and Build start.exe and wxstart.exe
We Will Start from Installing Required Software and Perl packages:
1) Install:
Note: About "Microsoft Windows SDK / Platform SDK" I still Donno. May-be It's better to just use "GCC MingW".ActiveState Perl 5.10
ActiveState PDK 9.0 (Optional)
GCC MingW 5.1
Python 2.7
Microsoft Windows SDK / Platform SDK
2) Installing Wx (Optional if you want to do #3.1):
Note: On Some Cases, hand compiling of "Wx" fails. So I better suggest to use wxperl PPM packages.Run PPM.
From the application menu under Edit -> Preferences, add a new repository using the URL
If you have a recent ActivePerl installation on Windows, this repository will already be available in the dropdown list of repositories.
You can display the source repository for PPMs in the Perl Package Manager GUI via the menu selection View->View Columns->Repo.
Choose to install from wxperl repository:
3) Other CPAN packages:
4) Wx CPAN packages (optional):1) Compile and Install some needed CPAN packages:
cpan> install UNIVERSAL::require
cpan> install ExtUtils::XSpp
cpan> install IO::Scalar
cpan> install List::Util
cpan> install File::Path
cpan> install File::Slurp
cpan> install File::chdir
cpan> install Text::Balanced
cpan> install Digest::MD5
cpan> install OpenGL
5) 'Coro' (optional):1) Compile and Install some needed CPAN packages:
cpan> force install Alien::wxWidgets
cpan> force install Wx
cpan> force install Wx::GLCanvas
cpan> force install Wx::TreeListCtrl
cpan> force install Wx::Demo
cpan> force install Wx::Perl::Packager
Note: Thees is better done by hands.TODO....