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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 09:08
by Mucilon
I really don't know, cause I always use the last stable version... I don't use the SVN version.
Maybe Kali knows it!

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 11:55
by Mushroom
I can test it if you want.

Well, i don't know if this is only with me, but everythime I run my bot, it says something like "Couldn't find lines.txt" and then it creates a new lines.txt replacing the old one :O
/sob, lost my 300-line lines.txt. Edit fixed this problem o.O

It isn't erasing duplicate lines.

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 14:36
by Mushroom
Bump for bug reports.
noPlayer - is working fine.
noWords - isn't working. No matter how many words i put, it always answer.
learn - when we learn something, he deletes older lines.
timeToBlockPM - is working fine
timeToResetCount - not working. After it blocks pm, it does't unblock again after X seconds.

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 13:56
by Mucilon
Post an example of your kadiliman block and the name of your file with the sentences.
The timeToResetCount isn't to unblock a player. It work together to the timeToBlockPM. Where timeToBlockPM is the count of times a player "speaks" via PM to block, so if your config is timeToBlockPM 5, means that after 5 PMs a player send to you, it will be blocked.
The timeToResetCount is meant to reset the count of PMs that a player sends to you at each time the value you configured, it is more like a timeout!
For example:
timeToBlockPM 5
timeToResetCount 10
If a player sends you 4 PMs in 9 seconds and just after the 10th second it sends another PM, it won't be blocked, because didn't send 5 PMs inside 10 seconds! Get it?

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 14:22
by Mushroom
Now I see how it works, thanks :D

Here is my config

Code: Select all

#===== Kadiliman =====#
chatBot Kadiliman {
	inLockOnly 0
	scriptfile lines.txt
	replyRate 100
	onPublicChat 1
	onPrivateMessage 1
	onSystemChat 0
	onGuildChat 0
	onPartyChat 0
	wpm 65
	smileys xD, :D, :), :(, :P, :/, :|
	smileyRate 50
	learn 1
	noPlayers /\[GM\]\w+/i, /PartyName/i
	noWords /hi/i, /bot/i
	timesToBlockPM 0
	timeToResetCount 300
I have no idea why, but today he didn't delete my lines lol
But the noWords is still not working.
Using the SVN version.

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 06:23
by Mucilon
Well, your config is ok!
Can you post your kadiliman plugin file?

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 06:47
by dankers
hmm.. how do i specify what reply chatbox should use on a specific word or sentence?

oh and by the way, could you post up your scriptfile line.txt?

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 17 Jan 2009, 16:56
by Mushroom
You don't need to specify anything, the plugin does it for you.
And... you better record your own lines.txt, you don't want to see 10 bots speaking the same sentences, do you?

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 17 Jan 2009, 17:36
by dankers
but the problem with this chatbot is, it doesnt reply correctly. although a hi would be replied by a hi, but it wouldn convince people that is a real human who is typing it.

example, the character name is dune. another play said "hi dune". the bot will record 'hi dune'. hence it sometimes says "hi dune" when other players said "hi".

Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

Posted: 05 Feb 2009, 10:14
by Tho-kun
Im interested in this Plugin, but somehow it only talks nonsense :D
Does it only repeat a random Sentence thats in the lines.txt?
Please write back, im kinda confused, cuz it only sends me, what i wrote before... ^^