Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot by Kali

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Plain Yogurt
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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#31 Post by Cadeath »

Why does the Kore stop doing when replying from a talk...?

It just make the Kore dead when you talk to it while killing something...

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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#32 Post by Mucilon »

I did understand... stop doing what?

Plain Yogurt
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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#33 Post by Cadeath »

Mucilon wrote:I did understand... stop doing what?
All I meant is, everytime my kore attack, if someone talks, he stop, I think it's the kore's WPM. he/she waits to type all the text/msg that also cause her/him not to move or suspend until he finish typing the text/msg.

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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#34 Post by Mucilon »

This kind of thing doesn't happen to me. And shouldn't happen...
The plugin code does not clear the AI::action or AI::queue, it just input at the AI::queue the action to answer, so it won't stop what it is doing at the moment of the received chat to answer or type the message.
We can confirm that with Kali!
Kali, if you are reading us, please, can you comment?

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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#35 Post by kali »

It's assumed that you're gonna stop moving your mouse and clicking on stuff when typing a response, and then resume after pressing enter.

You can always say you don't use ctrl-click or have /nc enabled when you're attacking monsters and stop to answer a question.
Got your topic trashed by a mod?

Trashing topics is one click, and moving a topic to its proper forum is a lot harder. You expend the least effort in deciding where to post, mods expend the least effort by trashing.

Have a nice day.

Plain Yogurt
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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#36 Post by fco2783 »

it seem cant make work on the openkore 2.0.0

the old ones are to buggy...

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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#37 Post by Mucilon »

A long time ago, I make a change on the plugin, so it could work on openkore 2.0.0+

Plain Yogurt
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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#38 Post by Cadeath »

Mucilon wrote:This kind of thing doesn't happen to me. And shouldn't happen...
The plugin code does not clear the AI::action or AI::queue, it just input at the AI::queue the action to answer, so it won't stop what it is doing at the moment of the received chat to answer or type the message.
We can confirm that with Kali!
Kali, if you are reading us, please, can you comment?
Thanks for the info.
May be I just get that wrong...
I will observe my openkore thoroughly.
Thanks guys...

Plain Yogurt
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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot for Openkore 2.0.0

#39 Post by fco2783 »

finally made to work... through hard work, reading and also searching alot... :ugeek:

copy the kadiliman.pl on the first page by Mucilon

then if your using openkore 2.0.0 like me... use this instead the Kadiliman.pm of Mucilon
i got it from bibian collection of Misc Plugins

this is Kadiliman.pm

Code: Select all

# Inspired by perlBorg, pyBorg, and seeBorg
# Licensed under the GPL
# Copyright by kaliwanagan

package Chatbot::Kadiliman;

use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $AUTOLOAD) ;

$VERSION = '0.06';
sub Version { $VERSION; }

my %fields;

%fields = {
	name			=> 'Kadiliman',
	scriptfile		=> '',
	depth			=> 3,
	learn			=> 0,
	reply			=> 1,

	debug			=> 0,
	debug_text		=> '',
	quit			=> undef

sub new {
	my ($that, $name, $scriptfile) = @_;
	my $class = ref($that) || $that;
	my $self = {
		_permitted => \%fields,
	bless $self, $class;
	$self->_initialize($name, $scriptfile);
	return $self;

sub _initialize {
	my ($self, $name, $scriptfile) = @_;
	if (defined $name and ref $name eq "HASH") {

		# Allow the calling program to pass in intial parameters
		# as an anonymous hash
		map { $self->{$_} = $name->{$_}; } keys %$name;

		$self->parseScriptData( $self->{scriptfile} );

	} else {
		$self->{name} = $name if $name;

sub parseScriptData {
	my ($self, $scriptfile) = @_;

	$self->debug("Parsing $scriptfile... ");
	my @scriptlines;
	if ($scriptfile) {
		# If we have an external script file, open it 
		# and read it in (the whole thing, all at once). 
		if (open (SCRIPTFILE, "<$scriptfile")) {
			@scriptlines = <SCRIPTFILE>; # read in script data 
			$self->{scriptfile} = $scriptfile;
			close (SCRIPTFILE);
		} else {
			print "Could not read from file $scriptfile : $!\n";
			print "Creating default lines.txt ...\n";
			$self->{scriptfile} = "lines.txt";
	$self->debug("Learning $scriptfile... ");
	foreach my $line (@scriptlines) {
		my @sentences = split /\.+/, $line;
		foreach my $sentence (@sentences) {
	$self->debug("I know ". scalar @{$self->{lines}} . " lines.\n") if (exists $self->{lines});
	$self->{parsed} = 1;

sub saveScriptData {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->debug("Saving script data... ");
	my $scriptfile = $self->{scriptfile};
	open (SCRIPTFILE, ">$scriptfile");
	foreach my $line (@{$self->{lines}}) {
		print SCRIPTFILE ("$line\n");
	close (SCRIPTFILE);

sub learn {
	my ($self, $string) = @_;
	my $numLines = (exists $self->{lines}) ? @{$self->{lines}} : '0';

