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ServerType Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 01:19
by bloodsside13
I found that my recvpackets change and the serverType i am using not compatible on it.

New Recvpackets

Code: Select all

0856 -1 71
0857 -1 65
0858 -1 64
0859 -1 45
Before it is only -1 now it has a 71,65,64,and 45. And the packets inside the servertype might be incompatible. Please teach me how to get the packets to put on my serverType so it will work perfectly.

Packets inside my serverType RagexeRE_2010_11_24a

Code: Select all

'0856' => ['actor_exists', 'v C a4 v3 V v5 a4 v6 a4 a2 v V C2 a6 C2 v2 Z*', 
[qw(len object_type ID walk_speed opt1 opt2 option type hair_style weapon shield lowhead tick tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir costume guildID emblemID manner opt3 stance sex coords xSize ySize lv font name)]], # -1 # walking provided by try71023 TODO: costume
'0857' => ['actor_connected', 'v C a4 v3 V v11 a4 a2 v V C2 a3 C3 v2 Z*', 
[qw(len object_type ID walk_speed opt1 opt2 option type hair_style weapon shield lowhead tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir costume guildID emblemID manner opt3 stance sex coords xSize ySize act lv font name)]], # -1 # spawning provided by try71023
'0858' => ['actor_moved', 'v C a4 v3 V v11 a4 a2 v V C2 a3 C2 v2 Z*', 
[qw(len object_type ID walk_speed opt1 opt2 option type hair_style weapon shield lowhead tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir costume guildID emblemID manner opt3 stance sex coords xSize ySize lv font name)]], # -1 # standing provided by try71023
My question is how to get this packets? Where it came from -> v C a4 v3 V v5 a4 v6 a4 a2 v V C2 a6 C2 v2 Z*

Re: ServerType Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 04:49
by EternalHarvest
bloodsside13 wrote:

Code: Select all

0856 -1 71
0857 -1 65
0858 -1 64
0859 -1 45
Before it is only -1 now it has a 71,65,64,and 45.
These numbers are currently unused, only "-1" matters (which means variable length, as well as 0).
Where it came from -> v C a4 v3 V v5 a4 v6 a4 a2 v V C2 a6 C2 v2 Z*

Re: ServerType Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 09:37
by bloodsside13
Thanks for the link i will read it and try to understand.

Code: Select all

'0857' => ['actor_connected', 'v C a4 v3 V v11 a4 a2 v V C2 a3 C3 v2 Z*'
After experimenting the packets. I change the v11 to v5 and the kore recognize the NPC perfectly. but somehow others not like monsters and players. What it means?

Re: ServerType Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 12:40
by bloodsside13
Hi sir,

I will post for more info so you can help me more about my problems.

here are the packets i captured in the server. I hope you already have structures for this problem.

Re: ServerType Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 15:45
by Kaspy
I ask that hosts the content on Pastebin ( and/or Dropbox (, much easier.

Peço que hospede o conteúdo no Pastebin ( e/ou no Dropbox (, facilita muito.

Re: ServerType Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 23:39
by bloodsside13
here Dropbox:

This is the error i received recently.
Error message:
Invalid arguments.

Stack trace:
Trace begun at src\Task\ line 80
Task::Route::new('Task::Route', 'actor', 'Actor::You=HASH(0x2f1b48c)', 'x', 0, 'y', 3, 'maxDistance', undef, 'maxTime', 4, 'avoidWalls', '', 'distFromGoal', undef, 'pyDistFromGoal', undef, 'notifyUponArrival', undef) called at src\ line 776
Actor::route('Actor::You=HASH(0x2f1b48c)', undef, 0, 3, 'maxRouteTime', 4, 'attackID', 'M-]RM-.^F', 'noMapRoute', 1, 'noAvoidWalls', 1) called at src\AI\ line 526
AI::Attack::main at src\AI\ line 97
AI::Attack::process at src\AI\ line 77
AI::CoreLogic::iterate at src\ line 736
main::mainLoop_initialized at src\ line 70
main::mainLoop at src\ line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x1c3525c)') called at line 97
main::__start at line 136

Died at this line:

* unless ($args{actor}->isa('Actor') and $args{x} != 0 and $args{y} != 0) {
ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");