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[IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 09 Mar 2016, 11:14
by Yaham
Hello guys,

I always leeched so much from this forum and the wiki, now it's time to payback.... I'm developing a macro to take an novice 1/1 and evolving it to an rogue 99/50, including quests.

If the novice dies in the beggining, you need to manually put him back to the map (ai manual, move iz_ac01 66 74, talknpc 59 83 c r1 n, ai on)
In all the tests i've made, at job 50 the rogue quest items will always be the same, so the bot will take that items (may take a while for the yellow herbs from peco, but in the end he can do it... also, good to put Muka to not attack and to attack the yellow herbs)

In the last part of the rogue quest change I've putted an relog 999999, because if you are planning to run more than one at the same time, one will screw the other maze quest. (just do relog 1, and the bot will go by itself)
During this fase the bot became out of money for teleport it may crash.
And the ones that end in the cmd_fild04 quest may have problems from the sea otter waterballs (to overcome this i place the bot manually in top of the portal and keep the mobs away with other)

I think this is it, any doubts or tips are welcome!

Sorry for the bad english and some misspells x-x

My Config (the item parts should be the same, the rest is up to you)

Code: Select all

# Please Read the Users Manual
# The Manual is located at

######## Login options and server-specific options ########

master International - iRO: Ymir/Yggdrasil/Valkyrie
server 1
char 0

# Poseidon Settings (
# They must be the same as Query Server config in Poseidon.txt
poseidonPort 24390


# 1 = hook into RO client, 2 = Act as stand-alone proxy, proxy = act as true proxy
XKore 0
XKore_port 2350
XKore_dll NetRedirect.dll
XKore_autoAttachIfOneExe 1
XKore_silent 1
XKore_bypassBotDetection 0
XKore_exeName ragexe.exe

# XKore 2 / Proxy configuration
XKore_listenPort 6901

# It is not advised to set secureAdminPassword if you're using Xkore 2
secureAdminPassword 1
adminPassword cidromit
commandPrefix ;
callSignGM 0

pauseCharServer 0
pauseMapServer 0
ignoreInvalidLogin 0

# Opening cash shop when connected to map server (recv/ST0)
whenInGame_requestCashPoints 0

message_length_max 80

######## Main configuration ########

alias_heal sp 28

allowedMaps_reaction 1

attackAuto 2
attackAuto_party 0
attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0
attackAuto_followTarget 1
attackAuto_inLockOnly 1
attackAuto_notInTown 1
attackDistance 1.5
attackDistanceAuto 0
attackMaxDistance 2.5
attackMaxRouteDistance 100
attackMaxRouteTime 4
attackMinPlayerDistance 2
attackMinPortalDistance 7
attackUseWeapon 1
attackNoGiveup 0
attackCanSnipe 0
attackCheckLOS 0
attackLooters 0
attackChangeTarget 1
aggressiveAntiKS 0

autoMoveOnDeath 0


#You need the breakTime plugin:
autoBreakTime {

autoConfChange {

autoMakeArrows 0

autoRestart 0

autoRestartMin 10800
autoRestartSeed 3600

autoRestartSleep 1
autoSleepMin 900
autoSleepSeed 900

autoResponse 0
autoResponseOnHeal 0


avoidGM_near 0
avoidGM_near_inTown 0
avoidGM_talk 0
avoidGM_reconnect 1800

avoidList 1
avoidList_inLockOnly 0
avoidList_reconnect 1800

cachePlayerNames 1
cachePlayerNames_duration 900
cachePlayerNames_maxSize 100

clientSight 20

dcPause 1
dcOnDeath 0
dcOnDualLogin 0
dcOnDisconnect 0
dcOnEmptyArrow 0
dcOnMaxReconnections 0
dcOnMute 0
dcOnPM 0
dcOnZeny 0
dcOnStorageFull 1
dcOnPlayer 0
dcOnServerShutDown 0
dcOnServerClose 0

follow 0
followCheckLOS 0
followEmotion 1
followEmotion_distance 4
followFaceDirection 0
followDistanceMax 6
followDistanceMin 3
followLostStep 12
followSitAuto 0
followBot 0
followRandom 0
followRandomDistance 4

itemsTakeAuto 1
itemsTakeAuto_party 0
itemsGatherAuto 0
itemsMaxWeight 89
itemsMaxWeight_sellOrStore 89
itemsMaxNum_sellOrStore 99
cartMaxWeight 7900
itemsTakeAuto_new 0
itemsTakeGreed 0


route_escape_reachedNoPortal 1
route_escape_randomWalk 1
route_avoidWalls 1
route_randomWalk 0
route_randomWalk_inTown 0
route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime 75
route_maxNpcTries 5
route_teleport 0
route_teleport_minDistance 150
route_teleport_maxTries 8
route_step 15

runFromTarget 0
runFromTarget_dist 6

saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell 1

shopAuto_open 0
shop_random 0
shop_useSkill 1

sitAuto_hp_lower 10
sitAuto_hp_upper 20
sitAuto_follow 0
sitAuto_over_50 0
sitAuto_idle 0
sitTensionRelax 0

