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Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 01:57
by woah_wtf
karren if this works is there any way you can attach the files here?

i am so lost on how to do any of these things.

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 02:13
by Karen33x
I am still waitting ...
from what I read from the other forum, they tested this on pRo too but it seems there is an issue of the character loosing it's targer. Anyone know anything about the server info?

master_version 1
version 18
serverType 21
paddedPackets_attackID 0x72
paddedPackets_skillUseID 0xF5

and what this all means? i can't wait to test this out, right now i just want Kore to be able to log in.

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 02:20
by Armentia
Karen, when you were changing your packet lines in the recvpackets-iro.txt, when you came to this change;

Code: Select all

-02A6 204
-02A7 204
+02A6 404
+02A7 404
Were yours 204s before? Mine are both 22 beforehand, not 204.

Also, the part where there's a huge list of add-ons, it has three beforehand, to show their location. Well, I don't have those three either.

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 02:34
by Karen33x
Hmm no mine where not 204 but i am gonna try it anyways if it doesn't work then I will attempt to swithc them back. Also i used Packet Length Extractor and am comparing the values with, The original from Valk, the ones found from the Packet Extractor, and the ones given through the other forum.

My original was
02A6 22
02A7 22

I also added the other packets from the forum that weren't in the recvpackets-iro.txt

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 02:36
by billylau
the server is taking such a long time . are the gm working on it i wonder

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 03:03
by Armentia
Alright, I've got mine to get to the character server (which still fails because the server is down). Took me ages.

This isn't a working fix. I'll probably make a separate post if we all get it working. This is for those who want to join in and try to fix it as well. This just saves the work if they want to do what the tRO people have done.

I can only attach 3 files; so the rest of you have actually got to go and change the minor parts.

Oh, and I take no credit for the work; it's all from this post: ... hilit=02eb

Download the 3 attachments; make backups of your old files and put the new ones in their corresponding places.

[The extension pm has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

[The extension pm has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

Edit:: Updated file, I missed a packet.
updated file; backup your old file first!
(7.65 KiB) Downloaded 723 times
Open up tables/servers.txt (Make a backup so you screwballs don't mess anything up!)
--find the set where the Valkyrie information is held
--look for this line; serverType 0
--replace with this; serverType 21

Go into the folder src\Network\Send and create a file named ""

Code: Select all

#  OpenKore - Network subsystem
#  This module contains functions for sending messages to the server.
#  This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
#  License, version 2.
#  Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
#  this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
#  also distribute the source code.
#  See for the full license.
# tRO (Thai) for 2008-09-16Ragexe12_Th
# Servertype overview:
package Network::Send::ServerType21;

use strict;
use Globals;
use Network::Send::ServerType0;
use base qw(Network::Send::ServerType0);
use Log qw(error debug);
use I18N qw(stringToBytes);
use Utils qw(getTickCount getHex getCoordString);

sub new {
   my ($class) = @_;
   return $class->SUPER::new(@_);

sub sendMove {
   my $self = shift;
   my $x = int scalar shift;
   my $y = int scalar shift;
   my $msg;

   $msg = pack("C*", 0x85, 0x00) . getCoordString($x, $y, 1);

   debug "Sent move to: $x, $y\n", "sendPacket", 2;

Go into the folder src\Network\Receive and create a file named ""

Code: Select all

#  OpenKore - Network subsystem
#  Copyright (c) 2006 OpenKore Team
#  This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
#  License, version 2.
#  Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
#  this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
#  also distribute the source code.
#  See for the full license.
# tRO (Thai) for 2008-09-16Ragexe12_Th
# Servertype overview:
package Network::Receive::ServerType21;

use strict;
use Network::Receive;
use base qw(Network::Receive);
use Log qw(message warning error debug);
use Translation;
use Globals;
use I18N qw(bytesToString);
use Utils qw(getHex swrite makeIP makeCoords);

sub new {
   my ($class) = @_;
   my $self = $class->SUPER::new();

