This thread will slowly be merged/migrated to an existing wiki page for consistency. I am DESPERATELY looking for volunteers who can assist me. Please PM me if you are interested.
This will be the only private server connection information thread. If your server list is not here, try: ... nformation first before posting a support thread.
DO Follow the template below or I will delete your post otherwise. I am not your editor nor I have the time to, this is especially important when updating the first posts.
Use the code block for your server info thank you. Attach the recvpackets.txt and portals.txt if it is necessary for the server. Add any extra information required after the server information block.
Kami-Online Private Server
Source: by harakiri
Code: Select all
[Kami-Online Private Server]
port 6900
master_version 14
version 21
serverType 5
private 1
serverEncoding Western
charBlockSize 108