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[eventMacro] Help with using LOCK, RELEASE and DISABLED

Posted: 27 Jan 2018, 17:42
by fawkbr
Hello and good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen,

I'm finishing a nice macro to iRO but, besides i'm using the eventMacro Manual, i think i could be missing something.
I'll sample how i'm using these, if someone can help, please, i would be really grateful.


Example of the use:

do move 176 106
pause 1
do talknpc 181 104 c r0 n
pause 1
release TIMETOGEARUP <--- It's supposed to TURN THE "TIMETOGEARUP" macro activable, in another words, turn disabled 0 on it.

automacro TIMETOGEARUP {
run-once 1
disabled 1 <--- It's ON because it can't be activated BEFORE the time. When the RELEASE happens, it occurs.
Zeny >= 30000
InMap payon
JobID 6
JobLevel == 50

lock TIMETOGEARUP <--- It's supposed to DISABLE (make disabled to turn 0 again) and make it unachiavable.
do move payon_in 11 124
do talknpc 7 119 b
do buy Muffler 1
pause 2
do eq Muffler
do pause 2
do autosell
pause 1


When i let the macro with this use of the eventMacro conditions and functions, i receive this errors, logged in errors.txt
PS: I don't receive errors when i'm not using these (lock, disabled and release) so, i think i'm using these the wrong way.


Can someone help me? It's the very first macro i'm making using eventMacro plugin.
I used to make some simple macros at the old plugins, but never in this new.

Thanks in advance, i'm looking to contribute with the
community from now on, when my skills get better!

Re: [eventMacro] Help with using LOCK, RELEASE and DISABLED

Posted: 28 Jan 2018, 02:53
by fadreus
If u use run-once, dont need to lock.
And btw, I tested your Example. Working fine.
No error.

You might wanna paste the real code.