idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

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Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 05:52
Noob?: Yes

Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#21 Post by rid_mls »

kLabMouse wrote:
renjfk wrote:I see, it makes sense. Well, about hiding; don't attach the dll injected random process right away, wait a bit and a message should pop about telling this is wrong binary blahblah, attach after it. About EP i'm sure you can use that message to your advantage since EP should be close to that message box.
Donno. May-be my Debugger is not good, or something else. But Target App just Crash when I try in Attach with RAMOlly v1.1.
Any Hint's on this situation?
when i used 27-01-10 patch exe and xyz.dll with ollydbg it also crashed..

but since i used 29-01-10 patch exe and xyz.dll ollydbg not crash

this the exe and dll.

Code: Select all

Posts: 4
Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 05:52
Noob?: Yes

Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#22 Post by rid_mls »

i got this from indonesian forum.. i don't know if this can help..

Code: Select all

Disassembly of File: Ragexe.exe
Code Offset = 00001000, Code Size = 00304000
Data Offset = 00305000, Data Size = 00029000

Number of Objects = 0004 (dec), Imagebase = 00400000h

Object01: .text RVA: 00001000 Offset: 00001000 Size: 00304000 Flags: 60000020
Object02: .rdata RVA: 00305000 Offset: 00305000 Size: 00029000 Flags: C0000040
Object03: .data RVA: 0032E000 Offset: 0032E000 Size: 0003E000 Flags: C0000040
Object04: .rsrc RVA: 003F7000 Offset: 0036C000 Size: 00003000 Flags: C0000040

+++++++++++++++++++ RESOURCE INFORMATION +++++++++++++++++++

Number of Resource Types = 4 (decimal)

Resource Type 001: RT_ICON
Resource Type 002: RT_DIALOG
Resource Type 003: RT_GROUP_ICON
Resource Type 004: RT_UNKNOWN:00000018

+++++++++++++++++++ MENU INFORMATION +++++++++++++++++++

There are no Menus in This Application.

+++++++++++++++++ DIALOG INFORMATION +++++++++++++++++++

Number of Dialogs = 2 (decimal)

Name: DialogId_0066, # of Controls=012, Caption:"Assert Failed!"
Control::001 - ID:0000, Class:BUTTON Text:"Debug"
Control::002 - ID:0000, Class:BUTTON Text:"Ignore"
Control::003 - ID:0000, Class:BUTTON Text:"Ignore Always"
Control::004 - ID:0000, Class:BUTTON Text:"Exit"
Control::005 - ID:0000, Class:EDIT Text:""
Control::006 - ID:0000, Class:EDIT Text:""
Control::007 - ID:0000, Class:EDIT Text:""
Control::008 - ID:0000, Class:EDIT Text:""
Control::009 - ID:FFFF, Class:STATIC Text:"Filename:"
Control::010 - ID:FFFF, Class:STATIC Text:"Expression:"
Control::011 - ID:FFFF, Class:STATIC Text:"Message:"
Control::012 - ID:FFFF, Class:STATIC Text:"Line:"
Name: DialogId_0075, # of Controls=004, Caption:"Gravityâ„¢ Error Handler"
Control::001 - ID:0002, Class:BUTTON Text:"Copy"
Control::002 - ID:0007, Class:BUTTON Text:"Exit"
Control::003 - ID:03EE, Class:EDIT Text:""
Control::004 - ID:FFFF, Class:STATIC Text:"Unexpected program error occured !!!

Ragnarok will be shutdown because of unexpected program error. Please report these errors to Gravity or Game Master."

+++++++++++++++++++ IMPORTED FUNCTIONS +++++++++++++++++++
Number of Imported Modules = 18 (decimal)

Import Module 001: DINPUT.dll
Import Module 002: binkw32.dll
Import Module 003: KERNEL32.dll
Import Module 004: USER32.dll
Import Module 005: GDI32.dll
Import Module 006: ADVAPI32.dll
Import Module 007: SHELL32.dll
Import Module 008: ole32.dll
Import Module 009: DDRAW.dll
Import Module 010: ijl15.dll
Import Module 011: WS2_32.dll
Import Module 012: mss32.dll
Import Module 013: IMM32.dll
Import Module 014: cps.dll
Import Module 015: WINMM.dll
Import Module 016: granny2.dll
Import Module 017: NETAPI32.dll
Import Module 018: xyz.dll

