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customCaption plugin by iMikeLance

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 02:43
by iMikeLance
Someone asked about this somewhere in this forum.
Usage is explained inside the plugin's header.

Code: Select all

# customCaption plugin by imikelance                                        
# Openkore:                                            
# Openkore Brazil:    
# Plugin Discussion (in portuguese):
# Usage:                                                        
#    add this line inside config.txt:
#        windowTitle <line>
#     Where <line> stands for openkore's caption replacement string.
#    You can use some variables for string replacement:
# %n            Character nickname
# %basel        Base Level
# %jobl            Job Level
# %baseperc        Base EXP Percentage
# %jobperc        Job EXP Percentage
# %w            Current Weight
# %pos            Position (x and y)
# %map            Current Map
# %hpab            Absolute HP Values
# %spab            Absolute SP Values
# %hpp            Current HP Percentage
# %spp            Current SP Percentage
# %z            Current Zeny
# %c            Character Class
# %pt            Party Name
# For example, if you set windowTitle to "%n - %z zeny - Openkore" (without quotes) and your character
# name is iMikeLance and you have 9,000 zeny, Openkore's caption will change into:
# "iMikeLance - 9,000 zeny - Openkore"
#    This is OpenKore's default caption syntax, you can use it as windowTitle value:
#        %n: B%basel (%baseperc), %jobl (%jobperc) : p%w : %pos %map - OpenKore
# 01:52 quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012
#     - released !            
# TODO: maybe we should add more "variables".
# This source code is licensed under the                                    
# GNU General Public License, Version 3.                                    
# See                                    

package customCaption;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Globals;
use Log qw( warning message error );
use Misc;
use Utils;

# you can change some of this plugin settings below !
use constant {
    PLUGINNAME                =>    "customCaption",
    VERSION                    =>    "rev 00",
    # disable almost every message. error messages will still be shown
    SILENT                    =>    0,
    # set to 1 to show debug messages
    DEBUG                    =>    0,

# Plugin
Plugins::register(PLUGINNAME, "customize OpenKore's window caption", \&unload);

my $myHooks = Plugins::addHooks(
    ['mainLoop::setTitle',         \&setTitle,   undef],
    ['start3',     \&onKStart, undef],

#my $workingFolder = $Plugins::current_plugin_folder; # currently unused

# Plugin unload
sub unload {
    if (defined $myHooks) {
        message("\n".PLUGINNAME." unloading.\n\n");
        undef $myHooks;

# Subs

sub onKStart {
    if (!$config{windowTitle}) {
        configModify('windowTitle', '%n: B%basel (%baseperc), %jobl (%jobperc) : p%w : %pos %map - OpenKore', silent => 1);


sub setTitle {
    my (undef, $args) = @_;
    if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME) {
        my $charName;
        $charName = $char->{name} if ($char);
        my ($hpab, $spab, $hpp, $spp, $basePercent, $jobPercent, $weight, $pos, $map, $zeny, $class, $ptname);
        $args->{return} = $config{windowTitle};
        # get in-game variables
        $basePercent = sprintf("%.2f", $char->{exp} / $char->{exp_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_max});$jobPercent = sprintf("%.2f", $char->{exp_job} / $char->{exp_job_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_job_max});
        $weight = int($char->{weight} / $char->{weight_max} * 100) . "%" if ($char->{weight_max});$ptname = $char->{'party'}{'name'} if ($char->{'party'}{'name'}); $class = $jobs_lut{$char->{'jobID'}};
        $map = $field->name if ($field);$pos = " $char->{pos_to}{x},$char->{pos_to}{y}" if ($char->{pos_to});$hpab = $char->{'hp'}."/".$char->{'hp_max'}  if $char->{'hp_max'};$spab = $char->{'sp'}."/".$char->{'sp_max'} if $char->{'sp_max'};
        $hpp = int($char->{'hp'}/$char->{'hp_max'} * 100)."%" if $char->{'hp_max'};$spp = int($char->{'sp'}/$char->{'sp_max'} * 100)."%" if $char->{'sp_max'};$zeny = formatNumber($char->{'zeny'}) if (defined($char->{'zeny'}));
        # replace string
        $args->{return} =~ s/%n/$charName/;$args->{return} =~ s/%basel/$char->{lv}/;$args->{return} =~ s/%jobl/$char->{lv_job}/;$args->{return} =~ s/%baseperc/$basePercent/;$args->{return} =~ s/%jobperc/$jobPercent/;$args->{return} =~ s/%w/$weight/;
        $args->{return} =~ s/%pos/$pos/;$args->{return} =~ s/%map/$map/;$args->{return} =~ s/%hpab/$hpab/;$args->{return} =~ s/%spab/$spab/;$args->{return} =~ s/%hpp/$hpp/;$args->{return} =~ s/%spp/$spp/;$args->{return} =~ s/%z/$zeny/;
        $args->{return} =~ s/%c/$class/;$args->{return} =~ s/%pt/$ptname/;

sub msg {
    # SILENT constant support and sprintf.
    my ($msg, $msglevel, $debug) = @_;
    unless ($debug eq 1 && DEBUG ne 1) {
        if (!defined $msglevel || $msglevel == "" || $msglevel == 0) {
            warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 1) {
            message($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 2) {
            warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 3) {
    return 1;

# i luv u mom