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how config timeout to pick up like the speed of a human

Posted: 05 Oct 2018, 16:55
by MiDaM
Hi, Anyone can help me? I wish to modify the file timeout.txt to have a more humane reaction during the pickup, because it picks up instantly. thx
I try to modify this line but nothing changing.

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ai_items_gather_giveup (<seconds>)
When trying to gather an item, give up if you weren't able to take it within the specified number of seconds.

ai_items_gather_start (<seconds>)
When checking for items to gather, only take an item if the specified number of seconds has elapsed since the item appeared on screen.

ai_items_take_end (<seconds>)
When your monster died and there are no more monster loots to take, stop checking for loots after the specified number of seconds.

ai_items_take_start (<seconds>)
When your monster died and Kore is set to take items dropped by monsters you killed (see ItemsTakeAuto in config.txt), start checking for monster loots after the specified number of seconds.

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# You shouldn't need to modify these variables
# If you want to really mess up the bot, go ahead :)
# The value of each variable is reffered as "x".

# Server connection timeouts
master 12
gamelogin 12
charlogin 12
maplogin 12
play 40
# When disconnected, wait x seconds before reconnecting again
reconnect 30

# After repeated disconnects, wait longer before reconnecting, to reduce load on the server.
# The first value in this list overrides the "reconnect" timeout above.
reconnect_backoff 30,60,120,180,300,600,600,900,900,1800

# Add a random amount of seconds to reconnect time, up to a maximum of reconnect_random seconds.
reconnect_random 20

# Wait x seconds for a poseidon reply before disconnecting
# Ignore this if you don't use Poseidon Server
poseidon_wait_reply 15

# Activate AI after x seconds after the map's loaded
ai 0

ai_move_retry 0.25
ai_move_giveup 1.5

# Send the attack packet every x seconds, if it hasn't been send already
ai_attack 0,01
ai_homunculus_attack 1

# Check for monsters to attack every x seconds
ai_attack_auto 0.05

# Give up attacking a monster if it can't be reached within x seconds
ai_attack_giveup 5

# If you've just killed a monster, and there are no aggressives,
# and you're not picking up any items, wait x seconds before doing
# anything else.
ai_attack_waitAfterKill 0
ai_attack_unstuck 2.75
ai_attack_unfail 5

# Pause for the specified number of seconds after taking something,
# it increases the interval between taking several items and between
# taking the last item and continuing the actions.
ai_items_take_delay 1

# When your monster died, start checking for loot after x seconds
ai_items_take_start 1

# Stop checking for loot x seconds after it has begun checking
ai_items_take_end 1

# When standing near an item, send the 'take' packet every x seconds until
# the item has been taken.
ai_take 2

# Give up if unable to pickup item after x seconds
ai_take_giveup 3
ai_items_gather_giveup 3

# Every x seconds, check items for gathering
ai_items_gather_auto 3

# Only gather items that have been more than x seconds on screen
ai_items_gather_start .3

# Delay between items when tranferring in batches.
ai_transfer_items 0.15

ai_follow_lost_end 10
ai_getInfo 2
ai_thanks_set 8
ai_dealAuto 3
ai_dealAutoCancel 5
ai_partyAutoDeny 3
ai_guildAutoDeny 3
ai_dead_respawn 4
ai_wipe_old 200
ai_wipe_check 30

# Every x seconds, check party share settings
ai_partyShareCheck 60
# Every x seconds, check pet hungry for feeding
ai_petFeed 60
# Every x seconds, check homun hungry for feeding
ai_homunFeed 60

# Send the sit/stand packet at most every x second
ai_sit 1
# Sit after having idled for x seconds
ai_sit_idle 10
# Stand after x seconds, after having typed the 'stand' command
ai_stand_wait 0
# Sit after x seconds, after having typed the "sit" command
ai_sit_wait 0
# If there are non-party players around and you are to stand up due to the
# hp/sp sufficiency, do so when the specified number of seconds elapsed
ai_safe_stand_up 2

ai_skill_use 0.75
ai_skill_use_giveup 1
ai_item_use_auto 0.5
ai_item_equip_auto 0.75
ai_equipAuto_skilluse_giveup 5
ai_equip_giveup 2

ai_teleport 0,1
ai_teleport_away 0,3
ai_teleport_idle 0.1
ai_teleport_portal 0.1
ai_teleport_hp 0.1
ai_teleport_safe_force 120

ai_teleport_retry 0.5
ai_teleport_delay 0.5

ai_portal_wait 0.5

# These timeouts are used in missing portals logic
ai_portal_give_up 10
ai_portal_re_add_missed 3600

# You probably don't ever have to change the following timeouts
ai_route_calcRoute 1
ai_route_npcTalk 10

# These timeouts are used in npc conversation (Task::TalkNPC)
ai_npc_talk_wait_to_answer 1.5
ai_npc_talk_wait_after_close_to_cancel 0.5
ai_npc_talk_wait_after_cancel_to_destroy 0.5

ai_buyAuto 5
ai_buyAuto_wait 2
ai_buyAuto_wait_giveup_npc 15
ai_buyAuto_wait_before_buy 2
ai_buyAuto_wait_after_packet_giveup 15
ai_buyAuto_wait_after_restart 2

ai_sellAuto 2
ai_sellAuto_wait_giveup_npc 15
ai_sellAuto_wait_before_sell 2
ai_sellAuto_wait_after_packet_giveup 15

ai_storageAuto 2
ai_storageAuto_giveup 15
ai_storageAuto_useItem 2
# delay between sending cart item add/get packets
ai_cartAuto 0.15

# delay between checking if we need to do any cartAuto functions
ai_cartAutoCheck 3
ai_avoidcheck 0.5
ai_shop 4
ai_shop_useskill_delay 5
ai_buyer_shopCheck 60

# delay between repairAuto
ai_repair 4

# delay before starting escape sequence
ai_route_escape 8

# Don't change the following timeouts!
ai_sync 12

injectSync 5
injectKeepAlive 12
welcomeText 4
patchserver 120

# Time to wait before character connection when pauseCharLogin is active
char_login_pause 2

Re: how config timeout to pick up like the speed of a human

Posted: 05 Oct 2018, 21:22
by fadreus


Code: Select all

itemsTakeAuto 1

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All 1

Re: how config timeout to pick up like the speed of a human

Posted: 06 Oct 2018, 09:37
by MiDaM
thx for your informatioon, works when there is more but with 1solo mob he picks up directly.

Re: how config timeout to pick up like the speed of a human

Posted: 06 Oct 2018, 10:07
by fadreus
Try increase the following:

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