+++++++++++++++++++ IMPORT MODULE DETAILS +++++++++++++++++

Import Module 001: DINPUT.dll

Addr:0032B868 hint(0000) Name: DirectInputCreateA

Import Module 002: binkw32.dll

Addr:0032B8EA hint(0028) Name: _BinkPause@8
Addr:0032B8DA hint(001F) Name: _BinkGoto@12
Addr:0032B8CA hint(000F) Name: _BinkClose@4
Addr:0032B8B0 hint(0024) Name: _BinkOpenDirectSound@4
Addr:0032B898 hint(0034) Name: _BinkSetSoundSystem@8
Addr:0032B88A hint(0023) Name: _BinkOpen@8
Addr:0032B8FA hint(0038) Name: _BinkWait@4

Import Module 003: KERNEL32.dll

Addr:0032BB84 hint(0218) Name: ReadFile
Addr:0032BB90 hint(02BB) Name: VirtualAlloc
Addr:0032BBA0 hint(0112) Name: GetFileSize
Addr:0032BBAE hint(0034) Name: CreateFileA
Addr:0032BBBC hint(02DF) Name: WriteFile
Addr:0032BBC8 hint(026A) Name: SetFilePointer
Addr:0032BBDA hint(02F9) Name: lstrcatA
Addr:0032BBE6 hint(011A) Name: GetLastError
Addr:0032BBF6 hint(01CC) Name: LocalFree
Addr:0032BC02 hint(01CE) Name: LocalLock
Addr:0032BC0E hint(00AF) Name: FormatMessageA
Addr:0032BC20 hint(0175) Name: GetVersionExA
Addr:0032BC30 hint(0159) Name: GetSystemDirectoryA
Addr:0032BC46 hint(00F8) Name: GetCurrentProcessId
Addr:0032BC5C hint(01EF) Name: OpenProcess
Addr:0032BC6A hint(0035) Name: CreateFileMappingA
Addr:0032BC80 hint(02B0) Name: UnmapViewOfFile
Addr:0032BC92 hint(01D6) Name: MapViewOfFile
Addr:0032BCA2 hint(015B) Name: GetSystemInfo
Addr:0032BCB2 hint(01AA) Name: InitializeCriticalSection
Addr:0032BCCE hint(0055) Name: DeleteCriticalSection
Addr:0032BCE6 hint(01C1) Name: LeaveCriticalSection
Addr:0032BCFE hint(0066) Name: EnterCriticalSection
Addr:0032BD16 hint(00F5) Name: GetCurrentDirectoryA
Addr:0032BD2E hint(01BB) Name: IsDebuggerPresent
Addr:0032BD42 hint(01B9) Name: IsDBCSLeadByte
Addr:0032BD54 hint(015D) Name: GetSystemTime
Addr:0032BD64 hint(018D) Name: GlobalMemoryStatus
Addr:0032BD7A hint(0277) Name: SetPriorityClass
Addr:0032BD8E hint(0044) Name: CreateProcessA
Addr:0032BDA0 hint(01DE) Name: MoveFileExA
Addr:0032BDAE hint(003F) Name: CreateMutexA
Addr:0032BDBE hint(028B) Name: SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
Addr:0032D314 hint(01B5) Name: IsBadReadPtr
Addr:0032D2FA hint(0108) Name: GetEnvironmentStringsW
Addr:0032D2E2 hint(0106) Name: GetEnvironmentStrings
Addr:0032D2C8 hint(00B3) Name: FreeEnvironmentStringsW
Addr:0032D2AE hint(00B2) Name: FreeEnvironmentStringsA
Addr:0032D296 hint(0241) Name: SetConsoleCtrlHandler
Addr:0032D280 hint(0171) Name: GetUserDefaultLCID
Addr:0032D26A hint(0077) Name: EnumSystemLocalesA
Addr:0032D258 hint(011C) Name: GetLocaleInfoA
Addr:0032D246 hint(01BD) Name: IsValidCodePage
Addr:0032BB76 hint(001B) Name: CloseHandle
Addr:0032D222 hint(00AA) Name: FlushFileBuffers
Addr:0032D210 hint(0156) Name: GetStringTypeW
Addr:0032D1FE hint(0153) Name: GetStringTypeA
Addr:0032D1E2 hint(02AD) Name: UnhandledExceptionFilter
Addr:0032D1D4 hint(0115) Name: GetFileType
Addr:0032D1C4 hint(0152) Name: GetStdHandle
Addr:0032D1B2 hint(026D) Name: SetHandleCount
Addr:0032D1A2 hint(01B8) Name: IsBadWritePtr
Addr:0032D194 hint(019B) Name: HeapCreate
Addr:0032D186 hint(019D) Name: HeapDestroy
Addr:0032D16C hint(0109) Name: GetEnvironmentVariableA
Addr:0032D15C hint(0271) Name: SetLastError
Addr:0032D152 hint(02A3) Name: TlsFree
Addr:0032D146 hint(02A2) Name: TlsAlloc
Addr:0032D13A hint(01A3) Name: HeapSize
Addr:0032D128 hint(0022) Name: CompareStringW
Addr:0032D116 hint(0021) Name: CompareStringA
