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Openkore Brazilian Forum IS NOT WORKING!

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 15:40
by etnies182
Please someone report to some moderator of the Brazilian openkore forum that the email verification is not working, making it impossible to create new accounts. I appreciate the help.

Re: Openkore Brazilian Forum

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 22:39
by lututui99
It is working.

Check your spam folder.

Re: Openkore Brazilian Forum

Posted: 08 Jun 2017, 22:50
by etnies182
I checked and I did with 2 different emails. No confirmation email. If I request to change my password it works, the email arrives but confirmation does not work! Try creating a new account, I tried gmail, hotmail, and my person email that is a Brazilian host uol, no success.

*I did it, I spam the button to send the email and finally I receive. I'm talking now directly with them, thank you.