   $self->{packet_list}{'0078'} = ['actor_display', 'x1 a4 v14 a4 v2 x2 C2 a3 x2 C1 v1', [qw(ID walk_speed param1 param2 param3 type hair_style weapon shield lowhead tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir guildID guildEmblem visual_effects stance sex coords act lv)]];
   $self->{packet_list}{'007C'} = ['actor_display', 'x1 a4 v14 C2 a3', [qw(ID walk_speed param1 param2 param3 hair_style weapon lowhead type shield tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir stance sex coords)]];
   $self->{packet_list}{'022C'} = ['actor_display', 'x1 a4 v3 V1 v5 V1 v5 a4 a4 V1 C2 a5 x3 v1', [qw(ID walk_speed param1 param2 param3 type hair_style weapon shield lowhead timestamp tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir guildID guildEmblem visual_effects stance sex coords lv)]];

   return $self;

sub account_server_info {
   my ($self, $args) = @_;
   my $msg = substr($args->{serverInfo},4); # tRO uses some king of offset for the data.
   my $msg_size = length($msg);

   undef $conState_tries;
   $sessionID = $args->{sessionID};
   $accountID = $args->{accountID};
   $sessionID2 = $args->{sessionID2};
   $accountSex = $args->{accountSex} % 2;
   $accountSex2 = ($config{'sex'} ne "") ? $config{'sex'} : $accountSex;

   message swrite(
      T("-----------Account Info------------\n" .
      "Account ID: \@<<<<<<<<< \@<<<<<<<<<<\n" .
      "Sex:        \@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n" .
      "Session ID: \@<<<<<<<<< \@<<<<<<<<<<\n" .
      "            \@<<<<<<<<< \@<<<<<<<<<<\n" .
      [unpack("V1",$accountID), getHex($accountID), $sex_lut{$accountSex}, unpack("V1",$sessionID), getHex($sessionID),
      unpack("V1",$sessionID2), getHex($sessionID2)]), 'connection';

   my $num = 0;
   undef @servers;
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $msg_size; $i+=32) {
      $servers[$num]{ip} = makeIP(substr($msg, $i, 4));
      $servers[$num]{ip} = $masterServer->{ip} if ($masterServer && $masterServer->{private});
      $servers[$num]{port} = unpack("v1", substr($msg, $i+4, 2));
      $servers[$num]{name} = bytesToString(unpack("Z*", substr($msg, $i + 6, 20)));
      $servers[$num]{users} = unpack("V",substr($msg, $i + 26, 4));

   message T("--------- Servers ----------\n" .
         "#   Name                  Users  IP              Port\n"), 'connection';
   for (my $num = 0; $num < @servers; $num++) {
         "@<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<",
         [$num, $servers[$num]{name}, $servers[$num]{users}, $servers[$num]{ip}, $servers[$num]{port}]
      ), 'connection');
   message("-------------------------------\n", 'connection');

   if ($net->version != 1) {
      message T("Closing connection to Account Server\n"), 'connection';
      if (!$masterServer->{charServer_ip} && $config{server} eq "") {
         my @serverList;
         foreach my $server (@servers) {
            push @serverList, $server->{name};
         my $ret = $interface->showMenu(
               T("Please select your login server."),
               title => T("Select Login Server"));
         if ($ret == -1) {
         } else {
            main::configModify('server', $ret, 1);

      } elsif ($masterServer->{charServer_ip}) {
         message TF("Forcing connect to char server %s: %s\n", $masterServer->{charServer_ip}, $masterServer->{charServer_port}), 'connection';   
      } else {
         message TF("Server %s selected\n",$config{server}), 'connection';


Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 03:17
by billylau
what are the editting i need to do?

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 03:23
by billylau
hmm it seems like im still getting the error 02EB. did u have no problem at all?

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 03:25
by Karen33x
Well the character server is back up but i just tested out my earlier editing. It seems it still can't get past the character server select. But before the modification i can. Well I am gonna try it again and see if i can keep the character account server the original.

Re: Error 02EB on iRO, same with tRO ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 03:27
by billylau
the thing is it get pass the character sever and connected to map server and get the 02EB error.