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buscommand update party

Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 01:55
by licielg
Before you can send bus command player name|all| map

Add party|party name

bus party <comand> - all bots that are in the same party bot you wrote the command receive that
bus <party name> <command> - all bots in party name receive the command


Code: Select all

# busCommands revision 03 plugin by imikelance/marcelofoxes/licielg									
# Openkore:											
# Openkore Brazil:		
# 17:03 segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012 (rev 02)
#	- now you can use "bus <map name> <command>" to command your bots inside that map
# 01:01 domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012 (rev 01)
#	- fixed "bus command", where only commands without arguments (like sit, stand, st) would work									
#	- fixed self name checking													
#	- added	hook to allow usage with macros												
#	- added MESSENGER_MODE to allow this plugin to act as a messenger (receive/send messages only)												
# 05:52 quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012
# 	- released !
#	my special thanks goes to openkore team for developing BUS System !
# 31/12/2014 - add command 'party' or 'party name' by licielg
# This source code is licensed under the									
# GNU General Public License, Version 3.									
# See									
package busCommands;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Log qw( warning message error );
use Globals;

use constant {
	PLUGINNAME				=>	"busCommands",
	BUS_MESSAGE_ID 			=> 	"busComm",
	# you can change some of this plugin settings below !
	BUS_COMMAND 			=> 	"bus",
	DEBUG					=>	0,		# set to 1 to show debug messages
	SILENT					=>	0,		# disable almost every message. error messages will still be shown
	MESSENGER_MODE			=>	0,		# use this to receive/send messages and not commands.

# Plugin
Plugins::register(PLUGINNAME, "receive and send commands (and messages too) via BUS system", \&unload);	
	my $myCmds = Commands::register([BUS_COMMAND, 		"use ".BUS_COMMAND." <all|player name|party|<party name>|map name> <command>.",\&comm_Send]);
	my $networkHook = Plugins::addHook('Network::stateChanged',\&init);
my $bus_message_received;

sub comm_Send {
	my (undef, $cmm) = @_;
	$cmm =~ m/^"(.*)" (.*)$/;
	$cmm =~ m/^(\w+) (.*)$/ unless ($1);
	unless ($1 && $2) {
		msg("Command \"".BUS_COMMAND."\" failed, please use ".BUS_COMMAND." <all|player name|party|<party name>|map name> <command>.", 3);
	if ($char && $bus->getState == 4) {
		my %args;
		if ($1 eq "party") {
			if ($char->{party}) {
				$args{player} = $char->{party}{name};
			} else {
				error("You not in a party.");
		} else {
			$args{player} = $1;
		$args{comm} = $2;
		$bus->send(BUS_MESSAGE_ID, \%args);
	if ($1 eq $char->name || $1 eq "all") {
		Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
		return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
		msg("Running command \"$2\"");
	} elsif ($1 eq $field->name) {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
			return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
			msg("Running command $2 received via BUS");
	} elsif($char->{party}) {
		if ($1 eq $char->{party}{name} || $1 eq "party") {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
			return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
			msg("Running command $2 received via BUS");
# handle plugin loaded manually
if ($::net) {
	if ($::net->getState() > 1) {
		$bus_message_received = $bus->onMessageReceived->add(undef, \&bus_message_received);
		undef $networkHook;

sub init {
	return if ($::net->getState() == 1);
	if (!$bus) {
		die("\n\n[".PLUGINNAME."] You MUST start BUS server and configure each bot to use it in order to use this plugin. Open and edit line bus 0 to bus 1 inside control/sys.txt \n\n", 3, 0);
	} elsif (!$bus_message_received) {
		$bus_message_received = $bus->onMessageReceived->add(undef, \&bus_message_received);
		undef $networkHook;

sub bus_message_received {
	my (undef, undef, $msg) = @_;
	return if (!$char);
	return unless ($msg->{messageID} eq BUS_MESSAGE_ID);
	if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $char->name || $msg->{args}{player} eq "all") {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});
			return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
			msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");
	} elsif ($msg->{args}{player} eq $field->name) {
		#if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $field->name) {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});
			return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
			msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");
	} elsif($char->{party}) {
		if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $char->{party}{name}) {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});
			return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
			msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");

sub msg {
	# SILENT constant support and sprintf.
	my ($msg, $msglevel, $debug) = @_;
	unless ($debug eq 1 && DEBUG ne 1) {
	$msg = "[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$msg."\n";
		if (!defined $msglevel || $msglevel == "" || $msglevel == 0) {
			warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
		} elsif ($msglevel == 1) {
			message($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
		} elsif ($msglevel == 2) {
			warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
		} elsif ($msglevel == 3) {
	return 1;

# Plugin unload
sub unload {
	message("\n[".PLUGINNAME."] unloading.\n\n");
	Plugins::delHook($networkHook) if $networkHook;
	undef $myCmds;
	undef $networkHook;
	$bus->onMessageReceived->remove($bus_message_received) if $bus_message_received;
	undef $bus_message_received if $bus_message_received;


