
alertSound("GM near");
} elsif ($switch eq "0080") {
# someone disappeared here
my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);

if ($ID eq $accountID) {
# You are dead.
} elsif ($switch eq "0078") {
# Existance packet used to tell if monster exists
my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
my $type = unpack("S*",substr($msg, 14, 2));
my $pet = unpack("C*",substr($msg, 16, 1));
if (!$jobs_lut{$type} && $type >= 1000 && !$pet) {
my $display = ($::monsters_lut{$type} ne "")
? $::monsters_lut{$type}
: "Unknown ".$type;
alertSound("monster $display");
} elsif ($switch eq "01D8") {
# Existance packet used to tell if monster exists
my $ID = substr($msg, 2, 4);
my $type = unpack("S*",substr($msg, 14, 2));
my $pet = unpack("C*",substr($msg, 16, 1));
if (!$jobs_lut{$type} && $type >= 1000 && !$pet) {
my $display = ($::monsters_lut{$type} ne "")
? $::monsters_lut{$type}
: "Unknown ".$type;
alertSound("monster $display");

# alertSound($event)
# $event: unique event name
# Plays a sound if alertSound is enabled,
# and if a sound is specified for the event.
# The config option "alertSound_#_eventList" should have a comma
# seperated list of all the desired events.
# Supported events:
# public chat, public GM chat, private chat, private GM chat, emoticon, system message
# map change, GM near, monster <monster name>
sub alertSound {
return if (!$config{'alertSound'});
my $event = shift;
my $i = 0;
for (my $i = 0; exists $config{"alertSound_".$i."_eventList"}; $i++) {
next if (!$config{"alertSound_".$i."_eventList"});
if (Utils::existsInList($config{"alertSound_".$i."_eventList"}, $event)
&& (!$config{"alertSound_".$i."_notInTown"} || !$cities_lut{$field->name().'.rsw'})
&& (!$config{"alertSound_".$i."_inLockOnly"} || $field->name() eq $config{'lockMap'})) {
message "Sound alert: $event\n", "alertSound";

return 1;

Now what do i do with that?
make a .pm file and paste that in? and then what?
pls advise

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Re: How do i install this plugin?

#2 Post by Jozo »

make .pl file and put in "plugins" floder in bot catalog

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