reactOnKillSteal Error

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reactOnKillSteal Error

#1 Post by dollawolla »

Hi i Have following Error since i use the
I hope u guys could get me so help to fix this.
OpenKore version what-will-become-2.1
@ai_seq = attack route
Network state = 5
Network handler = Network::DirectConnection
SVN revision: 8874
Loaded plugins:
ID01/plugins/alertsound/ (alertsound; description: plays sounds on certain events)
ID01/plugins/kadiliman/ (kadiliman; description: autoresponse bot)
ID01/plugins/macro/ (macro; description: allows usage of macros)
ID01/plugins/reactOnKillSteal/ (reactOnKillSteal; description: react when kill stealed)
ID01/plugins/reactOnNPC/ (reactOnNPC; description: react on NPC messages)
ID01/plugins/responseOnNPCImage/ (responseOnNPCImage; description: respose base on NPC Image)

Error message:
Attempt to STORE non Actor reference to the hash of actors
$VAR1 = {};

Stack trace:
Attempt to STORE non Actor reference to the hash of actors
$VAR1 = {};
at src/Utils/ line 18
Tie::ActorHash::STORE('Tie::ActorHash=ARRAY(0x54ef6e4)', '\x{c0}@\x{0}\x{0}', 'HASH(0x5b1ab94)') called at D:/Games/openkore_ready/ID01/plugins/reactOnKillSteal/ line 282
reactOnKillSteal::checkKillStealCondition('reactOnKillSteal_0', '\x{c0}@\x{0}\x{0}', '\x{b4}\x{d8}\x{0}\x{0}', 0, 0, 0) called at D:/Games/openkore_ready/ID01/plugins/reactOnKillSteal/ line 133
reactOnKillSteal::onParseMsg('packet_attack', 'HASH(0x5b157fc)', undef) called at src/ line 434
Plugins::callHook('packet_attack', 'HASH(0x5b157fc)') called at src/Network/ line 1086
Network::Receive::actor_action('Network::Receive::fRO=HASH(0x582485c)', 'HASH(0x5b30cc4)') called at src/Network/ line 267
Network::PacketParser::parse('Network::Receive::fRO=HASH(0x582485c)', '\x{e1}\x{2}\x{c0}@\x{0}\x{0}\x{b4}\x{d8}\x{0}\x{0}7>X\x{b2}\x{b0}\x{1}\x{0}\x{0}@\x{2}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{1}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}', 'Network::Receive::fRO=HASH(0x582485c)') called at src/Network/ line 68
Network::Receive::parse('Network::Receive::fRO=HASH(0x582485c)', '\x{e1}\x{2}\x{c0}@\x{0}\x{0}\x{b4}\x{d8}\x{0}\x{0}7>X\x{b2}\x{b0}\x{1}\x{0}\x{0}@\x{2}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{1}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}', 'Network::Receive::fRO=HASH(0x582485c)') called at src/Network/ line 401
Network::PacketParser::process('Network::Receive::fRO=HASH(0x582485c)', 'Network::MessageTokenizer=HASH(0x3469fbc)', 'Network::Receive::fRO=HASH(0x582485c)') called at src/ line 724
main::mainLoop_initialized() called at src/ line 70
main::mainLoop() called at src/ line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x8eee44)') called at line 97
main::__start() called at line 136
Here is the Source of the i use
# =======================
# reactOnKillSteal v2.1
# =======================
# original code by hakore (
# see documentation at:
# ported to 2.1 by Kissa2k
# This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL.
# (c) 2013 GPL

package reactOnKillSteal;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Globals;
use Utils;
use Log qw(message);
use Commands;
use Misc;

my %ksCounts;
my %ksReactions;
my $forget_time;

Plugins::register('reactOnKillSteal', 'react when kill stealed', \&Unload, \&Unload);
my $hooks = Plugins::addHooks(
['is_casting', \&onParseMsg, undef],
['packet_skilluse', \&onParseMsg, undef],
['packet_attack', \&onParseMsg, undef],
['AI_pre', \&onAIpre, undef]

sub Unload {
undef %ksCounts;
undef %ksReactions;
undef $forget_time;
message "reactOnKillSteal plugin unloaded.\n";

sub onAIpre {
return unless ($main::conState == 5);
return if (!$config{'reactOnKillSteal'});
my $command = $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{command};

if ($command && timeOut($ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{time}, $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{timeOut_delay})) {
if (!Commands::run($command)) {
main::parseCommand($command) if (defined &main::parseCommand);
$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{isEmoticon} = 1 if ($command =~ /^e\s/);
undef $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{command};
$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{time} = time;

