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Repair Macro

Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 11:57
by ronzbonz
Sharing my first macro. It’s a repair NPC macro. I've been looking for "working" repair macro. But can't find any, so I decided to create one which I can simply understand.

NOTE: I’m not expert on macro guys. You may encounter yellow colored error message on initial opening of openkore when running my macro, just ignore them (maybe some expert help me to fix my errors :mrgreen: ) what’s important it’s working. It helps my bots to continually repair their equipment whenever they are BROKEN.

Macro effects:
1. Repair every BROKEN equipment and weapons in your inventory (not on kafra)
2. Loss some zenny (repair fee)
3. Best for bots who encounter monsters / boss with ability to destroy equipment.

Openkore requirements:
1. The plugin macro pack (google where to put the plugin macro pack)
2. Copy and edit the macro according to your “preferences”. Paste your macro on control folder. Name it to macros (with s)
3. Equipment list that's possible for repair
4. NPC repair location.

In-game requirements:
1. Zenny

Here my macro:
automacro repair {
inventory "BROKEN Inverse Scale" > 0
exclusive 1
call {
pause 1
do move 35 166 geffen_in
pause 3
do talknpc 34 166 w1 c w1 r0 w1 c w1 r0 w1
do eq Inverse Scale
pause 1
do move geffen
pause 1
do relog
release all

1.Whenever my bot weapon Inverse Scale is BROKEN. It will go to Geffen repair NPC located 34 166 to repair it. After repair he will re-equip Inverse Scale, then reconnects. Then go back farming.

Editing my macro to suit your needs:
1.List your equipment or weapon that is possible to break. (you can use the “i” function on openkore to see the name of your equipment, especially if its carded or has a +)
2.Find the repair NPC coordinates. (google them)

Example change explanations:
automacro repair {
inventory " BROKEN +4 Jamadhar" > 0 #rename Inverse Scale with your weapon, if your weapon have +, put it. Same with carded weapon. The openkore console function “i” is a great help to know your weapon name)
exclusive 1
call {
pause 1
do move 35 166 geffen_in #rename closest location to repair NPC of your choice
pause 3
do talknpc 34 166 w1 c w1 r0 w1 c w1 r0 w1 #rename real location, which is the 34 116, of repair NPC of your choice
do eq +4 Jamadhar #rename the repaired equipment
pause 1
do move Geffen #rename the town
pause 1
do relog
release all

automacro repair1 { #since there’s an additional macro, I added the “repair1
inventory "BROKEN Pantie" > 0 #I added the Pantie as a possible BROKEN equipment
exclusive 1
call {
pause 1
do move 35 166 geffen_in # no change here
pause 3
do talknpc 34 166 w1 c w1 r0 w1 c w1 r0 w1 #no change here
do eq Pantie #change the repaired equipment
pause 1
do move geffen
pause 1
do relog
release all
Sorry for Bad english :D