New Free server at jRO service


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Joined: 24 Jul 2013, 15:29
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New Free server at jRO service

#1 Post by mint »

Now there is a new server called Breidablik.
It is free server so it is easy to try.
(or to make new account as needed)

The place is fairly active (around 2-3k connections)
It's update schedule is unique.
Breidablik server recapitulates all the update of 10 years in 6 months.
(Yet it still uses the same game client so not completely the same as history)

I tried to use Openkore, but no luck.
Too little information to get started.
(e.g. unique log in method via web page, packet length extraction method, etc.)

If someone had already tried or is trying, let me know how its going!

If there is a language problem, may be I can be a bit of help.

Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Aug 2013, 21:16
Noob?: Yes

Re: New Free server at jRO service

#2 Post by abtarou »

I tried this things... but not well.....
anyone do well ?

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