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How to properly generate recvpackets for iRO

Posted: 20 Dec 2018, 23:10
by nizdi
A user gave in this gist ( ... ddf1885706) a very helpful guide of how to generate recvpackets from iRO, but some knowledge is missing: if there are deleted packets, what do now?

Like anyone would thought, I deleted the old packet from old_recvpackets and file was generated. But, it doesn't actually worked.

I got some some packets differently from the weekly update (thanks for keeping the good work Fadreus and allanon), and I don't know why. And that was not the entirely reason, since I did not used PEEK to get sendCryptKeys (which i thought this tool would do it, myself being dumb). But what am I missing, what I need to learn? I also don't get it what made Fradeus notice there where two repeated lines in the new shuffle: was it a guess when it did not worked in first try or he knew it would be there?

I really want to learn tho.


Parallel question: how much it would cost a server/month to hold all this process?

Thanks for any kinda of help.

If it's too trouble (gr4v1ty) to bring this here, please delete.