Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#11 Post by MatrixZero »

sli wrote:Well those are special cases. You could made a monk that doesn't rely on melee, but when you get right down to it, monk and champs are melee classes and (basically) have the same skill trees, but have vastly different skill trees from priests.
Ya but until you get an Asura monk up they play just like a priest only difference is the addition of the Str that the monk has over the priest.

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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#12 Post by Jhnboy »

well, i could maybe help with a few articles but not too much as i have SAT tests coming up.
However, my knowledge of openkore code is not very...impressive.
I can however, read to learn a bit. I can configure my config.txt but thats about my extent.

but let me know and i will do what i can
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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#13 Post by Taga-Gubat »

sli wrote:Going back to my first post in this thread, shouldn't all unsimilar classes be broken into their own threads? Rogues and Assassins can probably stay merged (both are melee), but Monks and Champions are nothing like Priests and High Priests (going from spell to melee). I think that's the only one that would need to be changed, though.
Then I guess Whitesmiths and Creators need to be separated as well, but that's just my silly opinion.

Anyway, are services and manpower still needed for the FAQs? My services are available. I have read the OpenKore to-do list, and though I could help in things that require little-intermediate knowledge/skill, I think I'd be more of a liability since my knowledge and skill is minimal at the moment, so I'd rather start here. :mrgreen:

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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#14 Post by Cozzie »

everything should be separated out into parent-child association. It should be consistent. Contact me =)
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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#15 Post by Darki »

Maybe there could be sub-sections for each 1st class. The "main" support section would remain for general matters, and in the sub-forums there could be the stickies for each 2nd class.

The "basic" posts for each class could be used for the "default config" using the related classes, but instead of using them for all questions there could be specific "guides" for all builds. I don't think you can make a merge between a battle and bolter Sage botting guide if you wanna make it well.

I guess.
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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#16 Post by oni222 »

Lets not forget about Alchemist and Biochemist that there is no skill template whatsoever.
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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#17 Post by vajrh1993 »

i would help.. but also need help about the info about serverType's in the wiki ^^
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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#18 Post by Mushroom »

There is a possibility for the serverType change in the future. That's why it's not on wiki yet.
But you can find some information here http://web.archive.org/web/200807300149 ... ge_lengths
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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#19 Post by kLabMouse »

Mushroom wrote:There is a possibility for the serverType change in the future. That's why it's not on wiki yet.
Well, There is already Working Examples of new ServerType system.
May-be it should go to Wiki?
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Re: Looking for volunteers to help out writing faqs for the wiki

#20 Post by oni222 »

Do not forget to make an alchemist, biochemist skill thread, since for the past year nobody has bothered to post one here. So lets not repeat the same mistakes on the wiki page.

Thank you
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