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"Incoming data left in the buffer" - packet with a message

Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 08:18
by goneaway1
hey guys
have searched for "incoming data left in the buffer" but only found people talking about private servers

recently had one of my bots crash due to this error
the scary part is that the packet sent to my bot seems to contain a message, shown in the picture


anyone got any idea where this packet came from?
i don't think GMs would send packets to crash a bot...
i feel like it must be another player, since if it was a gm i should just be banned...

has anyone else had "incoming data left in the buffer" errors lately?
were any messages included?

Re: "Incoming data left in the buffer" - packet with a message

Posted: 31 May 2017, 05:14
by Niodan
This is not send by GM
This is usually happen when you disconnect your character.
Logging off or map change

And it's common in game too, not just bot. Your character get disconnect when you move to a new map, server is having this issue right now and it seems it only happens to partial people.
Also your internet speed as well, if you are too lag, your bot will crash by saying those message.