Addr:0032D10A hint(00BF) Name: GetCPInfo
Addr:0032D0FA hint(01C0) Name: LCMapStringW
Addr:0032D0EA hint(01BF) Name: LCMapStringA
Addr:0032D0DA hint(0085) Name: FatalAppExitA
Addr:0032D0CC hint(0174) Name: GetVersion
Addr:0032D0BA hint(00CA) Name: GetCommandLineA
Addr:0032D0A8 hint(0150) Name: GetStartupInfoA
Addr:0032D09A hint(01A2) Name: HeapReAlloc
Addr:0032D080 hint(015F) Name: GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
Addr:0032D074 hint(01DD) Name: MoveFileA
Addr:0032D060 hint(029E) Name: TerminateProcess
Addr:0032D052 hint(007D) Name: ExitProcess
Addr:0032D038 hint(0170) Name: GetTimeZoneInformation
Addr:0032D022 hint(0268) Name: SetFileAttributesA
Addr:0032D00E hint(0227) Name: RemoveDirectoryA
Addr:0032CFF8 hint(010D) Name: GetFileAttributesA
Addr:0032CFE8 hint(0104) Name: GetDriveTypeA
Addr:0032CFD4 hint(0116) Name: GetFullPathNameA
Addr:0032CFC2 hint(020B) Name: RaiseException
Addr:0032CFB4 hint(0057) Name: DeleteFileA
Addr:0032CFA6 hint(007E) Name: ExitThread
Addr:0032CF98 hint(02A4) Name: TlsGetValue
Addr:0032BB68 hint(02BF) Name: VirtualFree
Addr:0032BB4C hint(0207) Name: QueryPerformanceFrequency
Addr:0032BB32 hint(0206) Name: QueryPerformanceCounter
Addr:0032BB1C hint(02D2) Name: WideCharToMultiByte
Addr:0032BB04 hint(0172) Name: GetUserDefaultLangID
Addr:0032BAEC hint(01AD) Name: InterlockedDecrement
Addr:0032BAD6 hint(02CE) Name: WaitForSingleObject
Addr:0032BAC2 hint(0287) Name: SetThreadPriority
Addr:0032BAAA hint(01B0) Name: InterlockedIncrement
Addr:0032BA96 hint(0126) Name: GetModuleHandleA
Addr:0032BA80 hint(0124) Name: GetModuleFileNameA
Addr:0032BA6C hint(00F7) Name: GetCurrentProcess
Addr:0032BA58 hint(00F9) Name: GetCurrentThread
Addr:0032BA4A hint(0181) Name: GlobalAlloc
Addr:0032BA3C hint(018C) Name: GlobalLock
Addr:0032BA2E hint(0188) Name: GlobalFree
Addr:0032BA1E hint(0193) Name: GlobalUnlock
Addr:0032BA0E hint(004A) Name: CreateThread
Addr:0032BA06 hint(0296) Name: Sleep
Addr:0032B9F6 hint(016D) Name: GetTickCount
Addr:0032B9E4 hint(0094) Name: FindFirstFileA
Addr:0032B9D8 hint(0090) Name: FindClose
Addr:0032B9C8 hint(009D) Name: FindNextFileA
Addr:0032B9BC hint(02FF) Name: lstrcmpiA
Addr:0032B9AA hint(02C3) Name: VirtualProtect
Addr:0032B99A hint(01C2) Name: LoadLibraryA
Addr:0032B988 hint(013E) Name: GetProcAddress
Addr:0032B97A hint(00B4) Name: FreeLibrary
Addr:0032B96A hint(011B) Name: GetLocalTime
Addr:0032B958 hint(0140) Name: GetProcessHeap
Addr:0032B94A hint(019A) Name: HeapCompact
Addr:0032B934 hint(01E4) Name: MultiByteToWideChar
Addr:0032B92A hint(01E3) Name: MulDiv
Addr:0032CF8A hint(02A5) Name: TlsSetValue
Addr:0032CF74 hint(00FA) Name: GetCurrentThreadId
Addr:0032CF60 hint(002D) Name: CreateDirectoryA
Addr:0032CF54 hint(0199) Name: HeapAlloc
Addr:0032CF48 hint(019F) Name: HeapFree
Addr:0032B914 hint(01F5) Name: OutputDebugStringA
Addr:0032D324 hint(01B2) Name: IsBadCodePtr
Addr:0032CF3C hint(022F) Name: RtlUnwind
Addr:0032CF26 hint(01AE) Name: InterlockedExchange
Addr:0032D334 hint(027C) Name: SetStdHandle
Addr:0032D344 hint(00B9) Name: GetACP
Addr:0032D34E hint(0131) Name: GetOEMCP
Addr:0032D35A hint(0262) Name: SetEnvironmentVariableA
Addr:0032D374 hint(0261) Name: SetEndOfFile
Addr:0032D384 hint(010B) Name: GetExitCodeProcess
Addr:0032D39A hint(0037) Name: CreateFileW
Addr:0032D236 hint(01BE) Name: IsValidLocale
Addr:0032D3A8 hint(011D) Name: GetLocaleInfoW

