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Finding packet length

Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 09:59
by doseonee
Trying to use openkore for the first time since I am currently new to kRO. I see many others having issues trying to get openkore working for the Official kRO server (baphomet).
Unable to find the packet length on Korean rag.exe when trying to get the receivepackets to create my own servertype to login and get the bot working successfully (not really sure if this is how it works but as of reading around I guess so since all the Korean packets are outdated?)

so a few questions I have for moderators around here who seem to know what they are doing and have it working on pservers/bRO.

1) When viewing with PE viewer, the time stamp comes out to be sep 1, 2014. Would this mean with an updated recv packets gotten from an Extractor v3 or other functioning extractor that openkore would function properly for kRO official server?

2) I'm guessing the official kRO rag.exe is packed and needs to be unpacked to get extractor v3 working properly and I was wondering if there was any way around having to unpack the rag.exe or a tutorial on getting this done? (unsure of what it is packed with)

PS: I saw that the pRO MPRESS unpacking video was wondering if this method of unpacking would work for this kRO version.

3) When I do run start.exe I end up getting the error... Unknown switch: 083E which is the login_error packet and I was wondering if this is due to the recv packets?


Code: Select all

[Korea - kRO: Sara/Rangidis/Thanatos]
port 6900
master_version 0
version 19
serverType kRO_RagexeRE_0
serverEncoding Korean
charBlockSize 112
storageEncryptKey 0x050B6F79,0x0202C179,0x00E20120,0x04FA43E3,0x0179B6C8,0x05973DF2,0x007D8D6B,0x08CB9ED9
gameGuard 1
addTableFolders kRO
And again, I am new to using OpenKore so any information that you could provide would be greatly helpful.