leaveMeAlone! plugin by iMikeLance

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leaveMeAlone! plugin by iMikeLance

#1 Post by iMikeLance »

leaveMeAlone keeps a list of blacklisted users that have been blocked by your bot through the "blacklist" command, that adds the nickname of the blocked characters and also automatically ignores him. The blacklist is re-blocked everything you reopen OpenKore or after your bot gets disconnected. Also, as a bonus feature, leaveMeAlone should block most of the public/private messages spammers. You can also "whitelist" any character's nickname that won't be blocked under any circumstances.

You can change several options below "# you can change some of this plugin settings below !" line. Just search for it inside the code.

Console commands:
whitelist management
Usage: \n\n".
Add player : whitelist <username>\n".
Remove player : whitelist rem <username>\n".
Clear whitelist.txt : whitelist clear\n".
Print whitelist content : whitelist print\n".
Syntax help : whitelist ?, whitelist help\n"

blacklist management
Add and block player : blacklist <username>\n".
Remove player : blacklist rem <username>\n".
Clear blacklist.txt : blacklist clear\n".
Print blacklist content : blacklist print\n".
Syntax help : blacklist ?, blacklist help\n"

Code: Select all

# leaveMeAlone! revision 04 plugin by imikelance                                        
# Openkore: http://openkore.com/                                            
# Openkore Brazil: http://openkore.com.br/        
# 16:20 segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012
#    - changed default block queue from AI-dependent to non-AI-dependent. now we won't flood AI.
#    - added AI_MODE to revert back to AI-dependent block queue
#    - now we won't re-block players on map change
# 10:50 segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012
#    - changed AI_pre hook to mainLoop_pre
# 06:05 segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012
#    - added whitelist sub commands
#    - added blacklist command
#    - now block users command is queued into kore's AI
#    - won't keep opening and closing .txt, now we're storing DBs into @blacklist and @whitelist
#    - added BLOCKDELAY constant to avoid DCs
#    - auto create files and folders
#    - added checks to detect .txt files changes
#    - added commands help, use "whitelist help" and "blacklist help"
#    - added checks to verify if we're blocking a "whitelisted" user
#    - [DEV] added AI_pre hook
#    - [DEV] added sub msg to handle console messages properly
# 17:08 sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012
#    - added whitelist.txt and whitelist command                    
# 06:22 sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012
#     - released !                    
# This source code is licensed under the                                    
# GNU General Public License, Version 3.                                    
# See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html                                    
package leaveMeAlone;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Actor;
use Log qw( warning message error );
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use AI;

# Plugin
Plugins::register("leaveMeAlone", "keeps a list of ignored players and block spammers", \&unload);

    my $myHooks = Plugins::addHooks(
        #['start3',            \&start, undef],
        ['packet_privMsg',    \&messages, undef],
        ['packet_pubMsg',    \&messages, undef],
        ['in_game',            \&ingame],
        ['mainLoop_pre',    \&AI_hook], # AI_pre freezes if AI = manual
        ['packet/received_characters',    \&turnOn],
    my $myCmds = Commands::register(
        ['whitelist',         "Use \"whitelist help\" for instructions.",             \&comm_White],
        ['blacklist',         "Use \"whitelist help\" for instructions.",             \&comm_Black],
        ['block',             "Use \"blacklist\" instead of this.",                     \&comm_Block],
        ['unblock',         "Use \"blacklist rm\" instead of this.",                  \&comm_Unblock],

my $workingFolder = $Plugins::current_plugin_folder;
my %userlist;
my $lastblocktime;
my %lastAccess;
my @whitelist;
my @blacklist;
my $mustBlock;
my $blacklist_pos;