Import Module 004: USER32.dll

Addr:0032C09E hint(01F2) Name: RegisterClassA
Addr:0032C0B0 hint(019A) Name: LoadCursorA
Addr:0032C0BE hint(019E) Name: LoadIconA
Addr:0032C0CA hint(00D5) Name: FindWindowA
Addr:0032BF78 hint(0113) Name: GetKeyboardLayout
Addr:0032C0E8 hint(0266) Name: ShowCursor
Addr:0032BDEA hint(01BE) Name: MessageBoxA
Addr:0032BDF8 hint(026A) Name: ShowWindow
Addr:0032BE06 hint(0258) Name: SetWindowLongA
Addr:0032BE18 hint(003A) Name: ClientToScreen
Addr:0032BE2A hint(00F0) Name: GetClientRect
Addr:0032BE3A hint(0244) Name: SetRect
Addr:0032BE44 hint(01F1) Name: RedrawWindow
Addr:0032BE54 hint(00AB) Name: DrawMenuBar
Addr:0032BE62 hint(00FD) Name: GetDC
Addr:0032BE6A hint(0146) Name: GetSystemMetrics
Addr:0032BE7E hint(0026) Name: CharNextExA
Addr:0032BE8C hint(0029) Name: CharPrevExA
Addr:0032BE9A hint(0112) Name: GetKeyState
Addr:0032BEA8 hint(02AC) Name: wsprintfA
Addr:0032BEB4 hint(00E3) Name: GetAsyncKeyState
Addr:0032BEC8 hint(01C9) Name: MoveWindow
Addr:0032BED6 hint(015C) Name: GetWindowRect
Addr:0032BEE6 hint(025E) Name: SetWindowTextA
Addr:0032BEF8 hint(00B9) Name: EndDialog
Addr:0032BF04 hint(022F) Name: SetFocus
Addr:0032BF10 hint(0102) Name: GetDlgItem
Addr:0032BF1E hint(003C) Name: CloseClipboard
Addr:0032BF30 hint(0223) Name: SetClipboardData
Addr:0032BF44 hint(00B4) Name: EmptyClipboard
Addr:0032BF56 hint(01D3) Name: OpenClipboard
Addr:0032BF66 hint(0093) Name: DialogBoxParamA
Addr:0032C08A hint(0001) Name: AdjustWindowRect
Addr:0032BF8C hint(00F2) Name: GetClipboardData
Addr:0032BFA0 hint(0095) Name: DispatchMessageA
Addr:0032BFB4 hint(0282) Name: TranslateMessage
Addr:0032BFC8 hint(01DC) Name: PeekMessageA
Addr:0032BFD8 hint(0214) Name: SendMessageA
Addr:0032BFE8 hint(0084) Name: DefWindowProcA
Addr:0032BFFA hint(020A) Name: ScreenToClient
Addr:0032C00C hint(00FC) Name: GetCursorPos
Addr:0032C01C hint(018C) Name: IsIconic
Addr:0032C028 hint(00DD) Name: GetActiveWindow
Addr:0032C03A hint(0226) Name: SetCursor
Addr:0032C046 hint(029A) Name: ValidateRect
Addr:0032C056 hint(0118) Name: GetKeyboardType
Addr:0032C068 hint(0291) Name: UpdateWindow
Addr:0032C078 hint(0059) Name: CreateWindowExA
Addr:0032C0D8 hint(008E) Name: DestroyWindow