statsAddAuto 1
statsAddAuto_list 10 str, 10 dex, 10 agi, 20 str, 20 dex, 20 agi, 40 str, 40 agi, 30 dex, 60 agi, 50 dex, 50 str, 80 agi, 70 str, 90 agi, 70 dex
statsAddAuto_dontUseBonus 1
statsAdd_over_99 0

skillsAddAuto 1
skillsAddAuto_list Basic Skill 9, Double Attack 10, Improve Dodge 10, Steal 10, Hiding 10, Envenom 9, Gank 10, Sword Mastery 10, Mug 2, Divest Helm 5, Divest Shield 3, Slyness 1, Haggle 5

tankMode 0

teleportAuto_hp 30
teleportAuto_sp 0
teleportAuto_idle 0
teleportAuto_portal 0
teleportAuto_search 0
teleportAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0
teleportAuto_maxDmg 500
teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock 0
teleportAuto_deadly 1
teleportAuto_useSkill 3
teleportAuto_allPlayers 0
teleportAuto_atkCount 0
teleportAuto_atkMiss 10
teleportAuto_unstuck 0
teleportAuto_lostTarget 0
teleportAuto_dropTarget 0
teleportAuto_dropTargetKS 0
teleportAuto_attackedWhenSitting 0
teleportAuto_totalDmg 0
teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock 0

dealAuto 1
partyAuto 1
partyAutoShare 1
partyAutoShareItem 0
partyAutoShareItemDiv 0
guildAutoDeny 1

verbose 1
showDomain 0
showDomain_NPC parseMsg_presence
showDomain_Shop list
wx_map_maxAutoSize 300
wx_map_monsterSticking 1
wx_map_npcSticking 1
wx_map_playersSticking 1
wx_map_portalSticking 5
showAllDamage 0

logChat 0
logPrivateChat 1
logPartyChat 1
logGuildChat 1
logSystemChat 1
logConsole 0
logAppendUsername 1
logAppendServer 0
monsterLog 0
logDead 0

chatTitleOversize 0
shopTitleOversize 0

sleepTime 10000

ignoreAll 0
itemHistory 0
autoTalkCont 1
noAutoSkill 0
portalCompile 1
portalRecord 2
missDamage 0


repairAuto 0

status_mapProperty 0
status_mapType 0


######## Mercenary Support ########

mercenary_attackAuto 2
mercenary_attackAuto_party 1
mercenary_attackAuto_notInTown 1
mercenary_attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0
mercenary_attackDistance 1.5
mercenary_attackMaxDistance 2.5
mercenary_attackMaxRouteTime 4
mercenary_attackCanSnipe 0
mercenary_attackCheckLOS 0
mercenary_attackNoGiveup 0
mercenary_attackChangeTarget 1

mercenary_followDistanceMax 10
mercenary_followDistanceMin 3

mercenary_route_step 15

mercenary_tankMode 0

mercenary_teleportAuto_hp 10
mercenary_teleportAuto_maxDmg 500
mercenary_teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock 0
mercenary_teleportAuto_deadly 1
mercenary_teleportAuto_unstuck 0
mercenary_teleportAuto_dropTarget 0
mercenary_teleportAuto_dropTargetKS 0
mercenary_teleportAuto_totalDmg 0
mercenary_teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock 0
mercenary_teleportAuto_attackedWhenSitting 0

######## Homunculus Support ########

homunculus_attackAuto 2
homunculus_attackAuto_party 1
homunculus_attackAuto_notInTown 1
homunculus_attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0
homunculus_attackDistance 1.5
homunculus_attackMaxDistance 2.5
homunculus_attackMaxRouteTime 4
homunculus_attackCanSnipe 0
homunculus_attackCheckLOS 0
homunculus_attackNoGiveup 0
homunculus_attackChangeTarget 1

homunculus_followDistanceMax 10
homunculus_followDistanceMin 3

homunculus_route_step 15

homunculus_tankMode 0

homunculus_runFromTarget 0
homunculus_runFromTarget_dist 6

homunculus_StandByAuto 0
homunculus_teleportAuto_hp 10
homunculus_teleportAuto_maxDmg 500
homunculus_teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock 0
homunculus_teleportAuto_deadly 1
homunculus_teleportAuto_unstuck 0
homunculus_teleportAuto_dropTarget 0
homunculus_teleportAuto_dropTargetKS 0
homunculus_teleportAuto_totalDmg 0
homunculus_teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock 0
homunculus_teleportAuto_attackedWhenSitting 0

# intimacyMax / Min sets a threshhold of when not to feed your homunculus
# If intimacy is HIGHER than the minimum or LOWER/EQUAL to the max, we wont feed.
homunculus_intimacyMax 999
homunculus_intimacyMin 911

# Turn on/off homunculus autofeeding
homunculus_autoFeed 1
# In Wich maps should we allow feeding? (leave empty for any map)

# Feed homunculus between MIN and MAX value (example: between 11 and 25)
homunculus_hungerMin 11
homunculus_hungerMax 24

# Turn on/off pet autofeeding
pet_autoFeed 1
# Feed pet when meet the hunger value
pet_hunger 25
# Return pet when meet the hunger value
pet_return 20

######## Block options ########
# You can copy & paste any block multiple times. So if you want to
# configure two attack skills, just duplicate the attackSkillSlot block.