# you can change some of this plugin settings below !
use constant {
    PLUGINNAME                =>    "leaveMeAlone",
    # set to 1 to show debug messages
    DEBUG                    =>    0,
    # disable almost every message. error messages will still be shown
    SILENT                    =>    0,
    # self-explaining.
    DISABLESPAMCHECKS        =>    0,
    # if set to 1, won't check players with guilds for spamming
    SPAMONLYGUILDLESS        =>    1,
    # start checking PM/second after receiving <value> PMs
    MINPMCOUNT                =>    2,
    # if character exceeds <value> PMs per seconds will be considered a SPAMMER
    MAXPMPERSECOND            =>    1.2,
    # reset data about character that has not sent any PMs in the last <value> seconds
    RESETCOUNT                =>    4,
    # even zero should be fine, but you can increase this if you're having trouble with DCs
    BLOCKDELAY                =>    0.3,
    # queue blocks into AI if set to 1
    AI_MODE                    =>    0,

# Plugin unload
sub unload {
    message("\nleaveMeAlone unloading.\n\n");
    undef $myHooks;
    undef $myCmds;
    undef @whitelist;
    undef @blacklist;
    undef $workingFolder;
    undef %userlist;
    undef $lastblocktime;
    undef $blacklist_pos;

# Subs

sub turnOn {
    $mustBlock = 1;
    $blacklist_pos = 0;
    $lastblocktime = Time::HiRes::time + (BLOCKDELAY * 4);

sub start {
    unless (-d $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/") {
        mkdir ($workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/");
    unless (-e $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt") {
        open BLACKLIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt";
        close BLACKLIST;
    unless (-e $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt") {
        open WHITELIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt";
        close WHITELIST;

sub load_blacklist {
    undef @blacklist;
    open BLACKLIST, "<:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt"
        or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt: $!";
        while (<BLACKLIST>) {
            my $currline = $_;
            $currline =~ s/^\s*//; $currline =~ s/\s*$//;
            if (($currline !~ /^#/) and ($currline ne "")){
                push(@blacklist, $currline);
    close BLACKLIST;
    $lastAccess{blacklist}{path} = $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt";
    $lastAccess{blacklist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{blacklist}{path};
    msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Blacklist loaded ! \n",0,1);

sub load_whitelist {
    undef @whitelist;
    open WHITELIST, "<:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt"
        or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt: $!";
        while (<WHITELIST>) {
            my $currline = $_;
            $currline =~ s/^\s*//; $currline =~ s/\s*$//;
            if (($currline !~ /^#/) and ($currline ne "")){
                push(@whitelist, $currline);
        close WHITELIST;
    $lastAccess{whitelist}{path} = $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt";
    $lastAccess{whitelist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{whitelist}{path};
    msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Whitelist loaded ! \n",0,1);

sub ingame {
    if ($mustBlock) {
        if (AI_MODE) {
            foreach (@blacklist) {
                my %args;
                $args{name} = $_;
                # add AI task
                AI::queue("leavemealone", \%args);        
        } else {
            $blacklist_pos = 0;
        $mustBlock = 0;

sub AI_hook {
    if (AI_MODE) {
        if (AI::action eq "leavemealone") {
            return 0 unless (defined AI::args->{name});
            if (Time::HiRes::time >= ($lastblocktime + BLOCKDELAY)) {
                $lastblocktime = Time::HiRes::time;
                msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Player ".AI::args->{name}." has been blocked.\n");
                Commands::run("ignore 1 ".AI::args->{name});
    } else {
        unless ($::net->getState() == 5) {
            $blacklist_pos = 0;
        if ($blacklist_pos < @blacklist) {
            if (Time::HiRes::time >= ($lastblocktime + BLOCKDELAY)) {
                        $lastblocktime = Time::HiRes::time;
                        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Player ".$blacklist[$blacklist_pos]." has been blocked.\n");
                        Commands::run("ignore 1 ".$blacklist[$blacklist_pos]);