Import Module 005: GDI32.dll

Addr:0032C1DA hint(0206) Name: TextOutW
Addr:0032C118 hint(0050) Name: DeleteDC
Addr:0032C124 hint(0053) Name: DeleteObject
Addr:0032C134 hint(01C7) Name: SelectObject
Addr:0032C144 hint(002F) Name: CreateDIBSection
Addr:0032C158 hint(0036) Name: CreateFontA
Addr:0032C166 hint(008B) Name: EnumFontFamiliesExA
Addr:0032C224 hint(015F) Name: GetStockObject
Addr:0032C210 hint(0047) Name: CreatePolygonRgn
Addr:0032C1FC hint(004D) Name: CreateSolidBrush
Addr:0032C1F2 hint(00A8) Name: FillRgn
Addr:0032C1E6 hint(0205) Name: TextOutA
Addr:0032C102 hint(002A) Name: CreateCompatibleDC
Addr:0032C1C2 hint(016F) Name: GetTextExtentPoint32W
Addr:0032C1B2 hint(01F3) Name: SetTextColor
Addr:0032C19E hint(011E) Name: GetCurrentObject
Addr:0032C192 hint(01CE) Name: SetBkMode
Addr:0032C17C hint(0037) Name: CreateFontIndirectA

Import Module 006: ADVAPI32.dll

Addr:0032C262 hint(0172) Name: RegOpenKeyExA
Addr:0032C2D2 hint(0052) Name: CryptDecrypt
Addr:0032C240 hint(017B) Name: RegQueryValueExA
Addr:0032C254 hint(015B) Name: RegCloseKey
Addr:0032C2E2 hint(0053) Name: CryptDeriveKey
Addr:0032C272 hint(0186) Name: RegSetValueExA
Addr:0032C284 hint(015F) Name: RegCreateKeyExA
Addr:0032C296 hint(0069) Name: CryptReleaseContext
Addr:0032C2AC hint(0054) Name: CryptDestroyHash
Addr:0032C2C0 hint(0055) Name: CryptDestroyKey
Addr:0032C2F4 hint(0066) Name: CryptHashData
Addr:0032C316 hint(004E) Name: CryptAcquireContextA
Addr:0032C304 hint(0051) Name: CryptCreateHash

Import Module 007: SHELL32.dll

Addr:0032C33C hint(0072) Name: ShellExecuteA

Import Module 008: ole32.dll

Addr:0032C358 hint(0053) Name: CoUninitialize
Addr:0032C36A hint(002D) Name: CoInitialize

Import Module 009: DDRAW.dll

Addr:0032C384 hint(0009) Name: DirectDrawCreateEx

Import Module 010: ijl15.dll

Addr:80000005 hint(0005) Name: ijl15:NoName0000
Addr:80000003 hint(0003) Name: ijl15:NoName0001
Addr:80000004 hint(0004) Name: ijl15:NoName0002
Addr:80000002 hint(0002) Name: ijl15:NoName0003

Import Module 011: WS2_32.dll

Addr:8000000B hint(000B) Name: WS2_32:NoName0000
Addr:80000009 hint(0009) Name: WS2_32:NoName0001
Addr:80000004 hint(0004) Name: WS2_32:NoName0002
Addr:8000006F hint(006F) Name: WS2_32:NoName0003
Addr:80000003 hint(0003) Name: WS2_32:NoName0004
Addr:80000039 hint(0039) Name: WS2_32:NoName0005
Addr:80000034 hint(0034) Name: WS2_32:NoName0006
Addr:80000014 hint(0014) Name: WS2_32:NoName0007
Addr:8000000C hint(000C) Name: WS2_32:NoName0008
Addr:8000000A hint(000A) Name: WS2_32:NoName0009
Addr:80000074 hint(0074) Name: WS2_32:NoName0010
Addr:80000013 hint(0013) Name: WS2_32:NoName0011
Addr:80000010 hint(0010) Name: WS2_32:NoName0012
Addr:80000012 hint(0012) Name: WS2_32:NoName0013
Addr:80000017 hint(0017) Name: WS2_32:NoName0014
Addr:80000073 hint(0073) Name: WS2_32:NoName0015