attackSkillSlot {
	lvl 10
	dist 1.5
	maxCastTime 0
	minCastTime 0
	sp > 10
	stopWhenHit 0
	inLockOnly 0
	notInTown 0
	timeout 0
	disabled 0
	maxAttempts 0
	maxUses 0
	isSelfSkill 0
	manualAI 0

attackComboSlot {
	dist 1.5
	isSelfSkill 1

doCommand {
	stopWhenHit 0
	inLockOnly 0
	notWhileSitting 0
	notInTown 0
	disabled 0
	manualAI 0

useSelf_skill {
	lvl 10
	maxCastTime 0
	minCastTime 0
	stopWhenHit 0
	inLockOnly 0
	notWhileSitting 0
	notInTown 0
	timeout 0
	disabled 0
	manualAI 0

useSelf_skill_smartHeal 1

partySkillDistance 0..8

partySkill {
	lvl 10
	dist 3
	maxCastTime 0
	minCastTime 0
	stopWhenHit 0
	inLockOnly 0
	notWhileSitting 0
	notInTown 0
	timeout 0
	disabled 0
	manualAI 0
	target_timeout 0
	target_dead 0
	isSelfSkill 0

monsterSkill {
	# Skill Use Conditions, including isSelfSkill
	# Self Conditions
	# Target Monster Conditions


# NOTE: In the case of two handed weapons, or no Shield,
#       duplicate the weapon name for 'rightHand'
# To attack with bare hands, specify "[NONE]" (without the quotes) for rightHand

autoSwitch {

equipAuto {
	weight 0
	whileSitting 0
	stopWhenHit 0
	inLockOnly 0
	notWhileSitting 0
	notInTown 0
	timeout 0
	disabled 0
	manualAI 0

useSelf_item {
	stopWhenHit 0
	inLockOnly 0
	notWhileSitting 0
	notInTown 0
	timeout 0
	disabled 0
	manualAI 0

useSelf_item Concentration Potion {
	whenStatusInactive Concentration Potion
	timeout 10
	inLockOnly 1
	disabled 0
	label useconcpot

useSelf_item Awakening Potion {
	whenStatusInactive Awakening Potion
	timeout 10
	inLockOnly 1
	disabled 0
	label useawakepot

useSelf_item Novice Potion, Red Potion, Orange Potion, Yellow Potion, White Potion {
	hp < 70%
	disabled 0
	manualAI 2

######## Autostorage/autosell ########

buyAuto Fly Wing {
	distance 5
	price 60
	disabled 0
	label buyflywing

buyAuto Butterfly Wing {
	distance 5
	price 300
	disabled 0
	label buybutterfly

buyAuto Red Potion {
	distance 5
	price 50
	disabled 0
	label buyredpot

buyAuto Orange Potion {
	distance 5
	price 200
	disabled 0
	label buyorangepot

buyAuto Concentration Potion {
	distance 5
	price 800
	disabled 0
	label buyconcpot

buyAuto Awakening Potion {
	distance 5
	price 1500
	disabled 0
	label buyawakpot

sellAuto_distance 5
sellAuto_npc_steps s e

storageAuto_distance 5
storageAuto_npc_type 3
storageAuto_npc_steps c w2 r1 w2 c w2 r0 w2 n
storageAuto_keepOpen 0
relogAfterStorage 0
minStorageZeny 500


getAuto {

######## Debugging options; only useful for developers ########

debug 0
debugPacket_unparsed 0
debugPacket_received 0
debugPacket_ro_sent 0
debugPacket_sent 0
history_max 50
macro_orphans terminate


Code: Select all

# A Codificação do texto está correta?
# Codificação:  ANSI -> UTF8 Without boom
# Se você não está vendo a acentuação corretamente, seu arquivo está no formato incorreto.
# Créditos tradução: Duds, Draigonz, Sayd, Temaki' e Kepler  ---

automacro nomapa {
location iz_int
base == 1
run-once 1
call setup

macro setup {
do conf autoTalkCont 1
do conf route_randomWalk 0
do conf attackAuto 0
do conf lockMap 0
do conf skillsAddAuto 1
do conf relogAfterStorage 0
call chatisse

macro chatisse {
do talknpc 100 91 c c c c c c c n
pause 5
do move 96 73
pause 5
do talknpc 198 213 c c c r0 c c c c c c c c c c n
pause 5
do move 125 202
pause 5
do talknpc 120 207 c r0 c c c c c c c c n
pause 5
do move 50 97
pause 5
do talknpc 45 94 c c r0 c r0 c c n
pause 5
do move 172 72
pause 5
do talknpc 179 75 c c r0 c c c n
pause 5
do move 203 166
pause 5
do talknpc 207 167 c c c r0 c r0 c c n
pause 5
do move 128 205
pause 5
do talknpc 120 207 c c r0 c c r0 c c c c c c c n
pause 5
do talknpc 122 207 c c c c c c c c c c n
pause 5
do is Apple Juice
pause 5
do talknpc 122 207 c c c r1 c c c c n
pause 5
do move 125 257
pause 5
do talknpc 100 39 c c r0 c c c n
pause 5
do eq Tattered Novice Ninja Suit
pause 5
do eq Somber Novice Hood
pause 5
do eq Novice Slippers
pause 5
do eq Novice Guard
pause 5
do eq Criatura Academy Hat [1]
pause 5
do eq Novice Main-Gauche
pause 5
do move 66 74
pause 5
do talknpc 59 83 c r1 n
pause 5
do conf attackAuto 2
pause 5
do conf route_randomWalk 1
pause 5

