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Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 21:31
by djfizzle
so i have to register to make a thread, and then i have to wait a day for it to come up and possibly not have it come up?

i dont get it

becasue of which it seems there are not as many post and defeats the purpose of the search function

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 04:21
by Scarya
This is a anti-spam protection. And everybody can see your thread and answer even if it's not approved.
You can take a look in our trashcan. I'm trashing around 20 threads each day so there are new posts but crappy one.

Edit: as I can't answer unapproved posts can anyone else?

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 04:57
by xtianloie02
does the one who posted for a new thread should wait for how many minutes/hours/days before they're thread be approved? is there a notification that your thread has been disapproved?

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 17:05
by kali
No notification. We'll just ignore your post if it's something like: (taken from current list of ignored posts)
hey guys! >:)
macro pl
etc. (you get the picture)
In any case, there are simply too many stupid posts floating around. Personally, if I can't even get the smallest idea of what your post is about based on the topic you made, I'll just ignore it. I guess the others are doing the same thing as well.

For your post not to be ignored: make better post titles.

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 18:09
by Scarya
And use search function instead of asking fucked up questions.
If a topic seams like trash -> trashed
If a topic has been answered 10000 times -> trash

You should know: trashing for us is one click, answering that you're dump takes a lot more time... ^^

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 23 Feb 2010, 04:47
by xtianloie02
why dont you just ban spammers and lock & trash stupid threads? i think this could affect the effectiveness of the forum.. in this case, no approvers online means no life for the forum.. oh well.. i guess im just a noob who just can't understand you guys.. hahaha.. keep up the good work guys! i love openkore! :D

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 25 Feb 2010, 01:37
by Fido
Scarya wrote:This is a anti-spam protection. And everybody can see your thread and answer even if it's not approved.
You can take a look in our trashcan. I'm trashing around 20 threads each day so there are new posts but crappy one.

Edit: as I can't answer unapproved posts can anyone else?

only Moderators can answer unapproved posts :)

we can't see them :)

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 08:14
by Bibian
i love the new approval thing :P

it only applies to those with less than 10 posts i think? im not sure what i set the value to

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 05:23
by Zezima
It sure is a good ideal, but it affects me too. :P Keep up the awesome work developers!

Re: Why does you post need to be reveiwed by a mod

Posted: 18 May 2010, 04:53
by IkeHike
I sometimes get mad at this style .. waiting for the reply is so long x.x GOD! .. :D