# used this for a while: unlike openkore's default AI::queue, this sub adds actions at lowest priority.
# someday it should be useful, so we're keeping it
# sub ai_queue_low_priority {
    # push @AI::ai_seq, shift;
    # my $args = shift;
    # push @AI::ai_seq_args, ((defined $args) ? $args : {});
# }

sub messages {
    return unless(DISABLESPAMCHECKS ne 1);
    my (undef, $args) = @_;
    my $charname;
    my $actor;
    if (defined $args->{pubMsgUser}) {
        $charname = $args->{pubMsgUser};
        $actor = Actor::get($args->{pubID});
        if ($actor->{guild}{name} ne '' && SPAMONLYGUILDLESS eq 1) { return; }
    } elsif (defined $args->{privMsgUser}) {
        $charname = $args->{privMsgUser};
    if (@whitelist) {
        foreach (@whitelist) {
            if ($charname eq $_) {
                msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Player ".$charname." is whitelisted, we won't check him.\n", undef, 1);
    if (($userlist{$charname}{'lastPMtime'} - $userlist{$charname}{'time'}) > RESETCOUNT) { delete $userlist{$charname}; };
    #delete $userlist{$charname};
    if (!$userlist{$charname}{'pmcount'}) {
        $userlist{$charname}{'time'} = time - 1;

    $userlist{$charname}{'lastPMtime'} = time;
    my $pmpersecond = $userlist{$charname}{'pmcount'}/(time - $userlist{$charname}{'time'});
    if ($pmpersecond > MAXPMPERSECOND && $userlist{$charname}{'pmcount'} > MINPMCOUNT) {
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Blocking ".$charname." for spamming.\n");
        comm_Black(undef, $charname);
        "[".PLUGINNAME."] Player            : ".$charname."\n                      Guild                 : ".$actor->{guild}{name}."\n                     Level                 : ".$actor->{lv}."\n".
        "                          PM Per Second : ".$pmpersecond."\n                      PMs Received  : ".$userlist{$charname}{'pmcount'}."\n"

sub comm_White {
    my (undef, $argument) = @_;
    if ($argument eq '' || $argument eq '?' || $argument eq 'help') {
            msg ("[".PLUGINNAME."] Syntax Error in function 'whitelist'\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Usage: \n\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Add player                          :  whitelist <username>\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Remove player                :  whitelist rem <username>\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Clear whitelist.txt        :  whitelist clear\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Print whitelist content :  whitelist print\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Syntax help                        :  whitelist ?, whitelist help\n"
                    , 3); return 0;
    } elsif ($argument eq 'print') {
        foreach (@whitelist) {
        return 1;
    } elsif ($argument eq 'clear') {
        @whitelist = undef;
        open WHITELIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt"
            or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt: $!";
        close WHITELIST;
        $lastAccess{whitelist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{whitelist}{path};
        return 1;
    } elsif ($argument =~ /^rem (.*)|^rem$/) {
        $argument = $1;
        if ($argument eq '') { msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Syntax Error in function 'whitelist rem'\n[".PLUGINNAME."] Usage: block <username>\n", 3); return; }
        # search for <username> to remove, throw an error if not found
        unless (isInlist(2, $argument)) { msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$argument." not found in whitelist.\n", 3); return; }    
        my @temp = @whitelist;
        @whitelist = undef;
        foreach (@temp) {
            push (@whitelist, $_) unless ($_ eq $argument || $_ eq "");
        open WHITELIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt"
            or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt: $!";
                foreach (@whitelist) {
                    print WHITELIST $_."\n";
        close WHITELIST;
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Player ".$argument." has been removed from whitelist.\n");
        $lastAccess{whitelist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{whitelist}{path};
        return 1;
    } else {
            unless (!isInlist(1, $argument)) {
                error("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$argument." is already in whitelist.\n");
            unless (!isInlist(2, $argument)) {
                error("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$argument." is already in blacklist. Use \"blacklist rm <username>\" to remove him first.\n");
            # add to array
            push (@whitelist, $argument);
            open WHITELIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt"
                or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/whitelist.txt: $!";
                    foreach (@whitelist) {
                        print WHITELIST $_."\n";
            close WHITELIST;
            msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Player ".$argument." has been added to whitelist.\n");
            $lastAccess{whitelist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{whitelist}{path};
            return 1;