automacro jobidez {
class Novice
job == 10
run-once 1
call virargatuno

macro virargatuno {
do conf attackAuto 0
do conf route_randomWalk 0
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do skills add 1
do move 348 215
pause 5
do talknpc 343 216 c r0 n
pause 5
do move 78 25
pause 5
do move 52 136
pause 5
do talknpc 52 136 c c r0 c c c r0 c c c c c c c c c c c c c n
pause 5
do talknpc 49 134  c c c c c c c c c c c r1 c r1 c c c c n
pause 5
do talknpc 55 134 c r0 c c c c r4 c r3 c c r0 c c r4 c r0 c c r1 c c c c r2 c c c c c r4 c c m
pause 5
do talknpc 52 136 c c c c n
pause 5
do eq Thief Manual
pause 5
do talknpc 49 134 c c c c c n
pause 5
do talknpc 55 134 c c c c c r0 c c n
pause 5
do relog 30
pause 5
call viragat

macro viragat {

$thief = @rand(1, 3)
pause 1
if ($thief = 1) goto loopdogat1
if ($thief = 2) goto loopdogat2 
if ($thief = 3) goto loopdogat3

while (class != Thief) as loop
do relog 5
pause 5
do move @rand(59, 62) 145
pause 5
do sm 52 @rand(0, 3)
pause 2
do sm 52 @rand(0, 3)
pause 2
do sm 52 @rand(0, 3)
do talk @npc(49 134)
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 5
do sm 50 0
pause 1
do sm 50 0
pause 1
do sm 50 0
pause 1
do sm 50 0
pause 1
do sm 50 0
pause 1
do sm 50 1
pause 1
do sm 50 1
pause 1
do sm 50 1
pause 1
do sm 50 1
pause 1
do sm 50 1
pause 1
do sm 50 2
pause 1
do sm 50 2
pause 1
do sm 50 2
pause 1
do sm 50 2
pause 1
do sm 50 2
pause 1
do sm 50 3
pause 1
do sm 50 3
pause 1
do sm 50 3
pause 1
do sm 50 3
pause 1
do sm 50 3
pause 1
do talk @npc(49 134)
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(55 134)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(52 136)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(52 136)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 5
end loop
goto end

while (class != Thief) as loop
do relog 5
pause 5
do move @rand(59, 62) 135
pause 5
do sm 52 @rand(4, 7)
pause 2
do sm 52 @rand(4, 7)
pause 2
do sm 52 @rand(4, 7)
do talk @npc(49 134)
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 5
do sm 50 4
pause 1
do sm 50 4
pause 1
do sm 50 4
pause 1
do sm 50 4
pause 1
do sm 50 4
pause 1
do sm 50 5
pause 1
do sm 50 5
pause 1
do sm 50 5
pause 1
do sm 50 5
pause 1
do sm 50 5
pause 1
do sm 50 6
pause 1
do sm 50 6
pause 1
do sm 50 6
pause 1
do sm 50 6
pause 1
do sm 50 6
pause 1
do sm 50 7
pause 1
do sm 50 7
pause 1
do sm 50 7
pause 1
do sm 50 7
pause 1
do sm 50 7
pause 1
do sm 50 @rand(4, 7)
do talk @npc(49 134)
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(55 134)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(52 136)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(52 136)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 5
end loop
goto end

while (class != Thief) as loop
do relog 5
pause 5
do move @rand(59, 62) 133
pause 5
do sm 52 @rand(8, 11)
pause 2
do sm 52 @rand(8, 11)
pause 2
do sm 52 @rand(8, 11)
do talk @npc(49 134)
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 5
do sm 50 8
pause 1
do sm 50 8
pause 1
do sm 50 8
pause 1
do sm 50 8
pause 1
do sm 50 8
pause 1
do sm 50 9
pause 1
do sm 50 9
pause 1
do sm 50 9
pause 1
do sm 50 9
pause 1
do sm 50 9
pause 1
do sm 50 10
pause 1
do sm 50 10
pause 1
do sm 50 10
pause 1
do sm 50 10
pause 1
do sm 50 10
pause 1
do sm 50 11
pause 1
do sm 50 11
pause 1
do sm 50 11
pause 1
do sm 50 11
pause 1
do sm 50 11
pause 1
do talk @npc(49 134)
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(55 134)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(52 136)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc(52 136)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 5
end loop
goto end



automacro Gatuno {
class Thief
job == 1
run-once 1
overrideAI 1
exclusive 1
call virougatuno

macro virougatuno {
	pause 5
	do eq Novice Main Gauche [3]
	pause 5
	do eq Criatura Academy Hat [1]
	do conf lockMap payon
	do conf lockMap_x 181
	do conf lockMap_y 104
	release salvapay

automacro salvapay {
	location payon 178 107 184 101
	run-once 1
	disabled 1
	call salvandopay