Re: buscommand update party

Posted: 20 Jan 2015, 11:28
by Shakti-lar
Awesome plugin.... thanks for plugin....
my master & slave only need little time to recover when lost party

automacro gotoMaster {
disabled 0
console /^I lost my master/
call {
$master = @config (followTarget)
do pm "$master" x $.map $.pos
timeout 1
automacro findSlave {
disabled 0
pm /x (.*) (.*) (.*)/
call {
$slavemap = $.lastMatch1
$slavemapx = $.lastMatch2
$slavemapy = $.lastMatch3
$lockMap = @config (lockMap)
$mymap = $.map
if ($mymap == $lockMap) goto findslave
if ($mymap == $slavemap) goto findslave
do eval warning "Slave not on Map\n";
do eval message "Commanding Slave to Move Towards Master\n";
do bus "$.lastpm" ai clear
do bus "$.lastpm" move $.map $.pos
timeout 1

my other idea:
automacro gotoMaster {
disabled 0
console /^I lost my master/
call {
$master = @config (followTarget)
$myname = ????
do bus "$master" bus "$myname" move [master map] [master position]
timeout 1
how to get my name automatically?
how to get master map & master position?

Re: buscommand update party

Posted: 20 Jan 2015, 18:39
by 4epT
Shakti-lar, just use config options: followBot (not plugin :D )

Re: buscommand update party

Posted: 20 Jan 2015, 20:01
by Shakti-lar
yes i know there is followBot standard option
but with standard followBot, slave will pm master, and master will move to slave
in case master been followed by only 1 priest it will be good
but in my case, master been followed by 2 to 3 slave(priest + other dps), if slave(s) missed, 1 by 1 will pm master
and master will not go for mob monster, only move from 1 slave to another slave

i want that master will still move forward, and slaves will catch up to master if they lost
slave aiv:
ai_seq (auto) = move take items_take follow follow follow follow follow follow
Active tasks: RaiseStat, RaiseSkill, Timeout, Timeout, Timeout, Timeout,
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Timeout, Timeout, Timeout, Timeout, Timeout

Re: buscommand update party

Posted: 21 Jan 2015, 09:16
by kokal
I don't know how to make it work as messenger mode.
So I just check out the code from svn and merge it with licielg's mod.

Code: Select all

# busCommands revision 03 plugin by imikelance/marcelofoxes/licielg                           
# Openkore:                                 
# Openkore Brazil:      
# 17:03 segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012 (rev 02)
#   - now you can use "bus <map name> <command>" to command your bots inside that map
# 01:01 domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012 (rev 01)
#   - fixed "bus command", where only commands without arguments (like sit, stand, st) would work                           
#   - fixed self name checking                                       
#   - added   hook to allow usage with macros                                    
#   - added MESSENGER_MODE to allow this plugin to act as a messenger (receive/send messages only)                                    
# 05:52 quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012
#    - released !
#   my special thanks goes to openkore team for developing BUS System !
# 31/12/2014 - add command 'party' or 'party name' by licielg
# This source code is licensed under the                           
# GNU General Public License, Version 3.                           
# See                								
package busCommands;

use strict;
use Plugins;
use Log qw( warning message error );
use Globals;

use constant {
	PLUGINNAME				=>	"busCommands",
	BUS_MESSAGE_ID 			=> 	"busComm",
	# you can change some of this plugin settings below !
	BUS_COMMAND 			=> 	"bus",
	BUS_COMMAND_MESS 			=> 	"busmsg",
	DEBUG					=>	0,		# set to 1 to show debug messages
	SILENT					=>	0,		# disable almost every message. error messages will still be shown
	MESSENGER_MODE			=>	0,		# use this to receive/send messages and not commands.

# Plugin
Plugins::register(PLUGINNAME, "receive and send commands (and messages too) via BUS system", \&unload);	
    my $myCmds = Commands::register([BUS_COMMAND, 		"use ".BUS_COMMAND." <all|player name|party|<party name>|map name> <command>.",\&comm_Send],
								    [BUS_COMMAND_MESS,	"use ".BUS_COMMAND_MESS." <all|player name|party|<party name>|map name> <message>.",\&msg_Send]);
	my $networkHook = Plugins::addHook('Network::stateChanged',\&init);
my $bus_message_received;

sub comm_Send {
	my (undef, $cmm) = @_;
	$cmm =~ m/^"(.*)" (.*)$/;
	$cmm =~ m/^(\w+) (.*)$/ unless ($1);
	unless ($1 && $2) {
        msg("Command \"".BUS_COMMAND."\" failed, please use ".BUS_COMMAND." <all|player name|party|<party name>|map name> <command>.", 3);
	if ($char && $bus->getState == 4) {
		my %args;
        if ($1 eq "party") {
    		if ($char->{party}) {
            	$args{player} = $char->{party}{name};
	        } else {
            	error("You not in a party.");
      	} else {
			$args{player} = $1;
		$args{comm} = $2;
		$bus->send(BUS_MESSAGE_ID, \%args);
	if ($1 eq $char->name || $1 eq "all") {
        Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
		return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
		msg("Running command \"$2\"");
	} elsif ($1 eq $field->name) {
    	Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
		return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});			
		msg("Running command $2 received via BUS");
	} elsif($char->{party}) {
		if ($1 eq $char->{party}{name} || $1 eq "party") {
    		Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $2});
         	return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
         	msg("Running command $2 received via BUS");

