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Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 01 May 2011, 17:52
by GameShark

Code: Select all

automacro wait {
   exclusive 1
   console /is casting (Increase Agility|Magnificat|Kyrie Eleison|Energy Coat) on/i
   timeout 4.5
   run-once 1
   exclusive 1

   call {
      pause 4.5
      release wait
uhhhm... guys about this macro, i used it a bit and noticed that the master initializes the wait macro even though it is not your slave who is casting a buff.. can anyone change it a bit so the mster can recognize only the slave's buff thx in advance more power :)

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 20:05
by venedictum
GameShark wrote:

Code: Select all

automacro wait {
   exclusive 1
   console /is casting (Increase Agility|Magnificat|Kyrie Eleison|Energy Coat) on/i
   timeout 4.5
   run-once 1
   exclusive 1

   call {
      pause 4.5
      release wait
uhhhm... guys about this macro, i used it a bit and noticed that the master initializes the wait macro even though it is not your slave who is casting a buff.. can anyone change it a bit so the mster can recognize only the slave's buff thx in advance more power :)
Try this

Code: Select all

Just add this into your console command:

console /is casting (Magnificat|Kyrie Eleison) on/i


console /Player *Your slave's name* is casting (Magnificat|Kyrie Eleison) on/i
This is the one I am using

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 20:33
by Runifl
Well this macro runs pretty smoothly, but sometimes I have a small problem with my bot.
For some reason:
-the Master runs into a portal to another map (this happens quite often, since it's a map where the portal is right at the map (um_dun01)
-Slave follows him
-Master runs back to lockmap
-Slave can't find him, tries to PM him
-Master can't receive PM, because he is still loading
-Slave is stuck at the other map


Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 03 Sep 2011, 07:48
by cursedxxx
pretty awesome macro (i changed the route_step from my master to 12 though i personally think it works the best and i changed the last pm to my masters name justto be sure it's not pming the wrong person)

and sometimes once they lose each other 1 time they're "dancing" around each other for about 30sec - 1min (so far) like master runs back to slave -> slave buffs master since he's back on screen (and i think the actives take a sec to load) -> master gets the clear sign -> tries to go on while the slave is still casting or w/e -> repeat ... kinda a pain but it REALLY saves alot of deaths in certain maps...

so I'd say thanks a lot for sharing this awesome macro man

edit: the exp rate drops quiet a bit though O_o (at a map with no aggro mobs) just wanted to share that info since i just noticed it.

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 12:44
by madshark
GameShark wrote:

Code: Select all

automacro wait {
   exclusive 1
   console /is casting (Increase Agility|Magnificat|Kyrie Eleison|Energy Coat) on/i
   timeout 4.5
   run-once 1
   exclusive 1

   call {
      pause 4.5
      release wait
uhhhm... guys about this macro, i used it a bit and noticed that the master initializes the wait macro even though it is not your slave who is casting a buff.. can anyone change it a bit so the mster can recognize only the slave's buff thx in advance more power :)
Hi, all..long time..but i hope not too late..this code seems work with me..adjust it according to your usage

Code: Select all

automacro wait {
   exclusive 1
   console /(.*?) is casting (Increase Agility|Magnificat|Kyrie Eleison|Energy Coat) on/i
   timeout 4.5
   run-once 0
   exclusive 1

   call {
      $anything = $.lastMatch1
      if ($anything = "Your Priest's Name" ) goto one
      log $anything is working great!
      pause 4.5
      release wait
if the console has displayed character id on it, use this instead..hope it works

Code: Select all

automacro wait {
   exclusive 1
   console /Player (.*) \((\d+)\) is casting (Magnificat|Kyrie Eleison) on/i
   timeout 4.5
   run-once 0
   exclusive 1

   call {
      $anything = $.lastMatch1
      if ($anything = "Your Priest's Name" ) goto one
      log $anything is working great!
      pause 4.5
	  release wait

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 10:13
by PepsiCoke
im currently using this one and it works perfectly.... but now i have to add 3 bot accounts to farm at that site... my problem are... i have only 1 AB(archbishop) to support my entire party.. what i want is im gonna leave my AB at one spot but he will move randomly(maybe 10 to 15 steps to its lockmap to loot/s some items) and will be back to his original spot after moving that far.. and now i have 4 farmer in that map.. the problem with this is if 1 of my farmer status buffs fade away or he need some hp/health he will pm the slave where he is and go to that location to have some buffs/heal... after that my farmer going to hunt again and so on and so forth...

im not good at this im only good at using the autotrade vending and dealing :0 I hope u can help me soon... thnx in advance more power! c:

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 25 Apr 2012, 09:57
by PepsiCoke
I got a solution to my problem
I do not own this code

MACRO for priest

##### B H #####
##### U E #####
##### F A #####
##### F L #####
##### E E #####
##### R R #####

automacro monsterBUFFS {
sp > 20%
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (.*)(buff|Flag|Help|heal)(.*)$/
exclusive 1

call {
$dist = $.lastMatch1
$target = $.lastMatch3
$skill = $.lastMatch5

if ($dist > 8) goto end
if ($skill == buff) goto buff
if ($skill == Flag) goto buff
if ($skill == Help) goto heal
if ($skill == heal) goto heal
goto end

