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Player Count

Posted: 21 Nov 2018, 20:18
by Niodan
For example you input "pl" in the openkore that gives you a rough detail of the surrounding player name and how many of them
is there a way that the openkore can simply output a number instead of everything?
say you input a commant and that gives you a number 6 which means there are 6 people around you.

Re: Player Count

Posted: 21 Nov 2018, 23:02
by fadreus
What are you trying to do? :?

Re: Player Count

Posted: 22 Nov 2018, 02:34
by Niodan
Trying to make the openkore DO a command when it detects the surrounding players are over a certain number.
Macro is fine too.

Re: Player Count

Posted: 22 Nov 2018, 03:30
by fadreus
If you interested in making your own condition with eval regexp, you can refer here

But if you don't like complicated stuff like me, can just do like this:

Code: Select all

automacro CheckPlayers {
	player /(.*?)/
	run-once 1
	call {
		release PlayerCount
		do pl

automacro PlayerCount {
	console /Total players: (.*?)/
	run-once 1
	call {
		$num = $.lastMatch1
		if ($num > (Your number) goto doSomething
		release CheckPlayers

		do <command>
		goto end

Well, that's the rough idea.

Re: Player Count

Posted: 22 Nov 2018, 04:41
by Niodan

$num = $.lastMatch1

does not work,
it gives <Blank>

Re: Player Count

Posted: 22 Nov 2018, 05:09
by c4c1n6kr3m1
using old macro plugin

eval $::playersList->size() >= 5

Re: Player Count

Posted: 22 Nov 2018, 06:48
by fadreus
Of course it doesn't work.
Told ya it's just the rough idea. XD
I just wrote that quickly, I dun even check/test it.
I'm not good yet in regexp, too lazy to test.
But it's blank prolly because before number there is a space.
Welp, creamy worm already gave the regexp..