Import Module 012: mss32.dll

Addr:0032C80E hint(001B) Name: _AIL_3D_room_type@4
Addr:0032C7F4 hint(00E9) Name: _AIL_set_3D_room_type@8
Addr:0032C7DA hint(0026) Name: _AIL_3D_sample_status@4
Addr:0032C7BE hint(00ED) Name: _AIL_set_3D_sample_file@8
Addr:0032C798 hint(00EC) Name: _AIL_set_3D_sample_effects_level@8
Addr:0032C77E hint(00E7) Name: _AIL_set_3D_position@16
Addr:0032C760 hint(00E6) Name: _AIL_set_3D_orientation@28
Addr:0032C742 hint(00F6) Name: _AIL_set_3D_sample_volume@8
Addr:0032C720 hint(00EB) Name: _AIL_set_3D_sample_distances@12
Addr:0032C706 hint(012E) Name: _AIL_start_3D_sample@4
Addr:0032C6EE hint(00D8) Name: _AIL_sample_status@4
Addr:0032C6D8 hint(0078) Name: _AIL_init_sample@4
Addr:0032C6BE hint(010D) Name: _AIL_set_sample_file@12
Addr:0032C6A2 hint(0118) Name: _AIL_set_sample_volume@8
Addr:0032C68C hint(0130) Name: _AIL_start_sample@4
Addr:0032C678 hint(0060) Name: _AIL_end_sample@4
Addr:0032C660 hint(005F) Name: _AIL_end_3D_sample@4
Addr:0032C648 hint(0141) Name: _AIL_stream_status@4
Addr:0032C632 hint(0090) Name: _AIL_open_stream@12
Addr:0032C612 hint(011F) Name: _AIL_set_stream_loop_count@8
Addr:0032C824 hint(0083) Name: _AIL_mem_free_lock@4
Addr:0032C5E6 hint(0091) Name: _AIL_pause_stream@8
Addr:0032C5CE hint(0143) Name: _AIL_stream_volume@4
Addr:0032C5B2 hint(0127) Name: _AIL_set_stream_volume@8
Addr:0032C590 hint(00C5) Name: _AIL_release_3D_sample_handle@4
Addr:0032C574 hint(0048) Name: _AIL_close_3D_listener@4
Addr:0032C558 hint(004A) Name: _AIL_close_3D_provider@4
Addr:0032C538 hint(00C8) Name: _AIL_release_sample_handle@4
Addr:0032C51A hint(004C) Name: _AIL_close_digital_driver@4
Addr:0032C508 hint(012C) Name: _AIL_shutdown@0
Addr:0032C4EA hint(010A) Name: _AIL_set_redist_directory@4
Addr:0032C4D8 hint(0134) Name: _AIL_startup@0
Addr:0032C4C0 hint(0109) Name: _AIL_set_preference@8
Addr:0032C4A2 hint(008D) Name: _AIL_open_digital_driver@16
Addr:0032C48C hint(004F) Name: _AIL_close_stream@4
Addr:0032C46C hint(0041) Name: _AIL_allocate_sample_handle@4
Addr:0032C44A hint(0063) Name: _AIL_enumerate_3D_providers@12
Addr:0032C430 hint(008B) Name: _AIL_open_3D_provider@4
Addr:0032C416 hint(0028) Name: _AIL_3D_speaker_type@4
Addr:0032C3F8 hint(00F7) Name: _AIL_set_3D_speaker_type@8
Addr:0032C3DE hint(0089) Name: _AIL_open_3D_listener@4
Addr:0032C3BA hint(003F) Name: _AIL_allocate_3D_sample_handle@4
Addr:0032C83C hint(0055) Name: _AIL_decompress_ADPCM@12
Addr:0032C858 hint(003A) Name: _AIL_WAV_info@8
Addr:0032C86A hint(0056) Name: _AIL_decompress_ASI@24
Addr:0032C5FC hint(0132) Name: _AIL_start_stream@4
Addr:0032C884 hint(006C) Name: _AIL_file_type@8

Import Module 013: IMM32.dll

Addr:0032C8C6 hint(001E) Name: ImmGetContext
Addr:0032C8D6 hint(001C) Name: ImmGetCompositionStringW
Addr:0032C8F2 hint(001B) Name: ImmGetCompositionStringA
Addr:0032C90E hint(0017) Name: ImmGetCandidateListW
Addr:0032C926 hint(0035) Name: ImmGetVirtualKey
Addr:0032C8B6 hint(0048) Name: ImmNotifyIME
Addr:0032C8A2 hint(004F) Name: ImmReleaseContext

Import Module 014: cps.dll

Addr:0032C944 hint(0001) Name: uncompress
Addr:0032C952 hint(0000) Name: compress

