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webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 22:48
by BonScott
Well, I have been working for some time on big update for this tool that I find useful, however misused = / I think I have done a lot of work still to be done, each time improving the plugin, and covering the basic needs to monitor a bot on the web, after all , this is the name of the plugin.

The plugin once installed is easy to use, intuitive and simple, it is not necessary to explain here what each button does, it is very obvious when you see working.

1 - Using the plugin:
Download the "trunk" folder of webMonitor in sourceForge, if you dont use tortoise for download the openkore, then do the following:
- Inside plugins folder, create a folder named webMonitor. Inside, download all the files existing in this URL, including folders.

In your config.txt, add the following line:

Code: Select all

webPort XXXX
Where is XXXX put a number of 4 digits of your choice. Ex, 1020.
After putting the port number, open the browser of your choice (chrome) and type "localhost", a colon and the port you chose in the config.

Code: Select all

Now you will see the screen of your char.

2 - Notes about updates:
Frequent updates, so visit often the topic.

3 - Screens of plugin:

4 - Additional:
To view the map image, add in config.txt

Code: Select all

See more information on Wiki:

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 23:21
by Kaspy
As soon as I finish making a part of my project, I will do to be able to edit macros via WebMonitor and collect the necessary variables for the tab Report.

At the macros will be easy, because the interface WX already has excellent examples ^ ^

Assim que eu terminar de fazer uma parte do meu projeto, irei fazer para ser possível editar macros através do webMonitor e recolher as variáveis necessárias para a aba Report.

Na parte das macros será fácil, pois na interface WX já tem excelentes exemplos ^^

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 29 Oct 2012, 07:25
by EternalHarvest
So you removed the license from webMonitor plugin (its license doesn't permit that). And you removed original author's copyright, too, and put your own only. What can you tell about that?

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 29 Oct 2012, 10:05
by BonScott
EternalHarvest wrote:So you removed the license from webMonitor plugin (its license doesn't permit that). And you removed original author's copyright, too, and put your own only. What can you tell about that?
No problems, I can put again. I dont read this e dont take into consideration that a lot. I will write a better intro in next update, ok ?

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 29 Oct 2012, 15:40
by EternalHarvest
webMonitor (as well as Wx interface) now uses new map image API instead of random third-party service. Image generation is the same as it was in Wx interface.

There are some nice prerendered map images for it:

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 29 Oct 2012, 18:44
by BonScott
EternalHarvest wrote:webMonitor (as well as Wx interface) now uses new map image API instead of random third-party service. Image generation is the same as it was in Wx interface.

There are some nice prerendered map images for it:

Big feature to webMonitor.

I submit to a update com much more skills icons, a report page "beta" and minor fixes in buttons.

Again, sorry for remove the license.

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 29 Oct 2012, 23:47
by kali
I'm so happy the plugin is getting some love :) I always thought I was the only one who found it useful :(

We used to run a contest for skinning the plugin but unfortunately not a lot of people joined. The plan was to commit a few base skins so that people can just switch to them whenever they liked.

Here's my entry (sorry, lost the source)

This is from the old version

This is from another entry ... EaQXiXGr0g

Thanks so much for your interest, the plugin has taken a life of its own because of you guys :)

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 07:23
by BonScott
EternalHarvest wrote:webMonitor (as well as Wx interface) now uses new map image API instead of random third-party service. Image generation is the same as it was in Wx interface.

There are some nice prerendered map images for it:
This feature generate a error:

Code: Select all

Error message:
Can't locate in @INC at src/ line 470.

Stack trace:
Can't locate in @INC at src/ line 470.
 at src/ line 470
	Field::image('Field=HASH(0x7d1e7dc)', 'png, jpg') called at plugins/webMonitor/ line 508
	webMonitorServer::request('webMonitorServer=HASH(0x4085284)', 'Base::WebServer::Process=HASH(0x7d2116c)') called at src/Base/ line 194
	Base::WebServer::_processRequest('webMonitorServer=HASH(0x4085284)', 'Base::Server::Client=HASH(0x7d0691c)') called at src/Base/ line 126
	Base::WebServer::onClientData('webMonitorServer=HASH(0x4085284)', 'Base::Server::Client=HASH(0x7d0691c)', 'GET /map/moc_fild03 HTTP/1.1\x{d}\x{a}Host: localhost:1001\x{d}\x{a}Connectio...', 7) called at src/Base/ line 203
	Base::Server::iterate('webMonitorServer=HASH(0x4085284)') called at D:/openkore/plugins/webMonitor/ line 78
	webMonitorPlugin::mainLoop('mainLoop_post', undef, undef) called at src/ line 433
	Plugins::callHook('mainLoop_post') called at src/ line 71
	main::mainLoop() called at src/ line 75
	Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x3bf2ad4)') called at D:\openkore\ line 97
	main::__start() called at D:\openkore\ line 187

Died at this line:
* 	require Wx;
Using latest openkore-svn.

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 08:15
by EternalHarvest
BonScott wrote:Can't locate in @INC at src/ line 470.
Fixed. Now you just won't get anything but xpm if you don't have Wx for some reason.

Re: webMonitor v2 - by BonScott

Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 09:18
by BonScott
EternalHarvest wrote:
BonScott wrote:Can't locate in @INC at src/ line 470.
Fixed. Now you just won't get anything but xpm if you don't have Wx for some reason.
What Wx ? The WX files in src/intercface folder ? I dont use the wxstart.exe.

Now, he return the mapa name but not the extension of the file:

Code: Select all

    <style type="text/css">
		canvas { 
		background-size: contain;
		background-repeat: no-repeat;