# 34 Blessing
# 29 Increase AGI
# 66 Imposition Manus
do sp 34 $target
do sp 29 $target
pause 4
do sp 66 $target
goto emo

# 28 Heal
do sp 28 $target
pause 2
do sp 28 $target
goto emo1

$last = $.lastMatch2
do e no1
goto end

$last = $.lastMatch2
do e lv
goto end



###### ######
###### H P ######
###### L O W ######
###### ######

automacro monsterFARMER {
run-once 1
hp < 35%
call runtopriest

macro runtopriest {
do move <<< location where the priest is... ex: 100 100 tur_dun03
do sit
pause 1
do e hp
pause 10
do e flg3
pause 17
do e thx
do c Thanks a lot sir... c:
do stand
release all

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 22 Feb 2013, 05:42
by gelo2012
I mixed up some of the useful macros I found. And tried to make gamenikko's "Advance Party Search" macro to fit my need for botting.
..and here it is:

For Master:

Code: Select all

##################### Find Slave ######################

#################### Slave is lost ####################
# You MUST CHANGE "POGING ALALAY" to your bot slave's name.
# Put "#" on the option you don't want to use.

automacro findSlave {
	pm /loc (.*) (.*) (.*)/

	call {
	$slavemap = $.lastMatch1
	$slavemapx = $.lastMatch2
	$slavemapy = $.lastMatch3
	$mymap = $.map
	if ($slavemap == $mymap) goto findslave
	#This is the MUST CHANGE.
	do pm "POGING ALALAY" loc $.map $.pos
	do eval AI::clear("move", "route");
	#you must change this!
	do pm "POGING ALALAY" loc $.map $.pos
	do move $slavemap $slavemapx $slavemapy
	release findSlave


################## When slave is found ################
# Put "#" on the option you don't want to use.
# Choose Option 1 to: Clear AI and move to different route.
# Choose Option 2 to: Pause for <sec>.
# I don't know what is best for you to use

automacro clear {
	pm /oksss/i
	exclusive 1
	call {

	#Option 1:
#	do eval AI::clear("move", "route");
	#Option 2:
	pause 2
	release clear

### Move or wait for slave to finish casting a spell ###
# This block here will make MASTER move to SLAVE when it's casting a spell.
# Put "#" on the option you don't want to use.
# Option 1: Pause when slave casts a spell.
# Option 2: move to slave's location when it casts a spell.
# In my case, I use the move option.

automacro buffWait {
	pm /buffs (.*) (.*) (.*)/
	aggressives < 1

	call {
	# Option 1:
	#log $slavePriest is casting a skill, waiting...
	#pause 5

	#Option 2:
	log $slavePriest is casting a skill, moving to slave's location.
	do move $.lastMatch1 $.lastMatch2 $.lastMatch3
	pause 1

For Slave:

Code: Select all

##################### FIND MASTER #####################

########## PM Master Your Map and Position ############

automacro findMaster {
	timeout 3
	console /^I lost my master/
	call {
	$masterName = @eval($::config{followTarget})
	do pm "$masterName" loc $.map $.pos

automacro findMaster2 {
	timeout 3
	console /^Calculating route to find master/
	call {
	$masterName = @eval($::config{followTarget})
	do pm "$masterName" loc $.map $.pos

#################### Go to Master ######################

automacro gotoMaster {
	pm /x (.*) (.*) (.*)/
	call {
	$pm = $.lastpm
	$masterName = @eval($::config{followTarget})
	if ($pm != $masterName) stop
	do move $.lastMatch1 $.lastMatch2 $.lastMatch3

################ When Master Is Found ##################

automacro foundMaster {
	console /^Found my master!/
	call {
	$masterName = @eval($::config{followTarget})
	do pm "$masterName" oksss

####################### BUFFING #######################

automacro buffsMuna {
	console /You are casting (Increase AGI|Renovatio|Angelus|Magnificat|Sacrament)/i
	call {
	if (($.lastMatch1 == "Increase AGI") || ($.lastMatch1 == "Renovatio") || ($.lastMatch1 == "Magnificat") || ($.lastMatch1 == "Sacrament")) goto stopMaster

	$masterName = @eval($::config{followTarget})
	do pm "$masterName" buffs $.map $.pos
In your Master's config.txt change route_step to 8 or 10

Problems I've encountered:
1. Sometimes the Slave stops for a period of time.
2. Master and Slave goes back and forth.
3. If warped on an unknown location, Slave or Master goes nuts.
Help me fix this problems and if you found another problem, post it.. And please correct me if I got something wrong in my improvisation. :)

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 06:43
by harhar14
My macro isn't working, for the master.... what to do? whose name is it that I should place the do pm thing? And is macro case sensitive???? help plss thnx!! :)

Oh yeah my master doesn't recognize the slave... :| help

Re: Advance Party Search Macro REVISED : MAY 10, 2010

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 02:04
by gelo2012
harhar14 wrote:My macro isn't working, for the master.... what to do? whose name is it that I should place the do pm thing? And is macro case sensitive???? help plss thnx!! :)

Oh yeah my master doesn't recognize the slave... :| help
I'm sorry but I made a mistake. You should replace the "POGING ALALAY" to your slave's name instead. :)