if ($config{'reactOnKillSteal_forgetReactions'} && timeOut($forget_time, 30)) {
foreach (keys %ksReactions) {
if (timeOut($ksReactions{$_}{'time'}, $config{'reactOnKillSteal_forgetReactions'})) {
delete $ksReactions{$_};
$forget_time = time;

sub onParseMsg {
return unless ($main::conState == 5);
return if (!$config{'reactOnKillSteal'});
my ($trigger, $args) = @_;

my $ID1 = $args->{sourceID};
my $ID2 = $args->{targetID};

if ($ID1 eq $accountID && $monsters{$ID2}) {
# You attack monster
# If monster is untouched mark it so we know we need to react if this is kill stealed
$monsters{$ID2}{reactOnKillSteal} = 1 if !$monsters{$ID2}{reactOnKillSteal} && checkMonsterUnengaged($ID2);

} elsif ($ID2 eq $accountID && $monsters{$ID1}) {
# Monster attacks you
# If monster is untouched mark it so we know we need to react if this is kill stealed
$monsters{$ID1}{reactOnKillSteal} = 1 if !$monsters{$ID1}{reactOnKillSteal} && checkMonsterUnengaged($ID1);

} elsif (
# Player attacks monster
!$monsters{$ID1} && $monsters{$ID2}

# Ignore Player Unknown #0
&& (unpack("V1", $ID1) ne "0")

# We only trigger reaction on KS if we are currently attacking a monster
&& AI::action eq "attack"
&& $monsters{$ai_seq_args[0]{ID}}
&& (!timeOut(AI::args->{ai_attack_giveup}) || $config{attackNoGiveup})

# If the monster is your target or you are the target of the monster
&& ($ID2 eq AI::args->{ID} || $monsters{$ID2}{target} eq $accountID)

# And if the monster is previouly marked 'reactOnKillSteal'
&& $monsters{$ID2}{reactOnKillSteal}
) {
# This is a new monster, increment kill steal count
if (!$monsters{$ID2}{ksedByPlayer}{$ID1}) {
$monsters{$ID2}{ksedByPlayer}{$ID1} = 1;

# Stop here if the previous reaction is not yet executed
return if $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{command};

# Stop here if the timeout has not yet elapsed
return unless timeOut($ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{time}, $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{timeOut});
undef $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{timeOut};

my $damage;
my $skillID;

# resolve $damage and $skillID values from the the 3 different hooks
if ($trigger eq 'packet_attack') {
$damage = $args->{dmg};
$skillID = 0;
} elsif ($trigger eq 'packet_skilluse') {
$damage = $args->{damage};
$skillID = $args->{skillID};
} else {
$damage = 0;
$skillID = $args->{skillID};

# Determine the reactOnKillSteal block to use
for (my $i = 0; exists $config{"reactOnKillSteal_$i"}; $i++) {
my $prefix = "reactOnKillSteal_$i";
next if (!$config{$prefix});

if (
checkKillStealCondition($prefix, $ID1, $ID2, $damage, $skillID, ($trigger eq 'is_casting') ? 1 : 0)
&& checkPlayerCondition($prefix . "_player", $ID1)
&& checkMonsterCondition($prefix . "_monster", $ID2)
) {
# determine the set of commands to use
my $commandList;

my $j = $ksReactions{$ID1}{$i};

if (!$j) {
$commandList = $config{$prefix};
$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{lastCommand} = $prefix;

} elsif (exists $config{$prefix . "_altCommand_" . ($j - 1)}) {
if ($config{$prefix . "_altCommand_" . ($j - 1)}) {
$commandList = $config{$prefix . "_altCommand_" . ($j - 1)};
$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{lastCommand} = $prefix . "_altCommand_" . ($j - 1);
} else {
$commandList = $config{$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{lastCommand}};
} elsif (exists $config{$prefix . "_altCommand_persist"}) {
if ($config{$prefix . "_altCommand_persist"}) {
$commandList = $config{$prefix . "_altCommand_persist"};
$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{lastCommand} = $prefix . "_altCommand_persist";
} else {
$commandList = $config{$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{lastCommand}};

if ($commandList) {
# Choose a random command from the list
my $command;
my @commands;

@commands = split(/\s*;+\s*/, $commandList);
$command = $commands[rand(@commands)];

if ($command) {
# remove leading whitespaces
$command =~ s/^\s*//g;