macro salvandopay {
	pause 2
	do talknpc 181 104 c r0 n
	pause 5
	do conf lockMap pay_fild01
	do conf lockMap_x none
	do conf lockMap_y none
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf storageAuto none
	do conf storageAuto_npc none
	do conf sellAuto 1
	do conf sellAuto_npc payon 159 96

automacro vaiesporos {
	base = 6 .. 27
	run-once 1
	call esporo

macro esporo {
	do conf lockMap pay_fild08
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf storageAuto none
	do conf storageAuto_npc none
	do conf sellAuto 1
	do conf sellAuto_npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyflywing.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyflywing.minAmount 0
	do conf buyflywing.maxAmount 40
	do conf buybutterfly.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buybutterfly.minAmount 0
	do conf buybutterfly.maxAmount 5
	do conf buyredpot.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyredpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyredpot.maxAmount 150
	do conf buyconcpot.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyconcpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyconcpot.maxAmount 10

automacro vaibigfoot {
	base = 28 .. 45
	run-once 1
	call bigfoot

macro bigfoot {
	do conf lockMap pay_fild07
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf storageAuto none
	do conf storageAuto_npc none
	do conf sellAuto 1
	do conf sellAuto_npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyflywing.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyflywing.minAmount 0
	do conf buyflywing.maxAmount 40
	do conf buybutterfly.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buybutterfly.minAmount 0
	do conf buybutterfly.maxAmount 5
	do conf buyredpot.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyredpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyredpot.maxAmount 150
	do conf buyconcpot.npc payon 159 96
	do conf buyconcpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyconcpot.maxAmount 10
	pause 2
	do autosell

automacro vaiwolf {
	base = 45 .. 70
	job < 50
	class Thief
	run-once 1
	call wolf

macro wolf {
	do conf lockMap moc_fild03
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf storageAuto none
	do conf storageAuto_npc none
	do conf sellAuto 1
	do conf sellAuto_npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyflywing.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyflywing.minAmount 0
	do conf buyflywing.maxAmount 40
	do conf buybutterfly.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buybutterfly.minAmount 0
	do conf buybutterfly.maxAmount 5
	do conf buyredpot.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyredpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyredpot.maxAmount 150
	do conf buyconcpot.npc none
	do conf buyconcpot.minAmount none
	do conf buyconcpot.maxAmount none
	do conf buyawakpot.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyawakpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyawakpot.maxAmount 10
	do conf teleportAuto_minAggressivesInLock 3
	do move payon 181 102
	pause 5
	do talknpc 181 104 c r0 n

automacro vaihode {
	base = 51 .. 88
	class Rogue
	run-once 1
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	call salvamorroc

macro salvamorroc {
	pause 3
	do drop @inventory(Red Potion)
	pause 1
	do conf route_avoidWalls 1
	do conf lockMap morocc
	do conf lockMap_x 156
	do conf lockMap_y 97
	release hodes
	pause 2
	do tele 2
	pause 2

automacro hodes {
	location morocc 153 100 159 94
	run-once 1
	disabled 1
	call vaihodes

macro vaihodes {
	do talk @npc(156 97)
	pause 2
	do talk resp 0
	pause 2
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf storageAuto none
	do conf storageAuto_npc none
	do conf sellAuto 1
	do conf sellAuto_npc moc_ruins 91 128
	do conf buyflywing.npc moc_ruins 91 128
	do conf buyflywing.minAmount 0
	do conf buyflywing.maxAmount 40
	do conf buybutterfly.npc moc_ruins 91 128
	do conf buybutterfly.minAmount 0
	do conf buybutterfly.maxAmount 5
	do conf buyredpot.npc none
	do conf buyredpot.minAmount none
	do conf buyredpot.maxAmount none
	do conf buyorangepot.npc moc_ruins 91 128
	do conf buyorangepot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyorangepot.maxAmount 150
	do conf buyawakpot.npc moc_ruins 91 128
	do conf buyawakpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyawakpot.maxAmount 10
	pause 5
	do conf lockMap moc_fild17
	do conf lockMap_x none
	do conf lockMap_y none
	do conf attackEquip_rightHand Gladius [3]

automacro vaiporcelio {
	base = 89 .. 98
	run-once 1
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	call salvaein

macro salvaein {
	pause 3
	do conf lockMap einbroch
	do conf lockMap_x 242
	do conf lockMap_y 205
	release porcelio

automacro porcelio {
	location einbroch 239 208 345 202
	run-once 1
	disabled 1
	call {
	pause 3
	do talk @npc(242 205)
	pause 2
	do talk resp 0
	pause 2
	do conf lockMap ein_fild09
	do conf lockMap_x none
	do conf lockMap_y none
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf storageAuto none
	do conf storageAuto_npc none
	do conf sellAuto 1
	do conf sellAuto_npc ein_in01 189 15
	do conf buyflywing.npc ein_in01 189 15
	do conf buyflywing.minAmount 0
	do conf buyflywing.maxAmount 40
	do conf buybutterfly.npc ein_in01 189 15
	do conf buybutterfly.minAmount 0
	do conf buybutterfly.maxAmount 5
	do conf buyorangepot.npc ein_in01 189 15
	do conf buyorangepot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyorangepot.maxAmount 150
	do conf buyawakpot.npc ein_in01 189 15
	do conf buyawakpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyawakpot.maxAmount 10
	pause 2

