About If Function

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About If Function

#1 Post by D4rr3n09 »

Hi, i just make a new post here because i've searched so many post about if function in macro and never resolved my problem, i just want to know how to use if function that's my first question and my second question are about sniffing packet, what tools can be use now ? coz i played on IdRO and i've tried to sniff packet either used JCV, Packet Extractor V3, and PEEK (to get recvpacket) and WPE, rPE, CE (to get some packet id used skill) never of that tools worked for me... i just trying google and not find any of clue....openkore is the last bot exists...i hope do not died like the other coz some feature are great.....and this my macro for packet priest that returns on console bot error message on using if function :

Code: Select all

automacro TerimaPM {
	console /\(From: (.*)\) : (.*)/
	run-once 1
	call ProsesPM

macro ProsesPM {
	$ply = $.lastMatch1
	$cekBG = @invamount (Blue Gemstone)
	$test = $.lastMatch2

	if (($.lastMatch2 == q1) && ($cekBG > 0)) goto pktwrp

	pause 1
	do sp 29 $ply 10
	pause 1
	do sp 34 $ply 10
	pause 1
	do sp 28 $ply 10
	pause 1
	do sp 28 $ply 10
	pause 1
	do sp 28 $ply 10
	pause 1
	do sl 27 207 109 4
	pause 2
	do warp 2

	release TerimaPM	
so i can not check the Blue Gemstone whether there are or not...so pls help me....i used macro 2.0.2 and the if function only works for me is if (condition) goto (label) if i used other if function like on manual if (condition) {do that bla bla} it will came error and i used openkore OpenKore what-will-become-2.1 ( r8954 ).
Last edited by D4rr3n09 on 08 Jun 2015, 12:53, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: About If and Sniffing Packet

#2 Post by SkylorD »

What's "q1" ?

if ($.lastMatch2 == q1) ?

Would it be a text ? Try within quotes.

Please edit your topic name because it's not related with sniff. You really problem is about if statment error.
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Re: About If Function

#3 Post by D4rr3n09 »

yes q1 is text PM from another player thx sir to answer my question is it "q1" ? and what about i can't use my other if function in notepad++, i'll try to follow what manual macro wrote and it became all error with munch munch warning and if i pushed it came warning tempMacro 0 error in if syntax, the only one if function worked is with go to label and it didn't worked perfectly....once again i used macro 2.0.2 and using notepad++ to edit the macro, the other question is how to compare console $.lastMatchN =~ /regex from console OK output/ using if statement, i've already tried switch with case and if with call all came error @@ so how i must used this if function ? this is my actually code and this use to made thief to rogue job change, here is my full code

Code: Select all

automacro KeTempatWarp {
	map payon
	run-once 1
	call JalanWarp 

macro JalanWarp {
	pause 1
	do move payon 204 114
	pause 1
	do pm BarryAllen q1
	pause 10
	do move payon 207 109
	pause 1	
	release KeTempatWarp

automacro QuestPertama {
	console /(.*)(Your Coordinates: 195, 117)(.*)/
	run-once 1
	call KeTempatQuest1

macro KeTempatQuest1 {
	do move in_rogue 363 117
	pause 1
	do talk @npc (363 122)
	pause 1
	do talk resp 0
	pause 1
	release QuestPertama

automacro SetPertanyaan {
	console /(.*): 1\. (.*)/
	console /(.*): 1\.(.*)/
	run-once 1
	call JawabTanya

macro JawabTanya {
	pause 3

	if ($.lastMatch2 [color=#FF0000]==[/color] "Apa skill yang diperlukan untuk mempelajari skill Rogue,Tunnel Drive?") goto Jawab1
	if ($.lastMatch2 [color=#FF0000]==[/color] "Monster apakah yang menjatuhkan Gladius slot?") goto Jawab2
	if ($.lastMatch2 [color=#FF0000]==[/color] "Berapakah tingkat flee yang ditambahkan untuk skill Increase dodge level 10?") goto Jawab3

		do c A
		do c B
		do c 3
	release SetPertanyaan
why i put console two trigger because there are one question with a long word and nothin space within number one and the word so i used two console and i did try /S not trigerring the other question i've already tried this :

Code: Select all

if ($.lastMatch2 =~ /Apa skill yang diperlukan untuk mempelajari skill Rogue,Tunnel Drive\?/) goto Jawab1
	if ($.lastMatch2 =~ /Monster apakah yang menjatuhkan Gladius slot\?/) goto Jawab2
	if ($.lastMatch2 =~ /Berapakah tingkat flee yang ditambahkan untuk skill Increase dodge level 10\?/) goto Jawab3

		do c A
		do c B
		do c 3
and this is output console
Anggota Perkumpulan Rog: [Marky]
Anggota Perkumpulan Rog: Dengarkan baik-baik dan jawablah pertanyaannya!
Anggota Perkumpulan Rog: Auto-continuing talking
Anggota Perkumpulan Rog: [Marky]
Anggota Perkumpulan Rog: 1. Monster apakah yang menjatuhkan Gladius slot?
[macro] automacro SetPertanyaan triggered.
Anggota Perkumpulan Rog: Auto-continuing talking
- Responses (Anggota Perkumpulan Rog) --
# Response
0 Thief bug
1 Pecopeco
2 Desert wolf
3 Kobold
4 Cancel Chat
Anggota Perkumpulan Rog: Type 'talk resp #' to choose a response.
if i checked in log Question : $.lastMatch2 the output result is true based on what i want now the problem is how to separate those 3 set question using if statement @@ on output console above it should the kore did chat pubm B but it did not happened and blank and sit @@ which one i'm wrong ? Thx and sry bout the title i've already change it....

