Macro for checking tk mission

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Macro for checking tk mission

#1 Post by kamirie »

Good Day,
I'm trying to create a macro for tk mission , I have this line

Code: Select all

automacro check {
console /Target died/ 
run-once 1
call { 
do ss 493 
release check
After the tk killed a mob , it will cast tk mission skill. How can I capture the event result

Code: Select all

[TaeKwon Mission] Target Monster : Poporing (0%)
So I can create a macro that will move my TK to where the mob isin this case poporing . This line is not being recognized as a console or system text ( I tested both) as I tried to create this line

Code: Select all

automacro poporing {
console /[TaeKwon Mission] Target Monster : Poporing (0%)/
  call {
 do ai manual
 do c @go 2
 do conf lockMap pay_fild04
 do reload config
 do ai auto
 timeout 4
Or is there any other/efficient way to the tk missions?
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Re: Macro for checking tk mission

#2 Post by fadreus »

kamirie wrote:After the tk killed a mob , it will cast tk mission skill. How can I capture the event result

[TaeKwon Mission] Target Monster : Poporing (0%)
Refer here: ... 00#p281000
kamirie wrote:Or is there any other/efficient way to the tk missions?
Hmm, I already deleted all macros collection including mine.
But, the idea I used before was simply using command exp monster after target died.
The trigger is : Target died > exp monster > 100 will trigger TK mission and command exp reset.

Here's the example:

Code: Select all

automacro Dead {
	console /Target died/
	call {
		do exp monster

automacro 100 {
	console /<monster name><da space in consolee><100>/
	call {
		do 493
		do exp reset

This will reduce the time to kill 100 by not casting TK mission every each kill.
Some problem that might happen is when Killing Steal, DC, or lag or something, da kill count is 100 but the real mission is not completed, just remove exp reset by another trigger or something.

I don't keep old macros coz I have fun re-learning everything again and again and improving mine each time I wrote new one :D

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Re: Macro for checking tk mission

#3 Post by kamirie »

Refer here:
Thanks for this. Was able to make it work.

Still doing test on what will function efficiently
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Re: Macro for checking tk mission

#4 Post by kamirie »

I tried to make exp mosnter as my trigger. How can i use this info for console trigger?

Code: Select all

--------- Monster Killed Count ---------
#   ID     Name                    Count
0   1002   Training Poring         55
1   1007   Training Fabre          14
2   1063   Lunatic                 21

Total number of killed monsters: 89
I have this as the trigger but it doesn't tigger the automacro

Code: Select all

console /[0-9]+1002	Training	Poring	55/
Got it to work with this

Code: Select all

console /[0-9](.*)+1002(.*)+Training Poring(.*)+20/
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Re: Macro for checking tk mission

#5 Post by SkylorD »

kamirie wrote:I tried to make exp mosnter as my trigger. How can i use this info for console trigger?

Code: Select all

--------- Monster Killed Count ---------
#   ID     Name                    Count
0   1002   Training Poring         55
1   1007   Training Fabre          14
2   1063   Lunatic                 21

Total number of killed monsters: 89
I have this as the trigger but it doesn't tigger the automacro

Code: Select all

console /[0-9]+1002	Training	Poring	55/

Got it to work with this

Code: Select all

console /[0-9](.*)+1002(.*)+Training Poring(.*)+20/
55+14+21=89? haha

You need use @eval (return $::monsters_Killed[#]{name})
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Re: Macro for checking tk mission

#6 Post by kamirie »

SkylorD wrote:
kamirie wrote:I tried to make exp mosnter as my trigger. How can i use this info for console trigger?

Code: Select all

--------- Monster Killed Count ---------
#   ID     Name                    Count
0   1002   Training Poring         55
1   1007   Training Fabre          14
2   1063   Lunatic                 21

Total number of killed monsters: 89
I have this as the trigger but it doesn't tigger the automacro

Code: Select all

console /[0-9]+1002	Training	Poring	55/

Got it to work with this

Code: Select all

console /[0-9](.*)+1002(.*)+Training Poring(.*)+20/
55+14+21=89? haha

You need use @eval (return $::monsters_Killed[#]{name})
haha , not sure about that result from kore. I have this codes purely using the old macro plugin. Can I use macro plugin and eventmacro side by side?