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Create a startup guide

Posted: 18 Apr 2009, 15:29
by jokerjester0
I've been looking around for the past couple days trying to set up openkore. I've been going back and forth between errors and other things happening, and its always one error after another. All of this made me wonder, why isnt there a simple "How to get started" guide somewhere? It would only make common sense right?

if anyone can give me a hand to get started with this, it'd be much appreciated. contacting through msn would be preferable, pm me ur email address if you're willing to give me a quick crash course in this. I'm not an idiot, i'm actually a fast learner, but there seems to be no direction on this forum at all for how to get started. I'm also a very talented programmer if you can teach me the coding aswell.


Re: Create a startup guide

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 00:38
by h4rry84
Been there Done that in Wiki, but it dissapeared after some incident and we're trying to bring it up again. so please be patient.

Note: personally, i don't believe if you're a fast learner/talented programmer as openkore was made so even n00b can understand. so at least use your head first before asking someone help as it can help you to use your head to think hard and it's good.

Re: Create a startup guide

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 02:38
by jokerjester0
well i'm not a genius programmer, im still in high school, but every single project that has been thrown at me and my class, i have far surpassed them. I am by no means a proffesional of any sort, but it has been noticed that i pick things up very fast, and have a good sense of logic. I just find it very hard to begin trying to work on something like this this with absolutely no direction. Also i'd just like to say sorry if i came off as one of those guys with a huge ego n such, i'm not like that. I only wanted to possibly encourage someone to help me.

Anyways, thanks for the notice. I'll wait for that if i cant find any other direction.

Re: Create a startup guide

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 09:35
by Technology
h4rry84, cut the slack on jokerjester0, he's clearly new here.

It is true that openkore is not easy to use in any way.
The manual is ok, but it does not nearly cover everything. (and yea, at this moment it is down too, you could use hakore's 'old' manual)
The only way to 100% get kore is to actually read the whole source code. (while perl is spoken to be a 'write only' language)
But then still, today i'm still finding new things. (in dark alleys of the OK src, yes atm it is pretty much not structured)

I for one believe that jokerjester0 is one of the guys that actually does use his head and reads the manual whenever he needs to.
He saw a problem/need (=no start guide) and here he is taking action to solve it , not only for himself but for the community.

Whenever your interest in openkore grows you might want to read this page:
AI 2008 project page

So jokerjester0, if you have any questions, feel free to come over to the openkore IRC.

ps: i learnt perl due to openkore ;)

Re: Create a startup guide

Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 13:26
by kali
I learned perl due to OpenKore myself :)

I started with simple plugins though. There was a time when almost 75% of all plugins at the forum were written by me - most of them really simple ones but they all illustrated some point of control stuff in OpenKore.

I have a suggestion: since you consider yourself talented, how about documenting what exactly is it that you're having problems with, and we'll take that as a road map and build from there? For example, what exactly is hard in setting up? When you download OpenKore there is already a config.txt for you that is ready for customization - what gives difficulty from here?

This way we can focus on exactly what we're doing "wrong" and see how to amend those.

We're counting on you :)

Re: Create a startup guide

Posted: 20 Apr 2009, 00:24
by h4rry84
Technology wrote:h4rry84, cut the slack on jokerjester0, he's clearly new here.
my bad :shock: , was in very bad mood yesterday :shock:

Re: Create a startup guide

Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 01:24
by ponty
Workin on it, the stuff should be back up next week or so since now that I have the manual...