sub comm_Black {
    my (undef, $argument) = @_;
    if ($argument eq '' || $argument eq '?' || $argument eq 'help') {
            msg ("[".PLUGINNAME."] Syntax Error in function 'blacklist'\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Usage: \n\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Add and block player    :  blacklist <username>\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Remove player                :  blacklist rem <username>\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Clear blacklist.txt        :  blacklist clear\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Print blacklist content :  blacklist print\n".
                    "[".PLUGINNAME."] Syntax help                        :  blacklist ?, blacklist help\n"
                    , 3); return 0;
    } elsif ($argument eq 'print') {
        foreach (@blacklist) {
        return 1;
    } elsif ($argument eq 'clear') {
        @blacklist = undef;
        open BLACKLIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt"
            or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt: $!";
        close BLACKLIST;
        $lastAccess{blacklist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{blacklist}{path};
        return 1;
    } elsif ($argument =~ /^rem (.*)|^rem$/) {
        $argument = $1;
        # search for <username> to remove, throw an error if not found
        unless (isInlist(1, $argument)) { msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$argument." not found in blacklist.\n", 3); return; }    
        my @temp = @blacklist;
        @blacklist = undef;
        foreach (@temp) {
            push (@blacklist, $_) unless ($_ eq $argument || $_ eq "");
        open BLACKLIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt"
            or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist: $!";
                foreach (@blacklist) {
                    print BLACKLIST $_."\n";
        close BLACKLIST;
        Commands::run("ignore 0 ".$argument);
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Player ".$argument." has been unblocked and removed from blacklist.\n");
        $lastAccess{blacklist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{blacklist}{path};
        return 1;
    } else {
        unless (!isInlist(1, $argument)) {
            error("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$argument." is already in whitelist. Use \"whitelist rm <username>\" to remove him first.\n");
        unless (!isInlist(2, $argument)) {
            error("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$argument." is already in blacklist.\n");
        # add to array
        push (@blacklist, $argument);
        open BLACKLIST, ">:utf8", $workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt"
            or die "cannot open ".$workingFolder."/leaveMeAlone/blacklist.txt: $!";
                foreach (@blacklist) {
                    print BLACKLIST $_."\n";
        close BLACKLIST;
        Commands::run("ignore 1 ".$argument);
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Player ".$argument." has been blocked and added to blacklist.\n");
        $lastAccess{blacklist}{lastSize} = -s $lastAccess{blacklist}{path};
        return 1;

sub msg {
    # SILENT constant support and sprintf.
    my ($msg, $msglevel, $debug) = @_;
    unless ($debug eq 1 && DEBUG ne 1) {
        if (!defined $msglevel || $msglevel == "" || $msglevel == 0) {
            warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 1) {
            message($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 2) {
            warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
        } elsif ($msglevel == 3) {
    return 1;

sub isInlist {
    my ($list, $name) = @_;
    if ($list == 1) {
        foreach    (@whitelist) {
                if ($name eq $_) {
                    msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$name." found in whitelist !.\n", undef, 1);
                return 1;
        return 0;
    } elsif ($list == 2) {
        foreach    (@blacklist) {
                if ($name eq $_) {
                    msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$name." found in black !.\n", undef, 1);
                return 1;
        return 0;
    } else {
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Error in isInlist() while accessing list ".$list.", please report this\n", 3);

sub lastAccessVerify {
    my $arg = shift;
    # 1 for blacklist, 2 for whitelist
    if ($arg == 1 && ((-s $lastAccess{blacklist}{path}) ne $lastAccess{blacklist}{lastSize})) {
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] blacklist changed, reloading.\n", 3, 1);
        return 1;
    } elsif ($arg == 2 && ((-s $lastAccess{whitelist}{path}) ne $lastAccess{whitelist}{lastSize})) {
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] whitelist changed, reloading.\n", 3, 1);
        return 1;
    } elsif ($arg ne 1 && $arg ne 2) {
        msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] Error in lastAccessVerify() while accessing ".$arg.", please report this\n", 3);
    msg("[".PLUGINNAME."] .txt files are okay, same size as before.\n", 3, 1);


sub comm_Block {
    my (undef, $argument) = @_;
    comm_Black(undef, $argument);
    return 1;

sub comm_Unblock {
    my (undef, $argument) = @_;
    comm_Black(undef, "rem ".$argument);
    return 1;

# i luv u mom