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Hide when Skills are used on you

Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 11:28
by nuberamous
anyone know a config for the hide skill that will have my guy hide when a monster is casting a skill on me? I cannot find it in the manual for the , all I see in the attributes and conditions for a self skill that comes close is whenGround but I don't think that will work. Basically I'm trying to hide when a swordfish starts casting waterball. Any help on this would really be appreciated!

Re: Hide when Skills are used on you

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 14:09
by Marruche-neko
For more advanced conditions, use the macro plugin. You can find the plugin, manual and examples on the plugin section of the forum. Then, make a macro that does what you want. In your case, the condition could be "when the openkore windows shows 'monster hydra is casting...etc', use the skill hiding, wait a few seconds, then unhide ", that would look something like

macro hfkujhnjk{
/monster hydra is casting/
do ss 28 <--(not sure whats the real ID of hiding)
pause 5
do s 28 <-(to unhide here)

Re: Hide when Skills are used on you

Posted: 16 Nov 2008, 19:13
by mr nads
I have very little experience with macros as i never bothered to figure them out.

Is there a reason why
do ss 28 <--(not sure whats the real ID of hiding)
has two "s" after "do" while
do s 28 <-(to unhide here)
has only 1?

(just pointing it out in case it was a typo).