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Re: playerRecorder plugin

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 01:40
by genuineopenkore
thanks a lot sir KeplerBR

Re: playerRecorder plugin

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 02:12
by genuineopenkore

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   return if ((time - $nickListTime{$targetName}) < 1);
   $nickListTime{$targetName} = time;
the code didn't work sir. it does not re-check the players around him...

Re: playerRecorder plugin

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 15:59
by Kaspy

I also added the command inform, that displays the list of players and how long were seen

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package ExamplePlugin;
	use strict;
	use warnings;
	use Plugins;
	use Log qw(message);
	use Globals;
	use Settings;
	use Actor;

Plugins::register('example', 'Example Plugin  ', \&Unload, \&Reload);
Plugins::addHook('player_exist', \&Called, undef);

my $commandHangmanGame = Commands::register(
		["inform", "Inform player list view", \&commandInform]

my %nickListTime;

sub Unload {
Plugins::addHook('charNameUpdate', \&Called);

sub Reload {
Plugins::addHook('charNameUpdate', \&Called);

sub Called {
    my (undef, $args) = @_;
    my $targetName = $args->{player}{name};

   return if ($nickListTime{$targetName} && (time - $nickListTime{$targetName}) < 180);
   $nickListTime{$targetName} = time;
    Commands::run("p Player Seen: $targetName");

sub commandInform {
	my $message;
	for ( sort {$nickListTime{$b} <=> $nickListTime{$a}} keys %nickListTime) {
		$message .= "* $_ - " . (time - $nickListTime{$_}) . "\n";
	message $message;

return 1;

Re: playerRecorder plugin

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 14:57
by genuineopenkore

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return if ($nickListTime{$targetName} && (time - $nickListTime{$targetName}) < 5);
its working sir but its not recording again on desired time...
i tried to adjust the time to see if its recording in every 5 seconds but still it records only for once and doe's not repeat it's process

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Plugins::addHook('player_exist', \&Called, undef);
this code sir its printing the names for once in a fast print like the use of the code in macro "[ ]"
It did only print for once just only when a newly logged bot and didn't record the players passing-by

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sub commandInform {
   my $message;
   for ( sort {$nickListTime{$b} <=> $nickListTime{$a}} keys %nickListTime) {
      $message .= "* $_ - " . (time - $nickListTime{$_}) . "\n";
   message $message;
how thus this code triggered sir?

The difference in these codes

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Plugins::addHook('player_exist', \&Called, undef);
records only when newly logged in

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Plugins::addHook('charNameUpdate', \&Called, undef);
records when player is visble or whether its coming out or came back

Re: playerRecorder plugin

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 15:51
by Kaspy

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return if ($nickListTime{$targetName} && (time - $nickListTime{$targetName}) < 180)

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return if ((time - $nickListTime{$targetName}) < 180);
Regarding the hook, do not know what would be the ideal use.
genuineopenkore wrote:

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sub commandInform {
   my $message;
   for ( sort {$nickListTime{$b} <=> $nickListTime{$a}} keys %nickListTime) {
      $message .= "* $_ - " . (time - $nickListTime{$_}) . "\n";
   message $message;
how thus this code triggered sir?
Enter the command inform in the console

Re: playerRecorder plugin

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 16:25
by genuineopenkore
return if ((time - $nickListTime{$targetName}) < 180);
still works the same sir :cry:

This is what it printed when i type "inform" in the console. but when i'm not visible on the bot and when i type again the inform it still print the same

Re: playerRecorder plugin

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 16:29
by genuineopenkore

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   return if ((time - $nickListTime{$targetName}) < 180);
forgot to mention sir. error on this line