Import Module 015: WINMM.dll

Addr:0032C974 hint(0095) Name: timeEndPeriod
Addr:0032C984 hint(0094) Name: timeBeginPeriod
Addr:0032C996 hint(0096) Name: timeGetDevCaps
Addr:0032C966 hint(0098) Name: timeGetTime

Import Module 016: granny2.dll

Addr:0032CB02 hint(00CA) Name: _GrannyFreeWorldPose@4
Addr:0032CB1C hint(00C8) Name: _GrannyFreeModelInstance@4
Addr:0032CB3A hint(00C7) Name: _GrannyFreeMeshDeformer@4
Addr:0032CB56 hint(00C6) Name: _GrannyFreeMeshBinding@4
Addr:0032CB72 hint(008C) Name: _GrannyCopyTextureImage@32
Addr:0032CB90 hint(0032) Name: GrannyRGBA8888PixelFormat
Addr:0032CBAC hint(01EC) Name: _GrannyTextureHasAlpha@4
Addr:0032CBC8 hint(0171) Name: _GrannyNewWorldPose@4
Addr:0032C9B2 hint(00C2) Name: _GrannyFreeFile@4
Addr:0032CBFC hint(00F9) Name: _GrannyGetMaterialTextureByType@8
Addr:0032CC20 hint(016F) Name: _GrannyNewMeshDeformer@12
Addr:0032CC3C hint(010A) Name: _GrannyGetMeshVertexType@4
Addr:0032CC5A hint(008B) Name: _GrannyCopyMeshVertices@12
Addr:0032CC78 hint(0024) Name: GrannyPNT332VertexType
Addr:0032CC92 hint(0163) Name: _GrannyMeshIsRigid@4
Addr:0032CCAA hint(0109) Name: _GrannyGetMeshVertexCount@4
Addr:0032CCC8 hint(008A) Name: _GrannyCopyMeshIndices@12
Addr:0032CAEA hint(00BF) Name: _GrannyFreeControl@4
Addr:0032CD00 hint(012D) Name: _GrannyGetSourceSkeleton@4
Addr:0032CD1E hint(00BE) Name: _GrannyFreeCompletedModelControls@4
Addr:0032CD44 hint(0072) Name: _GrannyBuildWorldPose@24
Addr:0032CD60 hint(01A8) Name: _GrannySampleModelAnimations@16
Addr:0032CD82 hint(01CA) Name: _GrannySetModelClock@8
Addr:0032CD9C hint(0106) Name: _GrannyGetMeshIndices@4
Addr:0032CDB6 hint(0104) Name: _GrannyGetMeshBytesPerIndex@4
Addr:0032CDD6 hint(0094) Name: _GrannyDeformVertices@24
Addr:0032CDF2 hint(010B) Name: _GrannyGetMeshVertices@4
Addr:0032CE0E hint(0144) Name: _GrannyGetWorldPoseComposite4x4@8
Addr:0032CE32 hint(0108) Name: _GrannyGetMeshTriangleGroups@4
Addr:0032CE54 hint(0103) Name: _GrannyGetMeshBindingToBoneIndices@4
Addr:0032CE7C hint(0145) Name: _GrannyGetWorldPoseComposite4x4Array@4
Addr:0032CEA6 hint(012E) Name: _GrannyGetSystemSeconds@0
Addr:0032CEC2 hint(00DC) Name: _GrannyGetControlDurationLeft@4
Addr:0032CEE4 hint(012A) Name: _GrannyGetSecondsElapsed@8
Addr:0032CAC6 hint(0178) Name: _GrannyPlayControlledAnimation@12
Addr:0032CA8A hint(01B4) Name: _GrannySetControlActive@8
Addr:0032CA6E hint(0200) Name: _GrannyVersionsMatch_@16
Addr:0032CA4A hint(018C) Name: _GrannyReadEntireFileFromMemory@8
Addr:0032CA32 hint(00ED) Name: _GrannyGetFileInfo@4
Addr:0032CA1A hint(016A) Name: _GrannyNewLocalPose@4
Addr:0032C9FE hint(00C3) Name: _GrannyFreeFileSection@8
Addr:0032CAA6 hint(01BB) Name: _GrannySetControlLoopCount@8
Addr:0032C9E0 hint(0105) Name: _GrannyGetMeshIndexCount@4
Addr:0032CCE4 hint(016D) Name: _GrannyNewMeshBinding@12
Addr:0032C9C6 hint(00C4) Name: _GrannyFreeLocalPose@4
Addr:0032CBE0 hint(014F) Name: _GrannyInstantiateModel@4

Import Module 017: NETAPI32.dll

Addr:0032CF0E hint(00D3) Name: Netbios

Import Module 018: xyz.dll

Addr:003F9184 hint(0000) Name: __delphine

+++++++++++++++++++ EXPORTED FUNCTIONS +++++++++++++++++++
Number of Exported Functions = 0 (decimal) 

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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#23 Post by ebokalsel »

can we use 'poseidon like' server to inject udp port 17000 as mentioned by toxcil ???
or can seriously we use 'it' to add some additional packets that changed since last update too...???
sry for my noob idea...


