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lennethRO|svn|xkore2 unable to guild chat in client

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 22:29
by Kleenex
I can guild chat with the client in xkore 1.
But in xkore2, I can't send guild messages at all through the client. I end up having to revert to openkore to send the messages.
Just me, or does it simply not work? I can get by either way, just wondering.

only the src/network folder has been updated to the most recent revision. The rest of the files are around a week old.

Edit: Actually, I can't even open the guild window in the client.
Edit2: I'm being mindfucked by someone. Guild chat + windows work now. @_@
Edit3: So, it only works after having kore retrieve guild info first. Otherwise, I'm not "in" the guild yet. I think.

Re: lennethRO|svn|xkore2 unable to guild chat in client

Posted: 09 Sep 2010, 01:33
by Technology
xkore 2 related, this feature is unsupported atm.