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Eden Quest Macros

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 21:24
by panthervfs
Hey everyone~!
I got some help earlier with a macro I wanted to do, so I thought I should return the kindness and post up some macros I've been working on.

I just started cleaning these up, so I will do a follow up post to say if these still work after my cleaning haha. Basically these are most of the Eden Quest board missions. The macros tell your bot to move to the Eden Quest Board location, then get the quest.

They are triggered in automacros through the party chat function. I wrote these since I have a Royal Guard with a priest bot to follow him. I wanted to tell my priest to grab the same leveling missions that I was grabbing. Let me know if you see anything wrong, or if any improvements can be made =D

Here are the macros

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########## Eden Mission Macros ##########

### Retrieve Board Quests ###
macro move1_70boards {
	$x = @random ("32","33","34","35","36")
	$y = @random ("37","36","35","34","33")
	do move moc_para01 $x $y

macro move71_99boards {
	$x = @random ("46","47","45","44","43")
	$y = @random ("178","177","176","174","175")
	do move moc_paraup $x $y

macro moveGramps {
	$x = @random ("26","27","28","25","24")
	$y = @random ("29","28","27")
	do move moc_para01 $x $y

### Gramps Turn Ins ###
macro grabTi70a {
	call moveGramps
	pause 1
	call ti70a

macro grabTi70b {
	call moveGramps
	pause 1
	call ti70b

macro warpTo70map {
	call moveGramps
	pause 1
	call tiWarp70

macro ti70a {
	do talknpc 29 35 c c r0 c c r0 c c r0 c

macro ti70b {
	do talknpc 29 35 c c r0 c c r0 c c r1 c

macro tiWarp70 {
	do talknpc 29 35 c c r3 c c r0 c

macro tiTurnin {
	do talknpc 29 35 c c r1 c c c

### 1 to 11 quests ###
macro edenQuest1 {
	call move1_70boards
	call drops
	pause 1
	call fabreLunatic
	pause 1
	call pupaChonChon
	pause 1
	call pecoEgg
	pause 1
	call pickyWillow

macro drops {
	do talknpc 34 38 c r0 c r0 c

macro fabreLunatic {
	do talknpc 34 38 c r1 c r0 c

macro pupaChonChon {
	do talknpc 34 38 c r2 c r0 c

macro pecoEgg {
	do talknpc 34 38 c r3 c r0 c

macro pickyWillow {
	do talknpc 34 38 c r4 c r0 c

### 11 to 25 quests ###
macro edenQuest2 {
	call move1_70boards
	call hornet
	pause 1
	call condor
	pause 1
	call rocker
	pause 1
	call wormtail
	pause 1
	call spore
	pause 1
	call thiefBugEgg
	pause 1
	call muka
	pause 1
	call familiar
	pause 1
	call pecoPeco
	pause 1
	call poisonSpore1

macro hornet {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r0 c r0 c c c

macro condor {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r1 c r0 c c c

macro rocker {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r2 c r0 c c c

macro wormtail {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r3 c r0 c c c

macro spore {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r4 c r0 c c c

macro thiefBugEgg {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r5 c r0 c c c

macro muka {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r6 c r0 c c c

macro familiar {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r7 c r0 c c c

macro pecoPeco {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r8 c r0 c c c

macro poisonSpore1 {
	do talknpc 36 38 c r9 c r0 c c c

### 26 to 40 quests ###
macro edenQuest3 {
	call move1_70boards
	call poisonSpore2
	pause 1
	all smokie
	pause 1
	call elderWillow
	pause 1
	call coco
	pause 1
	call tharaFrog1

macro poisonSpore2 {
	do talknpc 38 38 c r0 c r0 c c r0 c c c

macro smokie {
	do talknpc 38 38 c r0 c r1 c c r0 c c c

macro elderWillow {
	do talknpc 38 38 c r0 c r2 c c r0 c c c

macro coco {
	do talknpc 38 38 c r0 c r3 c c r0 c c c

macro tharaFrog1 {
	do talknpc 38 38 c r0 c r4 c c r0 c c c

### 41 to 55 quests ###
macro edenQuest4 {
	call move1_70boards
	call orcBaby
	pause 1
	call orcWarrior

macro orcBaby {
	do talknpc 40 38 c r3 c r0 c

macro orcWarrior {
	do talknpc 40 38 c r4 c r0 c

## 56 to 70 quets ##

macro maneaterBlossom {
	do talknpc 42 38 c r1 c r3 c c c c c c c c r0 c c

### 71 to 90 quests ###
macro clockTowerXP {
	$x = @random ("46","47","45","44","43")
	$y = @random ("178","177","176","174","175")
	do move $x $y
	pause 5
	do talknpc 48 175 c r1 c r0 c c r0 c
	pause 1
	do talknpc 48 175 c r1 c r1 c c r0 c

### 91 to 99 quests ###
macro glastXP {
	call move71_99boards
	call injustice
	pause 1
	call rybio
	pause 1
	call darkPriest
	do p Let’s go raid Glast Heim~!

macro rachelXP {
call move71_99boards
call stapo
pause 1
call roween
pause 1
call siroma
do p Let’s go raid Rachel~!

macro turtleXP {
	call move71_99boards
	call soldier
	pause 1
	call freezer
	pause 1
	call heater
	do p Let’s go hunt some turles~!