# resolve keywords
$command =~ s/\@monsterNum/$monsters{$ID2}{binID}/gi;
$command =~ s/\@monsterName/$monsters{$ID2}{name}/gi;
$command =~ s/\@playerNum/$players{$ID1}{binID}/gi;
$command =~ s/\@playerName/$players{$ID1}{name}/gi;

my $source = Actor::get($ID1);
my $target = Actor::get($ID2);
message("$source kill steals my $target! [" . int($ksCounts{$ID1}) . "x]\n", "reactOnKillSteal");

my $delay = getCommandChatDelay($command);

# ensure that you will not spam emoticons that overwrite each other
$delay = 3.9 if ($command =~ /^e\s/ && $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{isEmoticon} == 1);
undef $ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{isEmoticon};

message("Reacting to kill steal - execute command \"$command\" (delay " . int($delay * 1000) . "ms)\n", "reactOnKillSteal");

$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{command} = $command;
$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{timeOut_delay} = $delay;

$ksReactions{$ID1}{time} = time;

my $timeOut = $config{"reactOnKillSteal_timeout"};
$timeOut += rand($config{"reactOnKillSteal_timeoutSeed"}) if $config{"reactOnKillSteal_timeoutSeed"};

$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{timeOut} = $timeOut;
$ai_v{temp}{reactOnKillSteal}{time} = time;





# checkMonsterUnengaged(ID)
# ID: ID of the monster
# determines if the monster hasn't attacked a player
# and players haven't attacked the monster.
sub checkMonsterUnengaged {
my $ID = shift;
my $monster = $monsters{$ID};

# If monster hasn't been attacked by other players
if (!binSize([keys %{$monster->{'missedFromPlayer'}}])
&& !binSize([keys %{$monster->{'dmgFromPlayer'}}])
&& !binSize([keys %{$monster->{'castOnByPlayer'}}])

# and it hasn't attacked any other player
&& !binSize([keys %{$monster->{'missedToPlayer'}}])
&& !binSize([keys %{$monster->{'dmgToPlayer'}}])
&& !binSize([keys %{$monster->{'castOnToPlayer'}}])
) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

# getCommandChatDelay(command)
# command: console command
# determines if the console command is a chat
# and returns a corresponding delay (to simulate typing).
sub getCommandChatDelay {
my $command = shift;
my $isChat = 0;
my $message;
if ($command =~ /^c\s/ || $command =~ /^g\s/ || $command =~ /^p\s/) {
(undef, $message) = split(/ +/, $command, 2);
$isChat = 1;
} elsif ($command =~ /^pm\s/) {
(undef, undef, $message) = split(/ /, $command, 3);
$isChat = 1;

## COPIED FROM processChatResponse,
# Calculate a small delay (to simulate typing)
# The average typing speed is 65 words per minute.
# The average length of a word used by RO players is 4.25 characters (yes I measured it).
# So the average user types 65 * 4.25 = 276.25 charcters per minute, or
# 276.25 / 60 = 4.6042 characters per second
# We also add a random delay of 0.5-1.5 seconds. <-- changed this to 0-0.75 seconds.
return rand(0.75) + length($message) / 4.6042 if $isChat;

sub checkKillStealCondition {
my ($prefix, $ID1, $ID2, $damage, $skillID, $isCasting) = @_;

return 0 if ($config{$prefix . "_disabled"} > 0);
if ($config{$prefix . "_inLockOnly"} > 0) { return 0 unless $field->baseName() eq $config{lockMap}; }

if ($config{$prefix . "_notParty"} > 0) {
return 0 if Utils::existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$ID1}{name}) ||
($chars[$config{'char'}]{'party'} && %{$chars[$config{'char'}]{'party'}}
&& $chars[$config{'char'}]{'party'}{'users'}{$ID1} && %{$chars[$config{'char'}]{'party'}{'users'}{$ID1}});
if ($config{$prefix . "_notTankModeTarget"} > 0) {
return 0 if $config{'tankMode'} && $config{'tankModeTarget'} eq $players{$ID1}{'name'};
if ($config{$prefix . "_attackTargetOnly"} > 0) {
return 0 unless AI::args->{ID} eq $ID2;

if ($config{$prefix . "_monster_name"}) {
return 0 unless existsInList($config{$prefix . "_monster_name"}, $monsters{$ID2}{'name'});
if ($config{$prefix . "_monster_notName"}) {
return 0 if existsInList($config{$prefix . "_monster_notName"}, $monsters{$ID2}{'name'});

if ($config{$prefix . "_whenPlayerIsUnknown"} > 0) {
return 0 unless !UNIVERSAL::isa($players{$ID1}, 'Actor') && !$config{$prefix . "_whenPlayerIsKnown"};
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenPlayerIsKnown"} > 0) {
return 0 if !UNIVERSAL::isa($players{$ID1}, 'Actor') && !$config{$prefix . "_whenPlayerIsUnknown"};