automacro pegounovenove {
	base = 99
	run-once 1
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	call celebrate

macro celebrate {
	do conf lockMap aldebaran
	do conf lockMap_x 150
	do conf lockMap_y 123
	release sucesso

automacro sucesso {
	location aldebaran 147 126 153 120
	run-once 1
	disabled 1
	call {
	log Peguei 99 Pouraaaaaaa
	do relog 999999999

automacro pegoucinquenta {
	job = 50
	class Thief
	run-once 1
	exclusive 1
	inventory "Bear's Footskin" < 10
	location not cmd_fild01
	location not cmd_fild02
	location not cmd_fild03
	location not cmd_fild04
	location not cmd_fild05
	location not cmd_fild06
	location not cmd_fild07
	location not cmd_fild08
	location not cmd_fild09
	location not rogue_in
	call pegabear

macro  pegabear {
	pause 2
	do conf lockMap pay_fild07
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf storageAuto none
	do conf storageAuto_npc none
	do conf sellAuto 1
	do conf sellAuto_npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyflywing.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyflywing.minAmount 0
	do conf buyflywing.maxAmount 40
	do conf buybutterfly.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buybutterfly.minAmount 0
	do conf buybutterfly.maxAmount 5
	do conf buyredpot.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyredpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyredpot.maxAmount 150
	do conf buyconcpot.npc none
	do conf buyconcpot.minAmount none
	do conf buyconcpot.maxAmount none
	do conf buyawakpot.npc payon_in01 5 49
	do conf buyawakpot.minAmount 0
	do conf buyawakpot.maxAmount 10
	pause 2
	do tele 2
	pause 5
	do autosell

automacro pegoubear {
	class Thief
	job == 50
	run-once 1
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	inventory "Bear's Footskin" > 9
	inventory "Grasshopper's Leg" < 10
	location not cmd_fild01
	location not cmd_fild02
	location not cmd_fild03
	location not cmd_fild04
	location not cmd_fild05
	location not cmd_fild06
	location not cmd_fild07
	location not cmd_fild08
	location not cmd_fild09
	location not rogue_in
	call pegarocker

macro pegarocker {
	do conf sellAuto none
	do conf sellAuto_npc none
	do conf lockMap prt_fild07
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2

automacro pegourocker {
	class Thief
	job == 50
	run-once 1
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	inventory "Bear's Footskin" > 9
	inventory "Grasshopper's Leg" > 9
	inventory "Yellow Herb" < 10
	location not cmd_fild01
	location not cmd_fild02
	location not cmd_fild03
	location not cmd_fild04
	location not cmd_fild05
	location not cmd_fild06
	location not cmd_fild07
	location not cmd_fild08
	location not cmd_fild09
	location not rogue_in
	call pegayellow

macro pegayellow {
	do conf lockMap moc_fild01
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf sellAuto none
	do conf sellAuto_npc none

automacro pegouyellow {
	class Thief
	job == 50
	run-once 1
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	inventory "Bear's Footskin" > 9
	inventory "Grasshopper's Leg" > 9
	inventory "Yellow Herb" > 9
	inventory "Shell" < 10
	location not cmd_fild01
	location not cmd_fild02
	location not cmd_fild03
	location not cmd_fild04
	location not cmd_fild05
	location not cmd_fild06
	location not cmd_fild07
	location not cmd_fild08
	location not cmd_fild09
	location not rogue_in
	call pegashell

macro pegashell {
	pause 2
	do tele 2
	do conf lockMap gef_fild00
	do conf route_randomWalk 1
	do conf attackAuto 2
	do conf sellAuto none
	do conf sellAuto_npc none
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2

automacro pegoutudo {
	class Thief
	job == 50
	run-once 1
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	inventory "Bear's Footskin" > 9
	inventory "Grasshopper's Leg" > 9
	inventory "Yellow Herb" > 9
	inventory "Shell" > 9
	call 1rogue1

#macro rogue {
#	do conf route_randomWalk 0
#	do conf attackAuto 1
#	do conf storageAuto 0
#	do conf storageAuto_npc none
#	do conf sellAuto 0
#	do conf sellAuto_npc none
#	do conf buyflywing.disabled 1
#	do conf buybutterfly.disabled 1
#	do conf buyorangepot.disabled 1
#	do conf buyawakpot.disabled 1
#	pause 2
#	do conf lockMap_x 136
#	do conf lockMap_y 134
#	do conf lockMap cmd_fild07
#	release 1rogue