sub msg_Send {
	my (undef, $cmm) = @_;
	$cmm =~ m/^"(.*)" (.*)$/;
	$cmm =~ m/^(\w+) (.*)$/ unless ($1);
	unless ($1 && $2) {
      msg("Command \"".BUS_COMMAND_MESS."\" failed, please use ".BUS_COMMAND_MESS." <all|player name|party|<party name>|map name> <message>.", 3);
   	if ($char && $bus->getState == 4) {
      	my %args;
      	if ($1 eq "party") {
         	if ($char->{party}) {
            	$args{player} = $char->{party}{name};
         	} else {
            	error("You not in a party.");
      	} else {
         	$args{player} = $1;
      	$args{comm} = $2;
      	$args{sender} = $char->name;
	  	$bus->send(BUS_MESSAGE_ID_MESS, \%args);
		if ($1 eq $char->name || $1 eq "all") {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $args{comm}, sender => $args{sender}});
		} elsif ($1 eq $field->name) {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $args{comm}, sender => $args{sender}});
		} elsif($char->{party}) {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $args{comm}, sender => $args{sender}});
# handle plugin loaded manually
if ($::net) {
	if ($::net->getState() > 1) {
		$bus_message_received = $bus->onMessageReceived->add(undef, \&bus_message_received);
		undef $networkHook;

sub init {
	return if ($::net->getState() == 1);
	if (!$bus) {
		die("\n\n[".PLUGINNAME."] You MUST start BUS server and configure each bot to use it in order to use this plugin. Open and edit line bus 0 to bus 1 inside control/sys.txt \n\n", 3, 0);
	} elsif (!$bus_message_received) {
		$bus_message_received = $bus->onMessageReceived->add(undef, \&bus_message_received);
		undef $networkHook;

sub bus_message_received {
	my (undef, undef, $msg) = @_;
	return if (!$char);
	if ($msg->{messageID} eq BUS_MESSAGE_ID) {
		if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $char->name || $msg->{args}{player} eq "all") {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});				
         	return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
			msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");
   		} elsif ($msg->{args}{player} eq $field->name) {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});				
         	return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});
			msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");
   		} elsif($char->{party}) {
      		if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $char->{party}{name}) {
         		Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm},});
         		return if (MESSENGER_MODE || $config{'busCommands_messengerMode'});   
         		msg("Running command $msg->{args}{comm} received via BUS");
	} elsif ($msg->{messageID} eq BUS_MESSAGE_ID_MESS) {
		if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $char->name || $msg->{args}{player} eq "all") {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm}, sender => $msg->{args}{sender}});
			msg("$msg->{args}{sender} : $msg->{args}{comm}");
		} elsif ($msg->{args}{player} eq $field->name) {
			Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm}, sender => $msg->{args}{sender}});
			msg("$msg->{args}{sender} : $msg->{args}{comm}");
   		} elsif($char->{party}) {
      		if ($msg->{args}{player} eq $char->{party}{name}) {
				Plugins::callHook('bus_received', {message => $msg->{args}{comm}, sender => $msg->{args}{sender}});
				msg("$msg->{args}{sender} : $msg->{args}{comm}");

sub msg {
	# SILENT constant support and sprintf.
	my ($msg, $msglevel, $debug) = @_;
	unless ($debug eq 1 && DEBUG ne 1) {
	$msg = "[".PLUGINNAME."] ".$msg."\n";
		if (!defined $msglevel || $msglevel == "" || $msglevel == 0) {
			warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
		} elsif ($msglevel == 1) {
			message($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
		} elsif ($msglevel == 2) {
			warning($msg) unless (SILENT == 1);
		} elsif ($msglevel == 3) {
	return 1;

# Plugin unload
sub unload {
	message("\n[".PLUGINNAME."] unloading.\n\n");
	Plugins::delHook($networkHook) if $networkHook;
	undef $myCmds;
	undef $networkHook;
	$bus->onMessageReceived->remove($bus_message_received) if $bus_message_received;
	undef $bus_message_received if $bus_message_received;

So now we have two commands for bus system: bus and busmsg.

In your case, I think you can use busmsg to send messages using bus system.

Code: Select all

automacro gotoMaster {
disabled 0
console /^I lost my master/
call {
$master = @config (followTarget)
do busmsg "$master" x $.map $.pos
timeout 1
automacro findSlave {
disabled 0
console /\[busCommands\] (.*) : x (.*) (.*) (.*)/
call {
$slavename = $.lastMatch1
$slavemap = $.lastMatch2
$slavemapx = $.lastMatch3
$slavemapy = $.lastMatch4
$lockMap = @config (lockMap)
$mymap = $.map
if ($mymap == $lockMap) goto findslave
if ($mymap == $slavemap) goto findslave
do eval warning "Slave not on Map\n";
do eval message "Commanding Slave to Move Towards Master\n";
do bus "$slavename" ai clear
do bus "$slavename" move $.map $.pos
timeout 1
Good luck.