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Python programming class (For real, this time)

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 12:12
by sli
Ok, I'm getting this all together this weekend (lessons, curriculum, assignments, misc teacher bullshit) and I would really like to see some commitment from those interested. I'd like to get everyone together in an IRC channel, but rely mainly on VNC and Skype/Teamspeak/whatever so I can explain a little better. IRC clients tend to remove leading whitespace, which tends to make Python vomit all over everything because leading whitespace is significant. So if you're up for learning a new language, or just learning a language at all, let me know your schedule so I can plan out when I'm going to hold classes. I won't be able to flex to everyone, but I'll get a good average.

I'm going to do this like an actual class, meaning I'm not going to wait around for people, and those involved will need to truly commit themselves to learning something new. No playing around, no veering off into other subjects, I'll be sticking to the core Python language, best practices, overall good practices for programming, and I'll be covering some important Python idioms and features that aren't covered in detail elsewhere. Yes, including ones not even covered in my mountains of Python books.

Those interested can post their free times here, or PM them to me. Just be sure to make it obvious that your PM is related to this thread. And please, use proper grammar. I'm not going out of my way to figure out what the hell you're saying to me, I'm just going to move on to other students.