#automacro 1rogue {
#	job == 50
#	class Thief
#	location cmd_fild07 133 137 139 131
#	run-once 1
#	disabled 1
#	call 1rogue1

macro 1rogue1 {
	pause 2
	do tele 2
	pause 2
	do conf lockMap_x 368
	do conf lockMap_y 114
	do conf lockMap in_rogue
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2
	release 2rogue

automacro 2rogue {
	job == 50
	class Thief
	location in_rogue 365 117 371 111
	run-once 1
	disabled 1
	call 2rogue2 

macro 2rogue2 {
	pause 2
	do talk @npc(363 122)
	pause 7
	release 2rogue2.1
	release 2rogue2.2
	release 2rogue2.3
	do talk resp 0
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2

automacro 2rogue2.1 {
	disabled 1
	console /By what percentage is the flee rate increased when a Thief masters the Improve Dodge?/
	run-once 1
	call {
	pause 3
	do talk resp 0
	pause 3
	do talk resp 0
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 1
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 1
	pause 3
	do talk resp 0
	pause 3
	do talk resp 1
	pause 5
	do conf lockMap in_rogue
	do conf lockMap_x 367
	do conf lockMap_y 23
	release 3rogue
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2

automacro 2rogue2.2 {
	disabled 1
	console /1. Choose the skill necessary for learning Stalk./
	run-once 1
	call {
	pause 3
	do talk resp 0
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 1
	pause 3
	do talk resp 0
	pause 3
	do conf lockMap in_rogue
	do conf lockMap_x 367
	do conf lockMap_y 23
	release 3rogue
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2

automacro 2rogue2.3 {
	disabled 1
	console /1. Which monster drops a slotted Gladius?/
	call {
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 0
	pause 3
	do talk resp 1
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 0
	pause 3
	do talk resp 1
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do talk resp 3
	pause 3
	do talk resp 2
	pause 3
	do conf lockMap in_rogue
	do conf lockMap_x 367
	do conf lockMap_y 23
	release 3rogue
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2

macro forcerogue3 {
	do conf lockMap in_rogue
	do conf lockMap_x 367
	do conf lockMap_y 23
	release 3rogue
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2

automacro 3rogue {
	disabled 1
	location in_rogue 364 26 371 20
	run-once 1
	call rogue3

macro rogue3 {
	do move in_rogue 364 26
	pause 2
	do talk @npc(376 23)
	pause 10
	do talk @npc(376 23)
	pause 3
	do talk @npc(376 23)
	pause 3
	do talk @npc(376 23)
	pause 3
	do talk @npc(376 23)
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2

automacro 3rogue3.1 {
	console /The password is Aragham never hoarded upgrade items./
	run-once 1
	call rogue3.1

macro rogue3.1 {
	pause 3
	do conf lockMap cmd_fild09
	do conf lockMap_x 106
	do conf lockMap_y 195
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2
	do relog 99999999999

automacro 3rogue3.11 {
	console /intrude my territory?/
	location cmd_fild09 100 200 110 190
	timeout 60
	call 3rogue3.12

macro 3rogue3.12 {
	lock pegoucinquenta
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	pause 2
	do talk resp 1
	pause 2
	do talk resp 2
	pause 2
	do talk resp 1
	pause 2
	do talk resp 0
	pause 10
	do move 248 32
	pause 10
	do talk 0
	pause 10
	do talk resp 0
	pause 5
	do conf route_avoidWalls 0
	do conf route_randomWalk 0
	do conf attackAuto 0
	pause 1
	do move 23 105
	pause 1
	do move 23 200
	pause 1
	do move 23 293
	pause 1
	do move 23 334
	pause 1
	do move 61 326
	pause 1
	do move 61 310
	pause 1
	do move 55 310
	pause 1
	do move 55 299
	pause 1
	do move 65 241
	pause 1
	do move 116 242
	pause 1
	do move 178 242
	pause 1
	do move 200 237
	pause 1
	do move 198 225
	pause 1
	do move 153 225
	pause 1
	do move 77 195
	pause 1
	do move 129 195 
	pause 1
	do move 226 195
	pause 1
	do move 226 222
	pause 1
	do move 241 222
	pause 1
	do move 241 313
	pause 1
	do move 290 312
	pause 1
	do move 369 320
	pause 5
	do move 371 118
	pause 1
	do talk @npc(363 122)
	pause 5
	do eq Gladius [3]
	pause 3
	do relog 10

automacro 3rogue3.2 {
	console /Antonio doesn't enjoy destroying upgrade items./
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	timeout 60
	call rogue3.2

macro rogue3.2 {
	do conf lockMap cmd_fild04
	do conf lockMap_x 304
	do conf lockMap_y 180
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 1
	do relog 999999

automacro 3rogue3.21 {
	location cmd_fild04 303 181 305 179
	timeout 60
	call 3rogue3.22

macro 3rogue3.22 {
	lock pegoucinquenta
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	do move cmd_fild04 304 180
	pause 2
	do talk resp 2
	pause 2
	do talk resp 1
	pause 2
	do talk resp 1
	pause 2
	do talk resp 2
	pause 10
	do move 167 107
	pause 10
	do talk @npc(177 109)
	pause 10
	do talk resp 0
	pause 5
	do conf route_avoidWalls 0
	do conf route_randomWalk 0
	do conf attackAuto 0
	pause 2
	do move 23 105
	pause 1
	do move 23 200
	pause 1
	do move 23 293
	pause 1
	do move 23 334
	pause 1
	do move 61 326
	pause 1
	do move 61 310
	pause 1
	do move 55 310
	pause 1
	do move 55 299
	pause 1
	do move 65 241
	pause 1
	do move 116 242
	pause 1
	do move 178 242
	pause 1
	do move 200 237
	pause 1
	do move 198 225
	pause 1
	do move 153 225
	pause 1
	do move 77 195
	pause 1
	do move 129 195 
	pause 1
	do move 226 195
	pause 1
	do move 226 222
	pause 1
	do move 241 222
	pause 1
	do move 241 313
	pause 1
	do move 290 312
	pause 1
	do move 369 320
	pause 5
	do move 371 118
	pause 1
	do talk @npc(363 122)
	pause 5
	do eq Gladius [3]
	pause 3
	do relog 10