if ($config{$prefix . "_player_name"}) {
return 0 unless existsInList($config{$prefix . "_player_name"}, $players{$ID1}{'name'});
if ($config{$prefix . "_player_notName"}) {
return 0 if existsInList($config{$prefix . "_player_notName"}, $players{$ID1}{'name'});
if ($config{$prefix . "_player_id"}) {
return 0 unless existsInList($config{$prefix . "_player_id"}, unpack("V1", $ID1));
if ($config{$prefix . "_player_notId"}) {
return 0 if existsInList($config{$prefix . "_player_notId"}, unpack("V1", $ID1));

if ($config{$prefix . "_player_lvl"}) {
return 0 unless Utils::inRange($players{$ID1}{lv}, $config{$prefix . "_player_lvl"});
if ($config{$prefix . "_player_sex"}) {
return 0 unless $sex_lut{$players{$ID1}{'sex'}} eq $config{$prefix . "_player_sex"};

if ($config{$prefix . "_player_damage"}) {
return 0 unless Utils::inRange($monsters{$ID2}{'dmgFromPlayer'}{$ID1}, $config{$prefix . "_player_damage"});
if ($config{$prefix . "_player_misses"}) {
return 0 unless Utils::inRange($monsters{$ID2}{'missedFromPlayer'}{$ID1}, $config{$prefix . "_player_misses"});
if ($config{$prefix . "_player_ksCount"}) {
return 0 unless Utils::inRange($ksCounts{$ID1}, $config{$prefix . "_player_ksCount"});
if ($config{$prefix . "_player_reactionCount"}) {
return 0 unless Utils::inRange($ksReactions{$ID1}{total}, $config{$prefix . "_player_reactionCount"});

if ($config{$prefix . "_damage"}) {
return 0 unless Utils::inRange($damage, $config{$prefix . "_damage"});
if ($config{$prefix . "_skills"}) {
message($prefix . "_skills = " . $config{$prefix . "_skills"} . ", \$skillID = $skillID\n", "reactOnKillSteal");
if (!$skillID) {
return 0 unless Utils::existsInList($config{$prefix . "_skills"}, "Normal Attack");
} else {
return 0 unless Utils::existsInList($config{$prefix . "_skills"}, Skill->new(idn => $skillID)->getName());
if ($config{$prefix . "_notSkills"}) {
if (!$skillID) {
return 0 if Utils::existsInList($config{$prefix . "_notSkills"}, "Normal Attack");
} else {
return 0 if Utils::existsInList($config{$prefix . "_notSkills"}, Skill->new(idn => $skillID)->getName());
if ($config{$prefix . "_isCasting"} > 0) { return 0 unless ($isCasting); }

return 1;


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Re: reactOnKillSteal Error

#2 Post by SkylorD »

Remove the plugin and check if when you attack a monster, you receive some warn like :

Packet parser: unknown switch 0977.
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Re: reactOnKillSteal Error

#3 Post by dollawolla »

Hey thank you for the quick reply, i will tray this and let u know waht's happening.


***I have tested it now and everything is normal when i attack monsters, now errors or warnings.

Also here is the part of the Plugin i use in my config.txt ....forgot this yesterday... maybe here is the problem.
reactOnKillSteal 1

reactOnKillSteal_timeout 2
reactOnKillSteal_timeoutSeed 5

reactOnKillSteal e omg;; e swt;;e hmm;; c ?!;; c ...;; e ? {
reactions 0
player_ksCount < 3
notParty 1
disabled 0
inLockOnly 1
notSkills Lex Aeterna, Decrease AGI, Quagmire, Pneuma
reactOnKillSteal c stop!!;; c pls stop;; c o.O;;e omg;; e 7;;e an {
reactions 1
player_ksCount < 3
notParty 1
disabled 0
inLockOnly 1
notSkills Lex Aeterna, Decrease AGI, Quagmire, Pneuma
reactOnKillSteal c hmpf...;; c hey stop that!;; c wtf!?;; c grrrr.. {
reactions 2
player_ksCount < 3
notParty 1
disabled 0
inLockOnly 1
notSkills Lex Aeterna, Decrease AGI, Quagmire, Pneuma

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Re: reactOnKillSteal Error

#4 Post by dollawolla »

If i put the Plugin back in the Plugin folder i recive the Error again...
Are there any options to fix this so i could use the plugin again?

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Re: reactOnKillSteal Error

#5 Post by dollawolla »

...u guys have no ideas to get the problem fixed? :cry:
