I've been successfully botting on fRO the last couple hours, just got some Packet errors, anyone could lend me a hand and tell me what to write in the recvpackets.txt about 0A36? Sometimes in battle it is triggered.
Anyone got a Packet Length Extractor working, or something like PEEK? Didn't have any luck yet. But its working alright... but missing packets arent that good i think :/
fRO Packet 0A36 recvpackets.txt
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Re: fRO Packet 0A36 recvpackets.txt
Try using PEEK to extract your recvpackets.
Anyway, upload the .exe of your client.Anyone got a Packet Length Extractor working, or something like PEEK? Didn't have any luck yet. But its working alright... but missing packets arent that good i think :/
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Re: fRO Packet 0A36 recvpackets.txt
Hi, i am sorry to push this topic, but the same happens to me.
Here is the exe
https://mega.nz/#!fgsn1IjB!C5OKNgu95zHP ... P74tr_m2Gc
Here is the exe
https://mega.nz/#!fgsn1IjB!C5OKNgu95zHP ... P74tr_m2Gc
Re: fRO Packet 0A36 recvpackets.txt
PEEK dont work on newer fRO exe and i cant figure what is 0A36 :/
It's strange because 0A36 is present in recvpackets file...
It's strange because 0A36 is present in recvpackets file...
Re: fRO Packet 0A36 recvpackets.txt
Hello. There are two ways of error.
Packet parser or Unknown switch.
Reading the faq guide you can have sure
You should sniff
Packet parser or Unknown switch.
Reading the faq guide you can have sure
You should sniff
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Re: fRO Packet 0A36 recvpackets.txt
"Packet Parser: Unknown switch: 0A36"
Wich one it is ?
Wich one it is ?
Re: fRO Packet 0A36 recvpackets.txt
This packet looks like undefined in your serverType.
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