automacro 3rogue3.3 {
	console /My father never hoarded upgrade items/
	timeout 60
	call rogue3.3

macro rogue3.3 {
	pause 3
	do conf lockMap cmd_fild09
	do conf lockMap_x 335
	do conf lockMap_y 143
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	lock pegoucinquenta
	pause 2
	do relog 9999999999

automacro 3rogue3.31 {
	console /intrude my territory?/
	location cmd_fild09 330 148 340 138
	timeout 60
	call 3rogue3.32

macro 3rogue3.32 {
	lock pegoucinquenta
	lock pegouyellow
	lock pegourocker
	lock pegoubear
	pause 2
	do talk resp 0
	pause 2
	do talk resp 2
	pause 2
	do talk resp 4
	pause 2
	do talk resp 0
	pause 10
	do talk @npc(160 34)
	pause 10
	do talk resp 0
	pause 5
	do conf route_avoidWalls 0
	do conf route_randomWalk 0
	do conf attackAuto 0
	pause 1
	do move 23 105
	pause 1
	do move 23 200
	pause 1
	do move 23 293
	pause 1
	do move 23 334
	pause 1
	do move 61 326
	pause 1
	do move 61 310
	pause 1
	do move 55 310
	pause 1
	do move 55 299
	pause 1
	do move 65 241
	pause 1
	do move 116 242
	pause 1
	do move 178 242
	pause 1
	do move 200 237
	pause 1
	do move 198 225
	pause 1
	do move 153 225
	pause 1
	do move 77 195
	pause 1
	do move 129 195 
	pause 1
	do move 226 195
	pause 1
	do move 226 222
	pause 1
	do move 241 222
	pause 1
	do move 241 313
	pause 1
	do move 290 312
	pause 1
	do move 369 320
	pause 5
	do move 371 118
	pause 1
	do talk @npc(363 122)
	pause 5
	do eq Gladius [3]
	pause 3
	do relog 10

automacro pesou {
	console /(excesso de peso)/
	timeout 20
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	call {
	pause 2
	do autosell
	pause 2

automacro compando {
	console /Calculating auto-buy/
	timeout 200
	overrideAI 1
	exclusive 1
	call {
	pause 1
	do autosell

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Edit 1:


Code: Select all

all 2
empty bottle 0
Red Potion 0
Orange Potion 0
Yellow Potion 0
White Potion 0
Stone 0
Bill of Birds 0
Sandals [1] 0
Wand [2] 0
Cactus Needle 0
Items Control

Code: Select all

all 0 0 1

Novice Fly Wing 0 0 0
Novice Butterfly Wing 0 0 0
Novice Potion 0 0 0

Berserk Potion 0 0 0
Awakening Potion 0 0 0
Concentration Potion 0 0 0
Fly Wing 0 0 0
Butterfly Wing 0 0 0
Red Potion 0 0 0
Orange Potion 0 0 0
Yellow Potion 0 0 0
White Potion 0 0 0
Gladius [3] 0 0 0

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 07:16
by simplication

i tried running the macro you gave..

it seems like there is error with the npc coordinates in inzlude.

cannot find npc at location ...

hmm mind trying debugging it?

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 23:34
by herocow
Hi Yaham, Any updae from this macro? :)

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 03 Aug 2016, 19:21
by timmytotski
Hi Yaham newby to IRO and Openkore. can you help me with the server.txt for IRO chaos? Thank you

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 12:12
by Ev5
I been trying to figure out why this macro is not functioning properly, it says cannot find npc location. even though the coordinates are indeed correct in-game.

Nevermind, Figured it out. my openkore was outdated.

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 24 Aug 2016, 12:39
by Ev5
I found that it consistently gets stuck when changing from novice to thief, so I login to complete the last little step. Then let the bot continue to get lvl 53-54 / jlvl 50 and then It gets stuck during the quest to change to rogue. I believe it gets stuck during the part where it needs to talk to the npc inside rogue guild.

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 20:39
by maythamk
anyupdate please ?? it stoped working after lvl job 50 i think gms changed locations

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 02 Nov 2016, 03:34
by traplord01
I would love to see one for assassin...

This really effectively allow you to play the game without really playing, what a lovely idea this is...

I am still trying to figure out the whole macro and it is 2016 alright... haha

Thanks for the share...

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 02 Nov 2016, 10:00
by traplord01
Thank you so much for this post

I was able to modify this to fit into any job category I needed

You just gotta be able to do changing jobs yourself, other than that change the autostats to modify stats and

just go with the routine and everything will be perfect.

Re: [IRO-Chaos] 1/1 Novice to 99/50 Rogue

Posted: 07 May 2017, 00:30
by claudio_sbc