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Teleport (Butterfly Wing) when overweight [SOLVED]

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 14:57
by palancho
Hello guys, is there any way to setup a bot to use Butterfly Wing instead of walking to town to storage/ sell?
Any help would be appreciated, THX a lot!!!


automacro weight {
weight >= X%
run-once 1
call {
release runagain
do is Butterfly Wing

automacro runagain {
weight <= X%
run-once 1
call {
release weight

I don't understand this fragment of this macro, especially this "weight <= X%", shouldn't it be also ">= X%"? any idea pls?

Use butterfly wing when has X% of weight.
change X%

Re: Teleport (Butterfly Wing) when overweight [SOLVED/partially]

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 22:32
by koodpzok
saveMap prontera
saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell 1

Have u configure saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell to '1' in your config ? Then u dont need to use any macro.

weight <= X% will make you go back when your weight is lower than or equal to a certain weight (i dont think u should use in your case)

Re: Teleport (Butterfly Wing) when overweight [SOLVED/partially]

Posted: 06 Apr 2017, 03:40
by palancho
koodpzok wrote:saveMap prontera
saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell 1

Have u configure saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell to '1' in your config ? Then u dont need to use any macro.

weight <= X% will make you go back when your weight is lower than or equal to a certain weight (i dont think u should use in your case)
Settings you provided works perfect thank You man!!! :)