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busCommands plugin by iMikeLance

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 02:50
by iMikeLance
Please turn on bus flag to 1 inside control/sys.txt before using this plugin.
With busCommands you can send console commands to your bots with various options.

Use the console command:
bus <all|bot nickname|field name> <console command>

If you used "all", the command will be run in all openkore instances using this plugin.
If you used "bot nickname", only the character with the nickname typed will run the command.
And if you used "field name", only bots inside that field will run the command.

Edit: you can also use this plugin in messenger mode. That way you can send ANY kind of message and work with them inside your macro plugin. First set MESSENGER_MODE to 1. Now the plugin won't run the "commands", instead it will only receive them and call the hook bus_received.

An example macro:

Code: Select all

automacro bustest {
hook bus_received
save message
call {
log just received $.hookSave0 from busCommands in messenger mode

Code: Select all

# busCommands revision 02 plugin by imikelance/marcelofoxes                                    
# Openkore:                                            
# Openkore Brazil:        
# 17:03 segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012 (rev 02)
#    - now you can use "bus <map name> <command>" to command your bots inside that map
# 01:01 domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012 (rev 01)
#    - fixed "bus command", where only commands without arguments (like sit, stand, st) would work                                    
#    - fixed self name checking                                                    
#    - added    hook to allow usage with macros                                                
#    - added MESSENGER_MODE to allow this plugin to act as a messenger (receive/send messages only)                                                
# 05:52 quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012
#     - released !
#    my special thanks goes to openkore team for developing BUS System !
# This source code is licensed under the                                    
# GNU General Public License, Version 3.                                    
# See                                    
package busCommands;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Log qw( warning message error );
use Globals;

use constant {
    PLUGINNAME                =>    "busCommands",
    BUS_MESSAGE_ID             =>     "busComm",
    # you can change some of this plugin settings below !
    BUS_COMMAND             =>     "bus",
    DEBUG                    =>    0,        # set to 1 to show debug messages
    SILENT                    =>    0,        # disable almost every message. error messages will still be shown
    MESSENGER_MODE            =>    0,        # use this to receive/send messages and not commands.

# Plugin
Plugins::register(PLUGINNAME, "receive and send commands (and messages too) via BUS system", \&unload);    
    my $myCmds = Commands::register([BUS_COMMAND,         "use ".BUS_COMMAND." <all|player name> <command>.",\&comm_Send]);
    my $networkHook = Plugins::addHook('Network::stateChanged',\&init);
my $bus_message_received;

sub comm_Send {
    my (undef, $cmm) = @_;
    $cmm =~ m/^"(.*)" (.*)$/;
    $cmm =~ m/^(\w+) (.*)$/ unless ($1);
    unless ($1 && $2) {
        msg("Command \"".BUS_COMMAND."\" failed, please use ".BUS_COMMAND." <all|player name> <command>.", 3);
    if ($char && $bus->getState == 4) {
        my %args;
        $args{player} = $1;
        $args{comm} = $2;
        $bus->send(BUS_MESSAGE_ID, \%args);
    if ($1 eq $char->name || $1 eq "all") {
        Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
        return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
        msg("Running command \"$2\"");
    } elsif ($field) {
        if ($1 eq $field->name) {
            Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
            return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
            msg("Running command $2 received via BUS");
# handle plugin loaded manually
if ($::net) {
    if ($::net->getState() > 1) {
        $bus_message_received = $bus->onMessageReceived->add(undef, \&bus_message_received);
        undef $networkHook;

sub init {
    return if ($::net->getState() == 1);
    if (!$bus) {
        die("\n\n[".PLUGINNAME."] You MUST start BUS server and configure each bot to use it in order to use this plugin. Open and edit line bus 0 to bus 1 inside control/sys.txt \n\n", 3, 0);
    } elsif (!$bus_message_received) {
        $bus_message_received = $bus->onMessageReceived->add(undef, \&bus_message_received);
        undef $networkHook;

sub bus_message_received {
    my (undef, undef, $msg) = @_;
    return if (!$char);
    return unless ($msg->{messageID} eq BUS_MESSAGE_ID);
    if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $char->name || $msg->{args}{player} eq "all") {
            Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});
            return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
            msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");
    } elsif ($field) {
        if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $field->name) {
            Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});
            return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
            msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");

sub msg {
    # SILENT constant support and sprintf.
    my ($msg, $msglevel, $debug) = @_;
    unless ($debug eq 1 && DEBUG ne 1) {
    $msg = "[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$msg."\n";
        if (!defined $msglevel || $msglevel == "" || $msglevel == 0) {
            warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 1) {
            message($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 2) {
            warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 3) {
    return 1;

# Plugin unload
sub unload {
    message("\n[".PLUGINNAME."] unloading.\n\n");
    Plugins::delHook($networkHook) if $networkHook;
    undef $myCmds;
    undef $networkHook;
    $bus->onMessageReceived->remove($bus_message_received) if $bus_message_received;
    undef $bus_message_received if $bus_message_received;


Re: busCommands plugin by iMikeLance

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 14:13
by EternalHarvest
Wouldn't it be nice to have different commands for invoking commands and for messaging mode, so they can be used simultaneously and without configuration?

Re: busCommands plugin by iMikeLance

Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 05:17
by palancho
Hello! Does this plugin prevent the spam pms flood from Advanced search Party script?