macro injustice {
do talknpc 48 177 c r1 c r0 c c r0 c

macro rybio {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r1 c r1 c c r0 c

macro darkPriest {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r1 c r2 c c r0 c

macro stapo {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r2 c r0 c c r0 c r0 c

macro roween {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r2 c r1 c c r0 c r0 c

macro siroma {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r2 c r2 c c r0 c r0 c

macro soldier {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r0 c r0 c c r0 c

macro freezer {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r0 c r1 c c r0 c

macro heater {
	do talknpc 48 177 c r0 c r2 c c r0 c

### Turn in ###
#1: lvl 1 - 10
macro turnin1 {
	do talknpc 35 39 c c c c c

#2: lvl 11-25
macro turnin2 {
	do talknpc 37 39 c c c c c

#3: lvl 26-40
macro turnin3 {
	do talknpc 39 39 c c c r1 

#4: lvl 41-55
macro turnin4 {
	do talknpc 41 39 c c c c c

#5: lvl 56-70
macro turnin5 {
	do talknpc 43 39 c c c c c
Here are the automacro triggers

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########## Eden Quest AutoMacro Triggers ##########

### Gramps Turn Ins ###
automacro warp70{
	party /Warp lvl 70 map/i
	run-once 1
	call {
      $nick = $.lastparty
      $auth = @eval (defined $::overallAuth{"$nick"} ? $::overallAuth{"$nick"}:"None")
      if ($auth == 1) goto auth
      do p Pardon...?
		call warpTo70map
		release warp70

automacro ti70 {
	party /grab TI 70 (.*)/i
	run-once 1
	call {
      $nick = $.lastparty
	$mon = $.lastMatch1
      $auth = @eval (defined $::overallAuth{"$nick"} ? $::overallAuth{"$nick"}:"None")
      if ($auth == 1) goto auth
      do p Pardon...?
	if ( “$mon” == “a” ) goto grabA
      if ( “$mon” == “b” ) goto grabB
      do p Sorry, don’t know what you want
		call grabTi70a
		release ti70
		call grabTi70b
		release ti70

automacro TI{
	party /turnin TI/i
	run-once 1
	call {
      $nick = $.lastparty
      $auth = @eval (defined $::overallAuth{"$nick"} ? $::overallAuth{"$nick"}:"None")
      if ($auth == 1) goto auth
      do p Pardon...?
		call turninTI
		release TI

### Eden Quest Boards ###
automacro retrieveEdenQuest{
	party /Retrieve (.*) Quest/i
	run-once 1
	call {
$nick = $.lastparty
$quest = $.lastMatch1
      $auth = @eval (defined $::overallAuth{"$nick"} ? $::overallAuth{"$nick"}:"None")
      if ($auth == 1) goto auth
      do p Pardon...?
		call $quest
		release retrieveEdenQuest

automacro turninEdenQuest {
	party /turnin (\d*)/i
	call {
      $nick = $.lastparty
	$questBoard = $.lastMatch1
      $auth = @eval (defined $::overallAuth{"$nick"} ? $::overallAuth{"$nick"}:"None")
      if ($auth == 1) goto auth
      do p Pardon...?
	do ai manual
	call move1_70boards
	if ( $questBoard == 1 ) goto one
	if ( $questBoard == 2 ) goto two
	if ( $questBoard == 3 ) goto three
	if ( $questBoard == 4 ) goto four
	if ( $questBoard == 5 ) goto five
	do p sorry I don’t know where that board is
	goto end
		call turnin1
		goto end
		call turnin2
		goto end
		call turnin3
		goto end
		call turnin4
		goto end
		call turnin5
		goto end
	release turninEdenQuest

automacro maneater {
	party /Retrieve Maneater/i
	call {
      $nick = $.lastparty
      $auth = @eval (defined $::overallAuth{"$nick"} ? $::overallAuth{"$nick"}:"None")
      if ($auth == 1) goto auth
      do p Pardon...?
	do ai manual
	call move1_70boards
	if ( @invamount(Maneater Blossom) < 40 ) goto skip
		call maneaterBlosom
		pause 1
		call turnin5
		pause 1
		goto auth
	do p I don’t have enough Maneater Blossoms
	do ai auto
	release maneater

Re: Eden Quest Macros

Posted: 25 Jan 2014, 22:22
by panthervfs
In the "retrieveEdenQuest" automacro, I guess we can't do a:

call $quest

Code: Select all

automacro retrieveEdenQuest{
   party /Retrieve (.*) Quest/i
   run-once 1
   call {
$nick = $.lastparty
$quest = $.lastMatch1
      $auth = @eval (defined $::overallAuth{"$nick"} ? $::overallAuth{"$nick"}:"None")
      if ($auth == 1) goto auth
      do p Pardon...?
      call $quest
      release retrieveEdenQuest
Any ideas how we can get around that?

Re: Eden Quest Macros

Posted: 14 Aug 2014, 15:19
by forgotpzwrd
this automacro would have been awesome. but i kept getting an error.

Re: Eden Quest Macros

Posted: 23 Jan 2018, 10:23
by kair24
anyone still using this?

Re: Eden Quest Macros

Posted: 23 Jan 2018, 17:09
by fadreus
Quest using with eventMacro much easier.