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impossible to use drop command

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 15:35
by angely
Hello, i'm boting on GGamerz-RO and i have aprobleme with the use of drop command...

When i try to drop an item like

drop item ID or drop item ID number

There is no reaction if the item exist, if not an error message appear correctly...

I searched a solution in the .pm files... the Sub cmdDrop in has well processed, sub ai_drop too... it appear that the sub processDrop is not running well
sub processDrop {
message TF("sub processDrop Done");
if (AI::action eq "drop" && timeOut(AI::args)) {
message TF("AI::action eq "drop" && timeOut(AI::args");
my $item = AI::args->{'items'}[0];
my $amount = AI::args->{max};

drop($item, $amount);
shift @{AI::args->{items}};
AI::args->{time} = time;
AI::dequeue if (@{AI::args->{'items'}} <= 0);
I added some spy in the code to understand where is the probleme (the line with "message TF()"), when i let the blue line in code, Core is spamming the message so the process is weel called, but when I try to drop my item, there is no alert... the problem is in the AI::action eq "drop" && timeOut(AI::args) condition...

If i use other process, like cart get command wich trigger when AI::action eq "cartAdd" && timeOut(AI::args) all is good, so the probleme is in the AI::action... but i can't go further