	$string = $self->preProcess($string);
	my $tmp = $string;
	$tmp = lc $tmp; # convert to lowercase
	$tmp =~ s/[^A-Za-z_0-9 \']/ /g; # remove non alpha-numeric characters
	my @words = split /\s+/, $tmp;
	for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @words; $i++) {
		$self->{after}{$words[$i]}{$words[$i+1]}++ if ($words[$i+1]);
		push @{$self->{linenum}{$words[$i]}}, $numLines;
	push @{$self->{lines}}, $string if ($string);
	if ($self->{parsed}) {
		$self->debug("Learning: $string\n");

sub preProcess {
	my ($self, $string) = @_;
	$string =~ s/\n//g; # remove newlines
	$string =~ s/\r//g; # remove cariage returns;
	$string =~ s/^_*//; #remove leading underscores
	$string =~ s/_*$//; #remove trailing underscores
	$string =~ s/^\s*//; #remove leading spaces
	$string =~ s/\s*$//; #remove trailing spaces
	return $string;

sub postProcess {
	my ($self, $string) = @_;

sub transform {
	my ($self, $inputString) = @_;
	my $reply;
	my $input = $self->preProcess($inputString);
	# Filter out all the words we haven't learned yet
	my @leftWords;
	$input = lc $input; # convert to lowercase
	$input =~ s/[^A-Za-z_0-9 \']/ /g; # remove non alpha-numeric characters
	my @words = split /\s+/, $input;
	foreach my $word (@words) {
		$self->debug("$word: $self->{count}{$word}\n");
		next if (!exists ($self->{count}{$word}));
		push @leftWords, $word;
	undef @words;

	# Choose a word from the list of known words
	my $leftWord = $leftWords[int rand(@leftWords)];
	$self->debug("Chosen left word: $leftWord\n");
	undef @leftWords;
	if (!$leftWord) { # if all words are unknown
		$reply = $self->{lines}[int rand(@{$self->{lines}})];
	} else {

		my @rightWords = keys %{$self->{after}{$leftWord}};
		my $rightWord = $rightWords[int rand(@rightWords)];
		$self->debug("Chosen right word: $rightWord\n");
		undef @rightWords;

		my @leftLines;
		my @rightLines;
		my $string;
		# Cull from script data all lines containing the left word
		foreach my $linenum (@{$self->{linenum}{$leftWord}}) {
			push @leftLines, $self->{lines}[$linenum];

		$self->debug("leftLines: " . scalar @leftLines . "\n");
		# Cull from script data all lines containing the right word
		foreach my $linenum (@{$self->{linenum}{$rightWord}}) {
			push @rightLines, $self->{lines}[$linenum];
		$self->debug("rightLines: " . scalar @rightLines . "\n");

		my $rand;
		# Get a random line from those that contain the left word
		$rand = int rand(@leftLines);
		$string = $leftLines[$rand];
		# Build the left side
		my $leftSide;
		my @words = split /\s+/, $string;
		foreach my $word (@words) {
			$leftSide = $leftSide . $word . ' ';
			last if $word =~ /\b$leftWord\b/;
		undef @words;
		$self->debug("Leftside: $leftSide line: $rand\n");

		# Get a random line from those that contain the right word
		$rand = int rand(@rightLines);
		$string = $rightLines[$rand];

		# Build the right side
		my $rightSide;

		my @words = split /\s+/, $string;
		foreach my $word (@words) {
			last if $word =~ /\b$rightWord\b/;
			$word = '';
		foreach my $word (@words) {
			$rightSide .= $word ? $word . ' ' : '';
		undef @words;
		$self->debug("Rightside: $rightSide line: $rand\n");

		# Build the reply
		$reply = $leftSide . $rightSide;
	$self->learn($inputString) if ($self->{learn});
	$self->saveScriptData if ($self->{learn});
	return $reply;

sub _testquit {
	my ($self, $string) = @_;
	return 1 if ($string =~ /\bquit\b/i);

sub command_interface {
	my $self = shift;
	my $userInput;
	while (1) {
		chomp($userInput = <STDIN>);
		if($self->_testquit($userInput)) { 
		print "Reply: ".$self->transform($userInput)."\n";

sub debug {
	my ($self, $string) = @_;
	print "debug -> $string" if ($self->{debug});

return 1;

=head1 CHANGES

=over 4

= item * Version 0.06 (21 July 2005)

fix for regexp dying on unescaped characters (thanks Joseph)

= item * Version 0.05 (18 July 2005)

changed from a simple word selection into word + wordafter selection

= item * Version 0.04 (17 July 2005)

First release

= item * Version 0.03 (17 July 2005)

complete learn and transform functions
changed from rare word to random word selection

= item * Version 0.02 (15 July 2005)

preProcess function
learn function (partial)
transform function (partial)

= item * Version 0.01 (8 July 2005)

Created skeleton code


How to Install:
1) Download the 2 files.
2) Copy the kadiliman.pl file to openkoreroot\plugins directory.
3) Create a directory named Chatbot at openkoreroot\src directory.
4) Copy the Kadiliman.pm file to this Chatbot directory.
5) At config.txt see below at how to use.

on config.txt add this
chatBot Kadiliman {
inLockOnly 0
scriptfile lines_APP.txt
replyRate 80
onPublicChat 1
onPrivateMessage 1
onSystemChat 0
onGuildChat 0
onPartyChat 0
wpm 65
smileys :D, :), XD, ^^, xD, \o/, o/
smileyRate 20
learn 1
noPlayers BotParty
noWords /buf/i, /agi/i, /cura/i, /a(s|ss)u/i, /bot/i, /ks/i
timesToBlockPM 10
timeToResetCount 300
tested on Kore-RO and works like a charm :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Cybernatic Entity
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Re: Kadiliman Plugin v 1.3 - ChatBot

#40 Post by Mucilon »

Thanks for the time spent!
Thinking about that, I don't really remember when I changed the plugin, it would be probably on version 2.0.3+...
I'm curious, why didn't you change to a newer OK version? Maybe it would be faster to solve this kind of problem...

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