Minor improvement to attack conditions

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Minor improvement to attack conditions

#1 Post by Historm »

Currently kore does not trigger aggression against monsters that have been provoked by a party member.

Kore can tell if players are using cast skills.

Is there some method to improve detection for used skills, such as Lex Aeterna, Lex Divina, and Provoke, so that if a party member (or designated tank/support) uses any of these skills on a monster, that monster is added to the array of acceptable targets?

in actor.pm, there is
# Hash $Actor->{castOnByPlayer}

And it seems to return for things that show up in the console like
"Player X is casting Skill Y on Target Z."

But not for
"Player X uses Skill Y on Target Z."

Of course, this isn't the biggest of problems but it seems easy to remedy by either changing "uses" skills to return for $Actor->{castOnByPlayer}, or adding another hash member that returns specifically for used skills.

This would be beneficial because of the triggering potential for ai routines based on non-damaging debuff skills, primarily Lex Aeterna and Provoke, but even more interesting things such as offensive status recovery, blessing, mind breaker, or Tarot Card.

Posts: 27
Joined: 01 Jun 2011, 01:59
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Re: Minor improvement to attack conditions

#2 Post by Historm »

problem solved. I posted the code I wrote into my own openkore files in order to make kore do what I want.

the link here:

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