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Automacro and storage config interfering

Posted: 10 Jan 2013, 01:29
by BredIV
My automacro and storage config are interfering with each other. I'm looking for some help and suggestions on how to fix it.

This is my automacro - it talks to a NPC and uses a Token to get Gold.

Code: Select all

automacro get {
location prontera
inventory "Token" > 5
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
do talknpc 300 400 c r1 c
release get
I want it to go to storage when it gets overweight and store the Gold and get more Tokens.

Code: Select all

storageAuto 1
storageAuto_npc prontera
storageAuto_distance 7
storageAuto_npc_type 3
storageAuto_npc_steps c r1 c

itemsMaxWeight_sellOrStore 89

getAuto Token {
	minAmount 5
	maxAmount 1000

The problem is my macro won't allow my bot to go to storage. It will just keep spamming my macro and ignore my config. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Thank you in advance.

Re: Automacro and storage config interfering

Posted: 10 Jan 2013, 01:50
by Spherical
Add a weight parameter to your automacro? (if one exists, if not maybe @eval($char->{weight} > xxx) would work)

Re: Automacro and storage config interfering

Posted: 10 Jan 2013, 06:23
by flashdbest
change autostorage to 0

and use the macro below as a reference

Code: Select all

automacro Chocolate {
run-once 1
exclusive 1
delay 1
weight <= 90%
call Chocolatee


macro Chocolatee {
do talknpc 187 162 c c c r0 c
release all

automacro Auto_Storage {
run-once 1
exclusive 1
weight > 90%
call {
do autostorage
release all