macroStability plugin by iMikeLance

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macroStability plugin by iMikeLance

#1 Post by iMikeLance »

Sometimes while using macros you can suffer from random disconnects that will affect your macros or while changing fields/maps (macro plugin will keep running commands while disconnected). This plugin should avoid this. Instructions are inside the plugin's header.

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# macroStability revised 03 plugin by imikelance                                        
# Openkore:                                            
# Openkore Brazil:    
# Plugin Discussion (in portuguese):                                    
# config.txt lines:                                                            
# macroStability_disable <boolean flag>                                        
# 0 or unset    : Plugin enabled                                            
# 1                : Plugin disabled                                            
# macroStability_disableChecks <boolean flag>                                
# 0 or unset    : Checks for macro plugin and macro file on startup            
# 1                : Disables startup checks
# Quick note: if you have a macro or automacro that needs to be triggered while not ingame
# you can add _ignoreState to it's name and this plugin won't pause it.
# Also, you can use "set ignoreState 1" inside your automacro's conditions or declare
# $ignoreState = 1 inside your macro and it should have the same effect.    
# 22:37 quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012 - revised 03
#    - working with Openkore r7946        
# 19:37 domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012 - revised 02
#    - added ignoreState variable support
#   - added SILENT constant. Set it to 1 to hide macroStability common warnings
#    - fixed a small bug where Openkore would crash if "reload macros" is used while macros are paused.
# 19:53 quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2012 - revised 01
#     - now you can use _ignoreState to avoid pausing any macro
# 09:15 domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2012 (Happy new year!)
#     - released !            
# TODO: (if possible) Write a function to go back one step in macros and give users an option to turn this on/off
# TODO: allow users to rename without modifying code
# This source code is licensed under the                                    
# GNU General Public License, Version 3.                                    
# See                                    

package macroStability;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Log qw( warning message error );

# Plugin
Plugins::register("macroStability", "suspend macros when not ingame", \&unload);

    my $myHooks = Plugins::addHooks(
        # kept commented for future releases with this function implemented.
        #["disconnected",          \&manageMacroOnDC,    undef],
        ["packet/map_loaded",      \&resumeMacro,        undef],
        ['start3',         \&onKStart, undef],
        ["Network::stateChanged",          \&pauseMacro,         undef]

my $workingFolder = $Plugins::current_plugin_folder;

# Plugin unload
sub unload {
    if (defined $myHooks) {
        message("\nmacroStability unloading.\n\n");
        undef $myHooks;

# you can change some of this plugin settings below !
use constant {
    PLUGINNAME                =>    "macroStability",
    VERSION                    =>    "revised 03",
    # disable almost every message. error messages will still be shown
    SILENT                    =>    0,

# Subs

# handles macro plugin availability
# TODO: we should check if macro plugin is loaded, not if exists.
sub onKStart {
    unless ($::config{macroStability_disableChecks} == 1) {
        unless (-e $workingFolder."/") {
            error("[macroStability] ERROR: macro plugin is not installed or it was renamed from\n");
            error("If you renamed, please set \"macroStability_disableChecks\" to 1 in ".Settings::getControlFilename("config.txt").".\n");
            error("macroStability will now unload.\n");
            die "macro plugin is not installed or it was renamed from";
        if (defined $::config{macro_file}) {
            if (!defined Settings::getControlFilename($::config{macro_file})) {
                error("[macroStability] ".$::config{macro_file}." is not found.\n");
                error("macroStability will now unload.\n");
        } else {
            if (!defined Settings::getControlFilename("macros.txt")) {
                error("[macroStability] macros.txt is not found.\n");
                error("macroStability will now unload.\n");

# resumes macro after receiving packet map_loaded
sub resumeMacro {
    if (defined $Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'} && $Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'} == 0) {
        delete $Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'};
    if ($::macro::onHold == 1 && defined $::macro::queue->name) {
        if ($::macro::queue->name =~ /^tempMacro.*/) {
            warningplus("[macro] Disconnected, macro [".$::macro::queue->name." called by ".$Macro::Data::varStack{'.caller'}."] is now resumed.\n");
        } else {
            warningplus("[macro] Connected, macro [".$::macro::queue->name."] is now resumed.\n");
        $::macro::onHold = 0;

# pause macro when not ingame
sub pauseMacro {
    if (defined $::macro::queue && $::config{macroStability_disable} != 1 && $::macro::onHold == 0 && $::net->getState() != 5) {
        if ($::macro::queue->name =~ /^tempMacro.*/) {
            if ($Macro::Data::varStack{'.caller'} =~ /.*_ignoreState$/) {
                warningplus("[macro] Disconnected, ignoring macro [".$::macro::queue->name." called by ".$Macro::Data::varStack{'.caller'}."] because of _ignoreState.\n");
            } elsif (defined $Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'}) {
                warningplus("[macro] Disconnected, ignoring macro [".$::macro::queue->name." called by ".$Macro::Data::varStack{'.caller'}."] because of \$ignoreState var.\n") unless ($Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'} == 0);
                $Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'} = 0;
            warningplus("[macro] Disconnected, macro [".$::macro::queue->name." called by ".$Macro::Data::varStack{'.caller'}."] is now paused.\n");
        } else {
            if ($::macro::queue->name =~ /.*_ignoreState$/) {
                warningplus("[macro] Disconnected, ignoring macro [".$::macro::queue->name."] because of _ignoreState.\n");
            } elsif (defined $Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'}) {
                warningplus("[macro] Disconnected, ignoring macro [".$::macro::queue->name."] because of \$ignoreState var.\n") unless ($Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'} == 0);
                $Macro::Data::varStack{'ignoreState'} = 0;
            warningplus("[macro] Disconnected, macro [".$::macro::queue->name."] is now paused.\n");
        $::macro::onHold = 1; # pause macros !

sub warningplus {
    # SILENT constant support. sub should be renamed, but i'm too lazy to do it
    my ($msg, $msglevel) = @_;
    if (!defined $msglevel || $msglevel == "") {
        warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
    } elsif ($msglevel == 0) {
        message($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
    } elsif ($msglevel == 1) {
        warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
    } elsif ($msglevel == 2) {

# kept commented for future releases with this function implemented.
# sub manageMacroOnDC {
    # my $macroName;
    # $macroName = $::macro::queue->name;
    # if (defined $::macro::queue && $::config{macroStability_disable} != 1 && $::macro::onHold == 0 && $::net->getState() != 5) {    
        # if (!defined $::config{macroStability_onDc} || $::config{macroStability_onDc} == 0) {
            # warning("[macro] Disconnected, macro [".$::macro::queue->name."] is now paused.\n");
            # $::macro::onHold = 1;
        # } elsif ($::config{macroStability_onDc} == 1) {
            # warning("[macro] Disconnected or timed out, restarting [".$::macro::queue->name."].\n");
            # $::macro::onHold = 1;
            # undef $::macro::queue;
            # $::macro::queue = new Macro::Script($macroName, 0);
        # }
    # }
# }

# i luv u mom