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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#24 Post by hierogylph »

actually, simply task to rename NetRedirect.dll within corresponding files using Hex Editor can make xKore useful again
event that idRO client must be open too
i'm still working on find the right file at src directory
Security System only detect NetRedirect.dll as an illegal process, but if we rename NetRedirect.dll to another name Delphine will not detect it anymore.
sorry for my bad english, is there someone willing to help me find the right files?
it just an idea from a noob, at least for now it will be very useful for idRO player
while all senior member searching to solve the problems on Security System

(wekk ada om ebo!, stress kah om kada kawa bot, xixixixi)

news report :
i faund the file at src/Network/
rename NetRedirect.dll to VetRedirect.dll
as i though Delphine not detect it as an illegal library anymore but...
client seems do not accept incoming package outer than the client itself


this Game Guard doesn't simple to by pass isn't?
lets work more harder then...

(semangat y akang harry sama om toxil)

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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#25 Post by michaelaw »

How can you login with that?

I renamed NetRedirect.dll to VetRedirect.dll just like you did and changed inside

But mine only shows like this :

You can now login with the Ragnarok Client now.
Sent by RO client packet: 0204 [18 bytes]
Sent by RO client packet: 01DB [ 2 bytes] - Login Code Request

then there is no response from server

Openkore used version what will become 2.1
debug 1 in config mode to see packet sent
RO Client and xyz.dll update 29-01-2010

before patch 29-01-2010 we can use XKore, but after security patch in 29-01-2010, we could not use XKore anymore.

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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#26 Post by michaelaw »

Update 3-02-2010

OpenKore still cannot access idRO server after maintenance

The packet is changed but the xyz.dll and xyz.cfg is not modified by the patch.

Packet changed to 3876 after Secure Login...

Oh ya, if i'm not mistaken (CMIIW), perl can hook or include a dll files...

Another thing... I've analyzed which packet is static when we request for login

First like this :

Sent Packet : 01DB
Packet Tokenizer : Unknown Switch: 3876
<< Received unknown packet [20 bytes] Feb 3 14:48:17 2010
0> 76 38 65 E3 97 A1 3A 62 01 91 A6 50 C5 44 A7 C3
16> 68 B4 36 F9

Second like this :

Sent Packet : 01DB
Packet Tokenizer : Unknown Switch: 3876
<< Received unknown packet [20 bytes] Feb 3 14:49:41 2010
0> 76 38 65 E3 B1 3F 20 D0 C3 0B 6C 15 83 65 D4 BA
16> 15 56 52 3F

Third one like this :

Sent Packet : 01DB
Packet Tokenizer : Unknown Switch: 3876
<< Received unknown packet [20 bytes] Feb 3 14:55:32 2010
0> 76 38 65 E3 D1 C2 50 D4 D5 F7 02 77 53 5B 0B DD
16> B2 5F 95 9F

the bolded one is static and has value "v8e."

I don't know if that is not a help.

I'm sorry if I'm talking in idiotic ways....

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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#27 Post by rid_mls »

it's always same because thats the packet header dc 01 14 00

after dc 01 14 00 is secure login key.. and the secure login key is encrypted.. so it will always make wrong password..

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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#28 Post by dewarna »

just share ... lease.html

it`s work but just demo for 3 days and it`s Indonesia language

sry just share

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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#29 Post by michaelaw »

Well, I'm not so sure with the program as far as I know, he wants donation first then he will send the unlocked one, that means the same with he commercialize it.

One thing we can do now is to disassemble and crack the encyription in xyz.dll and xyz.cfg.

Oh yeah by the way... Mr. Technology, how about your Rijndael? is it used to decrypt something?

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Re: idRO Not Working after 27-01-2010 | All Version

#30 Post by kLabMouse »

I'm finishing stripped out xyz.dll, that has no protection from debug/selfcheck/client_check.
Just there is a lot of unknown calls that leave to some imports. So I need to finish them first.