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Re: About If Function

#4 Post by SkylorD »

Great boy. All i can say is instead of use "questions" as trigger, try to use the "responses" as trigger. (Only if you know all answers, as you can check in rogue test guide)
For example :

console /(\d+)\s+?(Response1|Response2|Response3)/i

[0-9] isn't equivalent to \d. [0-9] matches only 0123456789 characters, while \d matches [0-9] and other digit characters, for example Eastern Arabic numerals ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩

\d+ = + means 1 or more times. So, \d+ is 1 or more digits.

\s = Space
\s+ = Space 1 or more times
\s+? = Optionally.

Since the same answer won't appear twice in different questions.

And using $.lastMatch1 to respond the right question. ^^

And i don't know if you're right to use "chat" command. You should use "talk resp".

You can't use two blocks of console .
console ("<text>" | /<regexp>/)
Triggers when <text> is received on console or the text received matches <regexp>.
The i switch means the regexp is case-insensitive.
Set variables:
$.lastLogMsg - the console text that trigerred the automacro.
$.lastMatchN - backreference from regexp.
Console generally includes custom strings, like names and chat messages, which can match your regexp, so matching the beginning and the end of the string should almost always be used (learn about regexp to find out how to do it - it's not just matching symbols at the beginning/end). Furthermore, use as narrow character classes as possible (avoid using .* and alike). Otherwise, your macro may be exploited.
Furthermore, format of console output isn't frozen and can change in future versions and/or in translations. It's not a good idea to rely on console condition.
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Re: About If Function

#5 Post by D4rr3n09 »

Thank You sir, it have been great idea to worked with the responses....but still i'm stucked on if function here my new codes

Code: Select all

automacro SetPertanyaan {
	console /(\d+)\s+?(Hide|Thief Bug|30)/i
	run-once 1
	call JawabTanya

macro JawabTanya {
	log Response : $.lastMatch2
	pause 3

	if ($.lastMatch2 == "Hide") call Jawab1
	pause 2
	if ($.lastMatch2 == "Thief Bug") call Jawab2
	pause 2
	if ($.lastMatch2 == "30") call Jawab3
	pause 2

	release SetPertanyaan

macro Jawab1 {
	do c A

macro Jawab2 {
	do c B

macro Jawab3 {
	do c C
and it's returned [macro] JawabTanya error: error in 2: syntax error in if statement, i used "chat" command to checked my if function worked or not, it seems did not worked at all :shock: coz if my if statement didn't worked all set question will have answer for my first if and it returns 50 points that will failed on rogue test except the same set question for my first set question, on my code above console /(\d+)\s+?(Hide|Thief Bug|30)/i it means Hide for set question one, Thief Bug for set question 2 and 30 for set question 3

And if i'd tried code if like this

Code: Select all

macro JawabTanya {
	log Response : $.lastMatch2
	pause 3

	if ($.lastMatch2 == "Hide") {
             do c A
	pause 2
	if ($.lastMatch2 == "Thief Bug") {
             do c B
	pause 2
	if ($.lastMatch2 == "30") {
             do c C
	pause 2

	release SetPertanyaan
it will appeared at the start turn on my bot showed error message like this
control\macros.txt: ignoring line 'if ($.lastMatch2 =~ /Thief Bug/) {' (munch,
munch, strange block)
control\macros.txt: ignoring line 'if ($.lastMatch2 =~ /30/) {' (munch, munch,
strange block)
control\macros.txt: ignoring '}' (munch, munch, strange food)
only this step i failured, i just so stucked with this if statement T-T and for the last quote if i pushed the OK then shows error message like this
[macro] JawabTanya error: error in 2: syntax error in if statement

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Re: About If Function

#6 Post by SkylorD »

Hey bro, check the macro on the final of post ... But first read this :

Your argument doesn't match because the log says "=~" and your macros posted here is using "==". So you should check your
macros.txt and exclude unnecessary macros. And another thing.

Read in macro plugin about if statment.Take a look in "else", "elsif", "switch/case".

Your macro Should be working, but there's multiple macros. I guess you forgot to erase something.

Sometimes here the if statment doesn't work, but to avoid this :

Download Macro Plugin

Delete only the "test" folder. Then move to your plugins folder.

Anyway, if doesn't work and only in your macros.txt are existing these macros and the problem persists, try using "goto".

You'll do this change, but try this :

Code: Select all

macro JawabTanya {
   log Response : $.lastMatch2
   pause 3
   do talk resp $.lastMatch1
   release SetPertanyaan
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Re: About If Function

#7 Post by D4rr3n09 »

Thanks mod SkyLord with your suggestion i've already problem solved but i did not use if statement i use automacro with triggered another respon one by one and it worked perfectly and THANKS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT i'll try your DL link in case another people have problem same as i do i will feedback your link in here thanks once againnnn. At least i've been proud of what i did :D hahahaha it's releiveee, thanks a lot sky lorddd

With your DL links you gave me the If statements for me works perfectlyyyy now i can use switch and the other statement thanks SkyLord......pls close these threads thanksss
